Anime/Hentai Military School Thread OOC

ah ha wenches, i have ice cream. and jag, i edited my charaacter post, i ntocied that in my skills there was simply "pe" and i had no idea what that meant so i put swordfighting in. just figured it fit with the swords you gave me
If you want more female players maybe we could have a more female-friendly category, like Morale Officer or something like that?
Female-friendly category? :rolleyes:


Working on a character for Air Defense but having problems with background information.
Ithica said:
Female-friendly category? :rolleyes:

What? A lot of women don't want to be fighters, why do you think they're so rare in the real world military? IME women are often drawn to caregiving, managing, educational, and artistic positions, so I thought it would draw more women into the thread to provide a role like that.
I think that women are rare in the real world military for more reasons than just "a lot of women don't want to be fighters", which is an oversimplification. The rest of that is just plain stereotyping women's motivations. :rolleyes:

I don't think that more women will want to RP here just by adding interior decorating to the list of career options. It's fake and there is no real fighting so I think that women rpers can handle it. If they aren't interested it is probably for more reasons than, "I just don't want to fight and I can't rp unless I can be in a caregiving, educational, or artistic role". :p
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Nothing's fake! Look at any fighting anime and you will find that the characters in support roles are important to the story and society. Every army needs mechanics, cooks, psychologists, doctors, and all sorts of non-violent support jobs. I myself am a pacifist and not interested in RPing any actual fighting, only romance, sex, maybe a little sneaking around and politics, or a wargame/training exercise where nobody got hurt. Yes I'm stereotyping women's motivations, but statistical studies show that women DO have different motivations in choosing a career (or RP role) than men do. And I am talking about statistically, on average, I'm not saying all women or all men think or feel anything, just that any form of work or entertainment where fighting is presented as the main theme will predictably appeal to a lot more men than women. RPing is not about what you can handle, it's about what you dream of and long for and enjoy enough that you spend your time on.
Well look it is simply up to the Rper, wether he/she wants to be in a violent role or not. As we all are aware there are aspects military service that do not involve direct fighting and it is up to the individual if they wish to pursue this avenue of service. So please male/female are at least in my eyes equal in that we have our share of people that serve via peace and serve via fighting. There is absolutely no shame in serving in a peaceful role. I am also sure that Jagged belives as I do that it matters not the sex of the person but only matters in the heart of that person where they will be best suited. This is an issue for real life politics and not an anime based thread at least that is just my opinion anyway.
Nothing's fake!

I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one, a lot of things are fake. But what I was getting at was that there is no real fighting in rp, meaning that I’m not actually going to have to physically kick yours or anyone else’s ass. So I don't get why if in real life a woman may not want to fight will also turn away from it in roleplaying, unless of course they are a pacifist. Also fake in the sense that you can be or do things that you may not be in real life. exp. I don't know but I don't think that Screech is an adorable little cat girl, that you are a gay man, or Rengade runs around with a sword. But I could be wrong. It is possible that what women choose in real life is different from what they choose in role playing. I'm sure you are fully aware of this but I wanted the chance to clear what I was saying and throughout there that Screech might be a little cat girl. :D

Look at any fighting anime and you will find that the characters in support roles are important to the story and society. Every army needs mechanics, cooks, psychologists, doctors, and all sorts of non-violent support jobs.

I do agree with you that adding the options of mechanics, cooks, psychologists, and doctors would be a good idea. I only disagree with you when it comes to women. To get more women to rp here I think that this thread should be moved to the SRP where there is larger pool of people to pull from. The downside of that is that the threads in the SRP get off track and don’t seem to last as long as the ones in the ORP.

Yes I'm stereotyping women's motivations, but statistical studies show that women DO have different motivations in choosing a career (or RP role) than men do. And I am talking about statistically, on average, I'm not saying all women or all men think or feel anything, just that any form of work or entertainment where fighting is presented as the main theme will predictably appeal to a lot more men than women.

