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- Jun 30, 2014
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You ever have one of those unexpected Wednesdays that shake you to your core? The ones that require a complete breakdown and surrendered sob in the shower?
Well I do.
And today was one of those Wednesdays.
Today I went to go visit a former employer. I joined this company in the early days and I rose up quickly through the ranks. I was really proud of the work I did there and the company we built. We took good care of our people, paid them well, gave excellent benefits and were very strict about work never going home with them. We designed a lifestyle that promoted long term employment and it's been wonderful to watch that grow. Even before I was a mother I was a huge advocate for working parents and started a program where mums could bring their babies to work when they wanted to return from maternity leave. Today I got to go see their state of the art daycare center. It was incredible and I'm so grateful to see the community that continues after leaving almost 10 years ago. It moved me
Anyways, the CEO of this company and I have remained friends throughout the years. We grab lunch together once or twice a year and today was our lunch date. Before we left for that he took me to the see the daycare and I'm order to enter I had to be signed in. There was a log book that recorded visitor details, such as the time of entry, visitor's name, escort name, etc. When entering my name in the log he paused after my first name, looks at me and gently asks "what last name are you going by these days?". Obviously my face registered "wtf mate?" because he followed up with "sorry to ask. There have been rumors of yours and Mr. Aussie:s split". Now I think it's important to note that Mr. Aussie also worked here, longer than me in fact, and so people who know me know Mr. Aussie just as well. They love him just as much as they love me. And they've only known the happy, madly in love with each other married Aussies. I thought the news of our separation was pretty well contained.
I was wrong.
Today I had to face the reality of my marriage transition in public. I didn't get into much detail over lunch and it was nice to have had a very soft landing for that first blow. The CEO shared my burden of my heartbreak for a moment and I'm grateful. He didn't judge. He didn't probe. He just let it be out there
I left lunch feeling really emotional, not yet processing all that had happened. I hit the gym on the way home and after talking to Mr. Aussie about it I jumped in the shower and just broke the fuck down.
What a Wednesday.