Authors' Hangout Library

Others - mainly fetish

AB - Adult Baby e.g. diapers, bottle-feeding etc. Always difficult on Literotica because it involves a scenario of underage sex.

BF - Boyfriend

BBC - Big Black Cock

BBW - Big Beautiful Woman

CBT - Cock and Ball Torture - usually as part of femdom (Female Dominance)

CFNM - Clothed Female(s) Naked Male(s)

DOM - Dirty Old Man/Men also short for Domme - Dominant Female Mistress

FS - Facesitting usually female on male, sometimes female on female, or gay male. Rarely male on female.

GF - Girlfriend

GIF - series of still pictures linked together to be like a VID = video.

MILF - Mom I'd Like to Fuck, daughter of GILF - Granny I'd Like to Fuck.

NANO, NANOWRIMO - National Novel Writing Month - challenge to write 50,000 words during month of November.

POV (1) - Point of view from which the story is told:
1st - First Person - I did this, I did that. Limited to one individual as the story teller.
2nd - Second Person - You did this, you did that. Many readers will reject any story in Second Person. It is one of the most difficult points of view to write successfully. It can be done, but isn't recommended.
3rd - Third Person - He/She did this, he/she did that. It has subsets:
3rd limited - only the narrator's point of view is used.
3rd omniscient - the narrator, who might not be part of the action, knows what everyone is doing and thinking.

POV (2) - Point of view of a picture or a written scene e.g. lying on the floor looking up at someone standing above you.

TV - transvestite someone who wears the clothes of the other sex as a means of sexual arousal, not to be confused with
TS - transexual someone who identifies as a sex other than their birth sex. TS can be divided into pre-op i.e. unmodifed bodily and post-op with some sexual characteristics removed or artificially created.

UB - Unbirth A rare fetish that involves an adult person being taken back into a woman's womb. It is a subset of:

VORE - Eating or swallowing someone. Subsets are breast vore, cock vore, vaginal vore including unbirth, mouth vore, hair vore. Often used with furry characters bears, dragons, ponies etc.

VJ sometimes Vee-Jay = Vagina
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* BBC: Big Black Cock, often seen in B&W interracial stories
* BBW: Big Beautiful Woman, 'curvy' i.e. chubby
* BTB can also be Burn The Bastard, where a cheating male receives his due
* Cuck: a guy in a 'cuck' lifestyle is more accurately a wittol, a willing wimp
* Dom: male dominant in a BDSM relationship, vs Domme: a femalle dominant
* EH: the Erotic Horror category, home to sexual demons: succubi and incubi
* HFN: Happy For Now -- a more tentative outcome than Happy Ever After
* IRL: In Real Life -- what happens outside LIT fantasyland
* Poly: a polyamory (many partners) extended family lifestyle
* Scooby-Doo Chase: a confusing bed-hopping situation, often absurdist
* Sub: the submissive, any gender, in a BDSM relationship
* The Lifestyle -- usually BDSM or swapping relationships

Gender labels:
* FFM or MFF imply the gals have sex with each other as well as the guy.
* FMF implies the gals have sex with the guy but not with each other.
* MMF or FMM usually don't imply bisexual males. MMMMMF is often a gangbang or train.
Mainly Political

GOP - Grand Old Party = Republican
D or Dem = Democrat

RWCJ - Right Wing Circle Jerk - a term of abuse for Right wingers.

The official US State abbreviations and two letter postal codes:

List edited out. You can find them on line.
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Part of the problem for newbies is that US posters assume that everyone knows abbreviations in daily use in the USA.

But a large number of visitors to Literotica are NOT from the US. That's why I listed the US postal codes. Not everyone knows that NY is New York State or that NYC is the City of New York (in New York State). That one is fairly obvious but NJ, AK?

The General Board (GB) and Politics Board are the worst for assuming that everyone knows the acronyms, abbreviations and terms of abuse. Newbies should watch those boards for some time before posting.
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* The Lifestyle -- usually BDSM or swapping relationships

Also very often used in swinger circles.
- The swinger 'lifestyle' is referred to as 'the lifestyle'. there used to be (still are?) annual "lifestyle conventions" in Vegas, specifically for swinger groups.
- And ... "Play with" means casual sex among participating swingers.
Thank you H-D for starting this thread. While it is not useful to me anymore, it certainly would have been helpful some years ago. I'm sure the newcomers will appreciate it very much!
I'll incorporate some of these. (Can't believe I missed OP - I use it all the time. Thanks.)