Saying statistical study is very vague. Depending upon what type of statistical study you are talking about, you will have to keep in mind that it doesn’t prove anything and if they are saying they have proven anything then they are full of shit. They can show correlations or they can strongly support but they can’t prove and explain why beyond a doubt. They can't do this for many reasons but in this case I would guess because there are many things that motivate people. Yes, I know that recent studies have shown that women have different motivations to choosing career roles than men but they don't show why and they only look at middle class caucasians which leaves a lot out. I don’t really want to go into gender intensification or socialization so I’m leaving this alone.

This is a game. I don't think that what would motivate a woman to choose a career in real life will be the same motivators that would help her decide what to rp. It's not like she's going to have to worry about how to juggle a career and children.

And quite frankly we all have different reasons for choosing what we do. That women and men have different motivations is not surprising. I’m sure my motivations are different than yours and everyone else's. exp. you don't want to fight and are more into the intrigue; I want to look up fighter pilot stuff and rp a dogfight.

RPing is not about what you can handle, it's about what you dream of and long for and enjoy enough that you spend your time on.

That maybe the way you handle it but I take what I can handle. exp. if I don't think I can rp a swordfight, I don't take a character where I have to use a sword.

Character Bio:

Name: Kaili Rada
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Nationality: Canadian
Race: Human
Physical Description: 5'6, red hair and blue eyes.
Family Background: Mother was with the Calvary and is now retired. Father was with the Air Defense and is deceased.
Skills: Kick boxing, first aid, mechanics, fire arm training, basic flight training which includes stuff like basic flight maneuvers, preflight, and normal and emergency procedures, ect.

Career Skills: Became a pilot at a young age by flying small civilian aircrafts and used that skill to fly tourist around during summer break. Learned to fly during extreme weather by dropping off supplies to isolated communities in the Arctic. Training to be a fighter pilot.

Dorm: Air Defense
Well put RoneLith.

As for those who wish to skip my dissertation in the first half of the above post, it's basically what RoneLith said with just more babbling. :kiss:
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A rather gruff looking man in a dirty white tank top sits down in his favorite chair to flip through the channels of his non cable access tv hoping to find some semblance of breasts or ass possibly a beer commercial and says the phrase, "just like a woman to babble on about something when a man has already said it." He cackles with laugher and for some unknown reason his chest begins to hurt and his jaw freezes.

"You have failed me for the last time oh horrible male stereotype," a voice says from the tv. "Now feel every instance of your heart exploding in your chest, Ha ha Ha!"

Moments later he is dead, and our friend the voice says. "Terribly sorry for that out burst of a time only described as barbaric and unfortunately personofied in this enlightend age that we live in. It is truly sorrowful that a society that has created so much still acts in a way such as this and in this example of male stereotype we have used our influence to kill it. We truly do belive that women are complex thinkers able to come up with their own independant thoughts that can shake the grounds of philosophy and politics and science. After all..."suddenly we see the tv and a rather hansome man sits in his favorite chair in a very clean and well dressed manner watching his cable tv and possibly thinking of a movie to watch perhaps a skinamax flick, "they are not just two boobs and a pussy!" Manical laughter fills the area as the viewer pulls back into the darkness in fear.

"Its safe in the dark, its safe in the dark."

Sorry that was pretty silly of me wasn't it. I rather thought it was funny to post something so utterly opposite of what we were talking about and since I have already posted my true thoughts this was something that had to be said, hopefully we can begin the thread soon and our talks about male female politics can safely be put to rest. Thank you for your time and have a pleasent day.

Ithica said:
I do agree with you that adding the options of mechanics, cooks, psychologists, and doctors would be a good idea. I only disagree with you when it comes to women. To get more women to rp here I think that this thread should be moved to the SRP where there is larger pool of people to pull from. The downside of that is that the threads in the SRP get off track and don’t seem to last as long as the ones in the ORP.

Ok - I'll agree with this and we can let the subject drop, lol.
Compliment a man and it goes straight to his head. tsk tsk. :catroar:

sunandshadow said:
Ok - I'll agree with this and we can let the subject drop, lol.

