Anime/Hentai Military School Thread OOC

U.N. not to late and I like what I read so I will get back to you....Hope some of the others who signed on make an appearance. My bad for not back to them sooner.
Now that you are all settling in I will have a few things happening.
Not possible your post last night willl put something up later today. thanks for the interest. You will have all you need to start soon.
Hey, I was just curious... is there anyone that can be/wants to be Devin's roommate? She'll need a friend that can put up with her temper...
well, if shes in the infantry dorm, she can room with Dan. hes irish american, and has that flaming irish temper. plus hes sexy.
rengadeirishman said:
well, if shes in the infantry dorm, she can room with Dan. hes irish american, and has that flaming irish temper. plus hes sexy.

Sounds good to me... I don't know how many others are in the mechanics field... So... maybe if Jagged is alright with it.... And yes, actually I was hoping no one would move in on your character first! :cathappy:
lol, I don't doubt it man. So do you want to try and befriend the little spitfire once she gets her stuff?
Then come on in and make a post. I'm sure the other guys will swarm to you in order to garner your...attentions. :)
Lol I was waiting for my stuff but... I guess it's all good... I thought I was supposed to wait *takes a running jump right into the thread*
so i went ahead and said that your dorm is the same as mine nerdslut, prersumtuous of me since jagged hasnt been around, but if he has a serious objection (which i doubt he will) we can always fix it later.

the edit button is an amazing thing