Do I PM it to Laurel to get it stickified?
This would be very useful as a sticky for newbies I think.
I mean, I used to think that BBC was somethng to do with television programs.

SRP - Sexual role playing
take 2

[if improved more, this may become sticky material]

AH – Author’s Hangout, a forum n Literotica. Moderated for your convenience and to keep sometimes-unfriendly elements from turning threads into a shouting match.

BBC – Big Black Cock. A staple in IR (qv) stories.

BBW – Big Beautiful Woman, a fetish involving fascination with voluptuous or outright overweight women.

BDSM – Bondage, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism. Sometimes the DS is also taken to include Dominance and Submission. Too complex to define here, and means different things to different people, but in a story it generally means someone’s getting tied up or spanked, and is generally loving it. If they are not loving it, see NC (q.v.)

bf – boyfriend. Rarely capitalized.

BTB – Burn The Bitch. Generally a story in which a manipulative or otherwise nasty female “gets what’s coming to her” which can take a variety of forms from humiliation to outright ruin to death. Some of these may be moralistic tales of the Crime Doesn’t Pay sort, but in general they are exercises in pay back wrapped in misogyny. Generally seen in LW (q.v.).

Cuck – A cuckold. Strictly speaking this is any male who has a cheating wife. Here, often a male character who allows to encourages his partner to have sex with others (often while watching), generally to feel humiliation, but sometimes to objectify the partner. Standard (but contentious) fare in LW (q.v.) Look up wittol online for more clarification.

Dom – Dominant male. Dominant females are usually referred to as Domme. Dominance can be good or bad, depending on context; the term itself doesn’t imply either.

EC – Erotic Couplings, the catchall category for generally erotic stories that don’t cater to any single specific fetish.

GB – General Board, a forum on Literotica. Often contentious; shouting matches are generally ok here.

gf – girlfriend. Not capitalized.

GM – Gay Male (story or category). GF is not used as a parallel acronym and might be understood as girlfriend.

HEA – Happily Ever After. Describes a story that ends on a positive note with long term prospects of happiness, generally for two or more people; most often a successful relationship, but can be wealth, endless orgasms, or anything the characters desired for. Less common: HFN – Happy For Now.

IR – interracial. Generally black on white or white on Asian, but any combination counts.

IRL – In Real Life. Used to distinguish the way things happen in the real world, as opposed to the sometimes magical assumptions in many Literotica stories (sex without pregnancy, etc.) Sometimes used dismissively of strange assumptions in another forum post.

Jill – female masturbation. Derived from jack off, male masturbation. Presumably Jack and Jill needed the pail of water to wash up afterwards.

Lit - Literotica. lower case: literature, as in "erotic lit".

LW – Loving Wives, a category for stories here at Literotica. Known for an angry and insulting readership who are very divided on what the category is really about.

MC – Mind Control (category). Includes stories in which some magical or technological device turns someone into a veritable puppet for someone else’s amusement. Essentially a variation on NonCon for a specific fetish.

MF, MMF, lots of M’s and/or F’s – indicates the gender and number of people in a sexual encounter; MFF is one man and two women having sexual experiences together. Sometimes capitalization or slashes indicate dominance and submission, so Mf or M/f would signal a dominant male and submissive female. If all the letters are capitalized, dominance is not implied.

NANO, NANOWR, etc - National Novel Writing Month, a yearly writing competition.

NonCon, sometimes NC – Non-consent. A category here at Literotica with an especially weakly defined set of boundaries; it doesn’t include outright rape, unless the victim enjoys or learns to enjoy the process. It also covers Reluctance, the “I shouldn’t but, I want to, but I must not give in. but…” that is the mainstay of erotic Romance, but ends up here if it’s too dark for Romance. Better described as “very dark but ultimately after-the-fact-consenting stuff that doesn’t fly elsewhere.”

OP – Original Poster or sometimes Original Post, the person who started a thread or the post used to start it. Sometimes used in attempts to get a thread back to the starting premise.

Plot bunny. An idea for a plot in a story. They are everywhere, but can be hard to catch and skin.

POV - Point of view from which the story is told:
1st - First Person - I did this, I did that. Limited to one individual as the story teller.
2nd - Second Person - You did this, you did that. Rare and considered difficult to do well.
3rd limited - only the narrator's point of view is used.
3rd omniscient - the narrator, who might not be part of the action, knows what everyone is doing and thinking.

