Ask Me A Question v.1.29.24

What is one fetish you love seeing on-line but would never try in real life?
Can't say here.

What the largest number of the opposite sex that's seen you naked at the same time?

What is the largest number of sme sex you have seen naked at the same time?

What is the largest number of sme sex you have seen naked at the same time?
Once took part in a mass naked photo shoot, so that might count? Couple thousand people. Bush and cock everywhere, but nothing sexy about was Ireland and cold...😆

What were/are your most sexually active decade? (20s/30s/40s etc)
24…. Wife and I decided to try to have sex at least once every hour of a day… we did it once.

What’s the most people you have had sex with in one day?
24…. Wife and I decided to try to have sex at least once every hour of a day… we did it once.

What’s the most people you have had sex with in one day?
2 - closest I'll ever get to a threesome 😅 And wow....24 times....I would be empty after about 5!

Of those 24, how many were not enjoyable....or at least on the lower end..!
I was surprised first at being physically able to fuck her that many times. We had a timer set to make sure we were awake every hour. A couple of times we fucked for a couple of minutes before the hour and then again 15 minutes later, then slept or at least rested for an hour and a half or so. I would guess I came about 12 times out of the 24. I don’t know how many times she came, but she was really good at multiple orgasms.

What’s the most time out of a day you have spent in bed with a lover?
I was surprised first at being physically able to fuck her that many times. We had a timer set to make sure we were awake every hour. A couple of times we fucked for a couple of minutes before the hour and then again 15 minutes later, then slept or at least rested for an hour and a half or so. I would guess I came about 12 times out of the 24. I don’t know how many times she came, but she was really good at multiple orgasms.

What’s the most time out of a day you have spent in bed with a lover?
For sexy time, I'd say four hours. I do love a good cuddle though and have managed to stay in bed for over 6.

When was the last time you did a little self care?
For sexy time, I'd say four hours. I do love a good cuddle though and have managed to stay in bed for over 6.

When was the last time you did a little self care?
If we're talking spicy self care, yesterday morning "before work" (absolutely during work hours).

Actual self care was today, had some lovely morning meditation to cut some anxiety I was having for a big client call today. Honestly folks, visualisation techniques for characterising your anxiety or brain fuzz, then picturing it cleanly being removed from your body works WONDERS (at least for me).

Do you find a dark thrill in deceit? Or does any involvement of lying ruin your sex motivation?
If we're talking spicy self care, yesterday morning "before work" (absolutely during work hours).

Actual self care was today, had some lovely morning meditation to cut some anxiety I was having for a big client call today. Honestly folks, visualisation techniques for characterising your anxiety or brain fuzz, then picturing it cleanly being removed from your body works WONDERS (at least for me).

Do you find a dark thrill in deceit? Or does any involvement of lying ruin your sex motivation?
Sometimes yea, if I'm being honest. Though lying sucks too. Curious dichotomy there.

What can you describe about doing voluntary ry community service?
Sometimes yea, if I'm being honest. Though lying sucks too. Curious dichotomy there.

What can you describe about doing voluntary ry community service?
My life has been a personal and professional community service project. I’ve built houses for Habitat for Humanity, work in an orphanage in Mexico twice a year and a variety of other things. I am a counselor for hospice, working with terminally ill patients and their families.

Volunteer work is intrinsically valuable, making our communities and world better. Selfishly it is satisfying and builds relationships with people you might not ever encounter otherwise.

What is the last thing you did without any expectation of payment or reciprocity?
Helping a friend with an issue.

When was the last time you did someone a sexual favor?
Helping a friend with an issue.

When was the last time you did someone a sexual favor?
Everything I do sexually is a favor to someone.

Other than your own home or a hotel room, where was the last place you had sex?
Everything I do sexually is a favor to someone.

Other than your own home or a hotel room, where was the last place you had sex?
Travel trailer while camping during an intense rainstorm.

HYE been flashed in a restaurant?
No, watched people have sex in a beach though (not the cocktail 😋)

HYE had sex in a Jacuzzi?
Yes. Not a fan.

Yes. Not a fan.

Have you ever secretly watched another person masturbate?
1. the sand LOL
2. swaps so much, the whole bathroom is a mess after

No, I have not

Have you ever been bent on a Saint-Andrews-Cross?
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