Are you dominant or submissive

Like, 95 percent submissive and wanting to be dominated and humiliated and pimped out, but, like, 5 percent of me wants to be dominant with a femboy or trans woman. Is that weird? (Although, that said, if my girlfriend "forced" me to pleasure either of those I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven.)
Very dominant, in relationships I prefer the man to be another dominant. So. I guess I am a switch. I need an equal or greater.

If I were a professional domme I would be amazing at it. I met 2 professional dommes and we were like 3 peas in a little domme pod. Hit it off, and were talking shop about their subs naturally. The problem is, when I am a domme I can't find the experience romantically or sexually gratifying. Enjoyable? Yes. Good at it? Yes.

I do respect the sub, just can't imagine a viable relationship with them. As a partner, a submissive man isn't going to work. If this were casual or a job, it wouldn't matter.

I don't think I would become a profesional domme, but have thought about it and how good I would be at it simply because I don't emotionally involve myself in the experience and it comes quite naturally to me.