PM – Private message.

RAAC – Reconciliation At All Costs. A story in which a partner, even if abused or treated poorly, works to restore the relationship no matter how personally painful. Generally seen in LW (q.v.).

SF, SciFi, SF/F – the Science Fiction and Fantasy category. If your story doesn’t fit established categories, add some gears or a magical glowing vacuum tube to it and it can usually live happily here.

Stroke – masturbate

Stroker – a story, generally short and often plot free, written to get the reader to orgasm without having much other purpose.

sub - Submissive. Distinct from subplot, a secondary story.

TLDR – Too long; didn’t read. Said of a post or story that has too much too say or exceeded the reader’s attention span.

TV, Tranny – transvestite.

Unrecognized acronyms often refer to authors active on AH, or locations (often in the USA: FL for Florida, etc.) These are learned via experience.
I opted to drop most of the fetish terms. Some of them I've never even heard of, acronym'd or not, which is evidence that you can easily read AH without ever knowing they exist. Ditto the US states - they are not used commonly enough to matter(and shouldn't be used at all), and those can be looked up on line, unlike a local usage like RAAC.

The list I posted is already bordering on too long to be useful (at least, I have no patience with dictionary-length stickies). So please confine suggestions to the more or less daily use
Terms for story voting etc.

1-bomb - a (possibly malicious) vote of 1 on a story. It has a drastic impact on a story with a low vote total and is frequently seen during themed contests.

5-bomb - a (possibly dubious) vote of 5 on a story. They can seem dubious if they are multiples from one IP or come in a short time of opening a long story.

Sweep - A literotica system that reviews votes on a story, usually during a themed contest, to remove dubious votes and suspicious voting patterns. How it works is a secret otherwise some might seek to manipulate it. Can cause ratings to rise or to fall and reduce the total number of votes. Authors can request Laurel for a sweep if they suspect a prolific activity of a troll or trolls:

Troll - someone who leaves 1-bombs or abusive comments that have little relevance to the content of the story. Usually anonymous:

Anon, anonymous, anonnies, anonnymouses - people who vote or leave comments on a story without signing in and therefore concealing the source.

Guest - on list of all signed in to Lit or to a particular forum - people who are not signed in and are therefore anonymous. "guest" next to a post means that person or that identity has been removed from Literotica either at their own request or has been banned for some reason.

Alt - alternative identity. Prevalent on the General Board. People who use several alts at once can seem to be supporting another's position when they are in fact several versions of the same individual. Sequential alts - people who have been banned who then return under a similar name e.g. realamerican1 to 19 or whatever number he has reached now. On the Authors' Hangout alts can be used for writing different styles of stories. For example my main identity is oggbashan but I created a female alt jeanne_d_artois to write stories from a female point of view. My third alt is Fag-Ash_Lil, a character in one of jeanne_d_artois' stories.

AV - Avatar - the picture below a poster's name. You need to have made over 100 posts before the facility to add an Avatar appears in User CP.

Virgin - a poster with very few posts. It is easy to lose that tag by joining in one of the games threads and posting for an hour or so. It is followed by Experienced, Really Experienced and Literotica Guru. After 1,000 posts you can compose your own.

Coloured letters beside a story on a list:

N - New. A story posted recently.

H - Hot. A story that has a rating of 4.50 or higher. The loss of an H can cause distress to an author and is often thought to be caused by trolls 1-bombing.

W - Winner. A story that has won, or been placed, in a Literotica contest. Also makes the story a target for trolls and 1-bombs.

E - Editor's Choice. Laurel, the site owner, liked this story. Also makes the story a target for trolls and 1-bombs.
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1. Characters exposed to sexual situations cannot be under 18, or look or act under 18. No exceptions or loopholes. It doesn't matter what era the story is placed in, magic and technology don't invalidate the rule, dream sequences still count.This rule has nothing to do with any laws anywhere; it's just Laurel's decision on this, her privately owned server. Don't do it or even ask about it.

2. If your character fucks it, it has to be either human or entirely mythical.

3. We don't make or enforce rules. Only Laurel, the site owner, does. We can't help you or convince Laurel of anything.

4. No one has demographic data on the readership, including the site owners. The site owners do know roughly how many active writers there are, but info on the readership is anecdotal at best.

