Ask Me A Question v.1.29.24

I have, at around 15 when my best friend and I went to a local-ish dance studio’s day of free classes in different genres. We went to every single one of them and were fucking exhausted by the end, but it was lots of fun!

Have you ever…been ghosted by someone you had a great time with?
In college I was dancing with a girl at a party and we ended up taking a walk through a path in the woods and sharing a joint. We were out there walking and talking for a while before fooling around and talking some more. It didn’t get further than that but we traded numbers and I walked her back yo her dorm.

I texted her good night on my way back to my room (and this was t9 texting so it took effort and was clearly too soon but I was smitten)… never got a reply and the next time I ran into her she didn’t even acknowledge me.

Definitely not an experience that’s stuck with me though 🤣🤣

Have you ever ghosted someone?
In college I was dancing with a girl at a party and we ended up taking a walk through a path in the woods and sharing a joint. We were out there walking and talking for a while before fooling around and talking some more. It didn’t get further than that but we traded numbers and I walked her back yo her dorm.

I texted her good night on my way back to my room (and this was t9 texting so it took effort and was clearly too soon but I was smitten)… never got a reply and the next time I ran into her she didn’t even acknowledge me.

Definitely not an experience that’s stuck with me though 🤣🤣

Have you ever ghosted someone?
I can't say that I have.

When, and where were you, the last time you got aroused at a very inopportune time?

What do you want more of rn, and how can you make that happen?
For once, I’m not sure. To get the answer, probably some soul searching to do.

What is the one thing your partner (or previous partner) does that always pushes your sexual buttons?
I hope I am.

Have you ever been arrested for whatever reason?
I wasn't arrested, but got summoned to court while on a holiday visa in the US! I had been drinking (like all good stories) and was walking home and had to pee real bad. Mid flow and the cop car pulls up, siren on full. Of course, I wasn't able to pause and in my pissed state, told the officer he'd have to wait!

2 days later on court I had to plead guilty to the judge telling everyone I was caught urinating in public. Fined $100. Most expensive piss I've ever had 😂
Taint or ball play.

What is your biggest fetish?
I love anything panty related. Real life, wife only. Porn sites, anything where they are sniffing and playing.

Am partial to a CFNM scenario in my imagination quite often too!
Have you ever gotten caught fucking? Not caught cheating. But caught by parents, security etc.
My wife caught me once! We were not married at the time. We were in a hotel and she went to the bathroom. I decided to get ahead of ourselves and get stroking. Little did I know she could see me through the slit in the door.

When she piped up with 'are you wanking?' O nearly died. Looking back, I should have said yes, come join me instead of panicking. Might have brought our sex life in a different direction.
Nope, of she asks, I'll tell her! (In the hope she might join)

Where is the riskiest place you've fucked?
In a restroom on a Riverboat.

Where is the riskiest place you have masturbated?
Toilets on trains and airplanes! Once the door wouldn't close and I said fuck it, see what happens (wasn't caught). Once cracked one out in bed when my wife was asleep beside me. Think it was after a very hot lit story about group sex actually ♥️😉
Toilets on trains and airplanes! Once the door wouldn't close and I said fuck it, see what happens (wasn't caught). Once cracked one out in bed when my wife was asleep beside me. Think it was after a very hot lit story about group sex actually ♥️😉
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