Blacked vs. Bleached: Porn Industry Debate

As the old joke goes: "I don't think porn pays men very much. Whenever I go on PornHub all I see are these thirty-year-old guys still living at home with their step-moms."

But to your example its not easy finding younger male porn stars.

Years ago, I remember seeing an interview with the Great British porn director Ben Dover. His brand of gonzo films were incredibly English - from chavvy barmaids to (almost) posh totty, it was cheeky, usually shot in someone's terraced house's kitchen and completely different from the typical L.A. shoot. He was ask why, for someone whose whole brand was connected with a specific nationality, did he mainly use two foreign male porn stars - one Italian and one Belgian. His answer was that it was incredibly hard (pun still not intended) to find guys who could actually do the job - well-endowed doesn't necessarily mean stamina and while the first is easy enough to test for, how are you going to test for the second? We all know that stamina in the hand is different from stamina in the bush. And if you advertise the position of male porn star openly, how many applicants are you going to get?
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Years ago, I remember seeing an interview with the Great British porn director Ben Dover. His brand of gonzo films were incredibly English - from chavvy barmaids to (almost) posh totty, it was cheeky, usually shot in someone's terraced house's kitchen and completely different from the typical L.A. shoot. He was ask why, for someone whose whole brand was connected with a specific nationality, did he mainly use two male porn stars - one Italian and one British. His answer was that it was incredibly hard (pun still not intended) to find guys who could actually do the job - well-endowed doesn't necessarily mean stamina and while the first is easy enough to test for, how are you going to test for the second? We all know that stamina in the hand is different from stamina in the bush. And if you advertise the position of male porn star openly, how many applicants are you going to get?
I recall chatting with a female porn director who made feminist porn - it was meant to appeal to heterosexual women. And stylistically it was very good. But the only men she could find who were willing to be in a porn film for not much above min wage, and to fuck both women and men, were a pair of very scrawny lads who, bless them, weren't exactly hot, nor good at acting. And this was in Brighton so hardly a shortage of man-loving men!

I suspect she has better luck nowadays with a lot more chaps being happy to be on film, but 20 years ago there really was a shortage of male totty, even when they didn't need to have hard cocks for much of it. (I did ask my partner if he was interested, and I've never seen him so terrified! Even with his face masked! He did help with some scenery though.)
Hmmm. The history of racial issues in the western world plays a role in people's fantasies which in turn affects porn and erotica. White males never had issues getting with black women or Indian women or Chinese women or Arabian women or native American women. The white woman had no say in a white males alliance with women of color. Since the 1990s, white women having sex with black men shocks and proceeded on titillating the masses across genres. The lure of the forbidden. As a bisexual black man, I've had sex with women and men of all races. I cannot forget the angry looks I got from white guys with black girlfriends...while l was holding hands with a white lady. Make of that what you will.

That was just because you’re Canadian, Sam. :)