5. There's no right or wrong length to a story or a chapter. No particular form is better or gets higher ratings. Other than telling you to use better grammar, we probably can't help you improve your ratings. Note that some categories are judged more harshly than others, and some are ok with plot while others encourage sex and more sex. It's ok to ask about categories here, and some authors know them inside out.

6. If you write a story, it's automatically copyright. However, consensus here is that that implicit copyright on stories published here for free is just about useless legally. We can't help you if your story was ripped off. (And that happens frequently.)

7. There's no archetype for a typical reader here, so no one can give you anything other than vague guesses as to whether your story will be well received. There are some categories here that are much more widely read than others, and that's all we know. (Note that if anything is known about a "typical reader", it's that they either resent their ex-wife or want to screw their mother or sister. This place is not your aunt's tea club and there can be good reason for minimizing your exposure to the readership, especially when writing certain genres.)

8. If you posted in Loving Wives, you get what you get in terms of commentary. It happens to everyone there. Other categories are generally nicer but hostility can happen anywhere.

9. People read when they want to, leave scores on stories when they want to, leave comments when they want to, and don't do either when they want to. It's the same with all of us. You can't do anything about scores. Whining will not help; in fact there's evidence that whining or boasting about scores in this forum attracts additional low score votes; see the next point.

10. It's known for certain that some people put scores of 1 (awful) on stories because they are authors and competitive about scores, or sometimes by people who just hate certain topics. The site sometimes recognizes these as bogus votes and "sweeps" them away. As a result, scores have only the barest relation, if any, with story quality, especially at first. Old timers will tell you: don't get hung up on scores. Write what you like. Unless you completely suck, someone else will like it too.

11. Not everyone active in the fora is nice, honest and factual. A few are none of the above. Regard what you read here with appropriate skepticism. This is the internet; some people are simply assholes with opinions. Try not to be one of them. Note: not everyone here is who or what they claim to be.

12. To take a story you wrote off the site, post it again with the same title but add [REMOVE] to the end of the title, or at the beginning if it doesn't fit at the end. (You don't have to repost the text of the story.) It won't come down immediately.

13. You can delete comments on your stories, and you can refuse to accept anonymous comments. That's all the control you or anyone gets. It's wise to use a throwaway email address when replying to readers. Some of them have issues. (Others are very nice).

14. If contacted by someone underage - and this is not unlikely to happen eventually - cut off contact, and if you can figure out who they are, report it to Laurel via a "PM" (Private Message).

15. Whatever you're complaining about, we've probably been there too, but we can't help. The site is what it is. The management isn't interested in making radical changes, so if there's something or someone here you don't like, learn to live with it. (Other sites might suit you more.)

16. If someone here is annoying, use the Ignore feature on them. Don't whine, don't indulge in pages of drama. Optionally say goodbye, and flip the Ignore switch. It's the true path to happiness.

17. Stories take time to get through moderation. Three days is somewhat typical but it can be over two weeks. You won't be contacted if it's rejected; you have to check your author page periodically. You can resubmit with changes, after discussing it with Laurel. Or you can take it elsewhere. Discussing it here won't help you.

18. Rape stories are not allowed unless the victim decides it was ok, during or after the fact. This rule is very fuzzy, but it appears to be an attempt to not glorify real life rape, while leaving a door open for a particular genre of "We both know you want it" sexuality. This can be contentious and shouldn't be argued about here, as everyone has their opinions about it, and ultimately Laurel's the only one who decides on acceptable content. Accept it as a known grey area.

19. Don't give out a lot of personal information here. Never give out anyone else's personal information.

20. Political comments, personal attacks, promoting other sites, advertising (with certain exceptions), and quoting long sections of a story can all get you in trouble in this forum. So don't. Kink shaming is discouraged; if someone's kink seems abhorrent to you, set ignore on them.

21. Don't sweat the small stuff. And on a free erotica site, everything is small stuff. The place is supposed to be about orgasms and fun. No two people are here for the same reason and people don't have to agree on anything here. Smile and nod, or use ignore where you can't, and it's all good.

This is not an official FAQ. I'm just an occasional writer here.
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Nice coverage of a lot of regular topics. This should answer a lot of questions--for about a day or so until someone doesn't bother to read it and posts one of those "questions".

Nice coverage of a lot of regular topics. This should answer a lot of questions--for about a day or so until someone doesn't bother to read it and posts one of those "questions".