Agreed :kiss:.
An interesting debate........So who needs their gear setup for them?
Ithica- yes i do not run around with a sword, its too bad though :wishful expression: I live in baltimore where unfoftunately whenever ive been jumped its been with knives, guns, or various blunt force weapons. Dont worry tho, i win most of the time. :looks fondly at the old gunshot wound behind his shoulder, or at least would if he could turn his head enough: i agree with Rone, lets go to war.
I can dig this setting!

Will get a character together in the next day or so and throw it up here... Probably either going to be a full-on honourable samurai/knight type or a mech-lovin' engineer. Both staple archetypes from anime :p
Jagged said:
An interesting debate........So who needs their gear setup for them?

Well if my NI and mecha/spaceship worldbuilding are ok, I could use some suggestions about what my mecha/ship should be like. :)
sunandshadow....Sorry no to a super brain. Normal tech kid is fine. A super brain is beyond unfair tot he other players. Perhaps a clone....maybe even more then one, but seems to me that you out class the other players. Fair and fun.

After all we are writing a great story about a team.
Jagged said:
sunandshadow....Sorry no to a super brain. Normal tech kid is fine. A super brain is beyond unfair tot he other players. Perhaps a clone....maybe even more then one, but seems to me that you out class the other players. Fair and fun.

After all we are writing a great story about a team.

? I didn't intend my character to be any more intelligent than a regular human. His unusualness is that he doesn't have a physical body, instead he can either use a machine as his body, display a hologram of a body, or see through the eyes of a human pilot candidate. But if you don't want me to do that then ok, I'll have to rethink it.

But you know, you didn't specify it was about a team - I assumed we were going to play in couples, each of which had more or less their own story.
Hey guys updates coming soon...been bogged down with projects all week.
Maki Nurasawa

Background Items

5 Body suits (different colors made by other cat creatures), Pair of brass knuckles with claws, Silk tent for meditation, 3 pieces of traditional Nekomusume art work, 2 complete sets of Kendo armor with sticks, Grappling hook and 50ft of rope, Small radio that allows communication with home city, Hunting rifle and scope, Hunting knife, 13 large soft cushions different colors (large enough for a cat creature), 3 wall hangings of Egyptian artwork depicting cats, One work station that can make bodysuits and body armor for cat creatures.

Skil Items

2 Laptops, cellphone, baseball bat with nails through it, Book shelf filled with books on Japanese mythology, 3 Glocks each with an extra magazine, Uzi submachine gun, backpack

Job Items

Security jacket and hat, AR-15, gunbelt, .38, police baton, 2 pairs of combat boots

Infantry Dorm issue

5 complete sets of woodland BDUs, three dress uniforms, pistol holester belt and sword, one bolt action rifle and bayonet, one assault rifle, one complete set of riot gear including shield and baton, beding, towels, and text books. 3 complete sets of PT workout clothes.
Orn Kross

Family Background Items

3 Home country flags (Norwegian, Norway), pair of bayonets, 2 AG-3 (Norwegian version of the Heckler & Koch G3 battle rifle), 2 Artic sleeping bags, 1 command ten (sleeps 6), One small desk top computer filled with wargames and a copy of Clausewitz on War, One large model Viking Ship with troops and Viking Village model, One book shelf of Norwegian military manuels

Skill Items

One complete set of mountian climbing gear with 100ft of rope, One double barrel shotgun, one hunting knife and sheath, one WWII German machine gun and two ammo boxes, One battle axe, one long sword, and one chainmail shirt

Job Items

4 complete sets of hunting camoflague, one deer skin rug, bolt action WWI rifle and 6 boxes of shells, 4 hunting dogs

Infantry Dorm issue

5 complete sets of woodland BDUs, three dress uniforms, pistol holester belt and sword, one bolt action rifle and bayonet, one assault rifle, one complete set of riot gear including shield and baton, beding, towels, and text books. 3 complete sets of PT workout clothes. Flame thrower, Grenade launcher, M-60 and gun belt (hey he is a big boy)