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Grrr ...

Maybe if I take that movie away from ya ...

That would hurt wouldn't it.

hehehehe, sorry, you guys were just looking so cozy I couldn't resist disturbing you :D
throwssomething at crysede..... not something TOO hard though. would want to bruise you now, would i?!
*longsuffering sigh* Khadgar, Khadgar, Khadgar, when will you learn, violence is never the solution...

*as soon as his back is turned, I hit him over the head with my pillow*


I think I may need sleep :D
*reaches and pulls Crysede over.... whatever obstacle is between us? lol and pins her* NO! it's NOT the answer!
it's the question, the answer is yes.

*smothers Crysede in a pillow*
SpectralDragoon said:
Demonstration please!
Well ya know I'd love to demonstrate my innovative fire starting techniques if I could Spectral, but Quiet took his stick with him when he left. :(

*smacking Khadgar with my copy of Zen and the Art of Fire Starting and wriggling out from under him*

You know what your problem is Khad, you need to learn to cultivate the spirit of inner peace and tranquility!

*knocking him upside the head with the pillow*
*very calmly trips Crysede and being tranquil, spills a glass of water on her* oh my.... whoopsie! *grins*

........ . o O (ow.... thats a big book)
*I* have a stick.

Are you saying that my stick isn't good enough to demonstrate with? Is that what you're trying to say?! No, I will not CALM down! Damnit! So his stick is better than mine now? What the hell is this anyway huh? "Gang Up On Spectral Day"? Hmph!

I'll just go sit in the corner and play with my stick.

*biting my thumb at crysede*

Okay, I'm better now.

At least, thats what the doctors said...
zen and the art of fire starting?.....Is it about lighters......:confused: ............never figured you for an arsonist...:devil:
PmTick said:
zen and the art of fire starting?.....Is it about lighters......:confused: ............never figured you for an arsonist...:devil:
Actually, I kinda like playing with fire. :D But it deals with techniques for starting fires with sticks, not the use of mechanical fire starting aids:

Originally posted by crysede
With one hand? Good grief Quiet, who taught you to light fires?! You've got to rub the stick with both hands, preferably changing the manner and speed with which you rub it frequently to really build up heat fast. Then, and this is the tricky part, when the fire's about to ignite you need to stop and let things cool down a little - if you can do this a couple of times then, when you do finally keep going beyond that point, the flames will erupt with far greater intensity. Now that's how you start a fire with a stick!

Of course, for a really superior blaze you must cultivate the state of stick-consciousness: the ability to be at one with the stick. To do this you must reach for the stick-within, to immerse yourself in feeling the inner stick, to 'become' the stick, able to sense its every need, its deepest desire, almost before it feels them itself. Ommmmmmm

The preceding excerpt was taken from Zen and the Art of Fire Starting

Oh come on Spectral, now how could I have possibly been expected to know you'd be willing to let me demonstrate with your stick!?
Oh come on Spectral, now how could I have possibly been expected to know you'd be willing to let me demonstrate with your stick!?

Uhm.... well... I dunno!

*continues playing with his own stick*

*starts tosing pillows to everyone*

*beats Khadgar on the haed w/ hers*

heh heh

*gives SD a kiss on the cheek*
what the.... damnit! lol well i'll have to use my great "time of the spawning" powers!

*clocks Arc in the stomache with his pillow*
Sex & Diamonds said:
Cute monkey....btw ;)

Yeah, PM.
If it misbehaves, do you spank it?

I think I've regressed to sixth the hell...?

Anyway, I don't think I'm the only one...I've been gone for one day, and everyone is playing with everyone's stick...

Okay, so the RE idea isn't too bad of one? We did this before, with a different group (and it was Angelus' idea; can't take credit for it) and it lasted a short while, then suddenly faded out; unexplained. I think the last episode of the X-Files will explain this one, but that might just be a rumor. I'm more than willing to get this one going though, if anyone's interested.

Maybe an X-Files thread?
QC sometimes I don't even wait for it to be bad. I went past 6th grade a long time ago, I think I'm closer to 4th right now.

Resident Evil sounds good, I've only played the first game and the Dreamcast one so I may need some info. Didn't own them, just played them at friends' houses.

Haven't watched X-files since that horrible movie that was supposed to be the end all to everything. yuck!!!
I liked the movie, but not so much the show...anyway, we can do something a little off the main sect of it. Maybe something closer to "Fire In The Sky" in plotline, but not quite the same. Y'know...regular people faced with the prospect of alien visitors, no one believes them... Maybe an Invasion of the Body Snatchers would work...

RE pretty simple. Unbrella mishandles its own experiments in biotechnology, and Raccoon City is overtaken by the outcome. Mad dogs that eat flesh, zombies, Lickers (they're in the movie if you've seen it, and from the second game). We can even make up some of our own things to make it more interesting. If you want to try it, I can probably answer damn near any question you have. i've played them all save for the Code: Veronica (no PS2 or Dreamcast).
The first time, we created Desperation, a new town and went from there. We can always start it there again...
It's nice to see more action on the RP's almost alive again.

Just a comment...