Yup. But then I can just repost, or someone else can. Or if it seems to cover everything it could become a sticky, though I'm not sure stickies work.

We can't get rid of all questions. I'm just hoping to have less of them; mostly because oldies seem to get cranky when some questions get raised and I'm not sure newbies deserve that.
Live and let live. Don't worry, be happy. The spell your under will slowly rob you of your virgin soul. Before you see the light, you must die. Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know. Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run there's still time to change the road you're on. Set the clock, make you believe, I hold the power to deceive. Sabotage and piracy, chaos our mental state. Write down what I say, fall back, evil ways. Riders of the storm, into this world we are thrown, like a dog without a bone, an actor all alone. But, what's puzzling you is the nature of my game. Life in the fast lane will surely make you lose your mind. and the hammers batter down your door, you better run! I come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun and the hot springs flow. Angels with no names, glamorize cocaine. If you wanna hang out, you gotta take here out. Tell me one more time soes I understand, are you sure Hank done it this way?
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The people who need to read it probably won't, unfortunately. But thanks for posting.

The people who need to read it probably won't, unfortunately. But thanks for posting.

They don't read the sticky Welcome Authors! Please Read. They don't read, and sometimes don't find the FAQs.

But we should cut some slack for newbies. They don't know what they should know or even the right questions to ask where.
They don't read the sticky Welcome Authors! Please Read. They don't read, and sometimes don't find the FAQs.

But we should cut some slack for newbies. They don't know what they should know or even the right questions to ask where.

Of course they don't find them. Relevant answers are scattered across at least two forums that I know of, and site rules tend to be a bit vague. I don't fault people for having questions. I didn't know AH existed when I posted my first story and in retrospect I'm lucky I didn't break any rules in it.
1. Characters exposed to sexual situations cannot be under 18, or look or act under 18. No exceptions or loopholes. It doesn't matter what era the story is placed in, magic and technology don't invalidate the rule, dream sequences still count.
I usually employ the "what age actress would play her in a movie?" rule. Compare the android girl that looks and acts 25 but was built last week to the girl that is stuck in her 14-year-old body after being turned into a vampire 200 years ago.

Also I've heard that fanfiction involving an "older version" of a normally underage character doesn't fly.

2. If your character fucks it, it has to be either human or entirely mythical.
This is in reference to bestiality in case anybody can't tell. No sex with real animals.

18. Rape stories are not allowed unless the victim decides it was ok, during or after the fact. This rule is very fuzzy, but it appears to be an attempt to not glorify real life rape, while leaving a door open for a particular genre of "We both know you want it" sexuality. This can be contentious and shouldn't be argued about here, as everyone has their opinions about it, and ultimately Laurel's the only one who decides on acceptable content. Accept it as a known grey area.
Also rape in fanfiction is flat out not allowed even if the above condition is met.
Age, Maturity and Lit's 'No sex before 18 rule'

No character can have sex in any Literotica story unless they are at least 18 years old. This is a rule fixed by the owners of the site. If you find a story that appears to break this rule - REPORT IT!

The only person who decides whether the rule is broken is Laurel. If in doubt whether your story breaks the rule send a PM (Private Message) to Laurel for advice.

There are known amplifications of this rule:

Past sex - if the character had sex before 18 it can be referred to but must NOT be described e.g. "Chloe lost her virginity at 16" could be acceptable as a bare statement. If you want something like that it would be advisable to mention it in the Notes Box when submitting.

Sci-Fi/Fantasy - before having consensual sex any non human creatures must be mature adults and preferably over 18 (human) years of age. Humanoids on another planet must be treated as human - no sex before 18. Androids/Robots created for sex must be created AS adults. They can be manufactured a day ago if they are described as a twenty/thirty year-old female/male.

Descriptions - no descriptions of bodily characteristics that imply immaturity. No number of statements that 'x is 18 (or older)' will work if x has 'budding breasts' or 'no pubic hair yet'.

School/College - No sexual activity can be described at educational establishments where the students would be expected to be under 18 years of age.

Sexual Games - Adults can play at dressing up as schoolgirl/schoolboy as long as it is made explicit that they ARE ADULTS with mature bodies.

Fan Fiction - If the fiction is about characters who are under 18 years old it probably breaks the rule.

All the above statements are my interpretation. They are subject to the statement made above:

The only person who decides whether the rule is broken is Laurel.

If you are still not sure - Ask Laurel!