Casting Call For Final Thread

poohlive said:
I'm sorry, I was under the impression everybody wanted to fight. Knives being thrown, accusations running wild. I thought you guys would like to know at least what you are up against.
If you feel I'm not doin gthe thread justice, I understand. I'll back down, and let you guys continue with what you want to do.
Sorry I interfered with your thread. Good luck with whatever you come up with.

Note the word fight. Last I checked, fighting did not include you killing everyone.

And how are we supposed to know what we're up against? You have Lance, then you bring him back and have Mongrel do magic to him, then he's full of some strange dark magic, and now he's a puppet to some entity that makes no sense in the plot we started out with. Perhaps if you'd stick with, I dunno, one story, we could follow along. But when you turn everything we know on it's head without any warning, it tends to throw us off, and while that's great in books and movies, those don't need other people participating, who might get confused or not understand why such a change is even needed

I'm not saying you need to leave, but could you tone it down?
Just a bit?
I mean- I could be wrong, but I think the point is for good and evil to be kind of even, you know, so the battle drags out a little and we have a struggle? If you start god-moding and killing off people, it's not likely to happen. In fact, you're kind of winning. You know, with all the dead bodies and such?

So, if you could just turn it down a little, that'd be great. You know, pull it back a little more towards Earth and stop making your characters invicible? You don't have to leave. You're a great writer. But if you could make it so your characters don't aren't either all-powerful or all-knowing, and maybe a little more like everyone else, you know, flawed and mortal, maybe we could all get along. You know, as equal writers in the thread?
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Okay, my point wasn't to bring the whole thread down, or to have anyone leave. I was just pointing out that I'm a little lost and asking where we go from here, or when I can get involved again. That was all.
I figure, we don't need to worry about Aria being dead unless pooh and Sweets agreed to it. It wouldn't be pooh's way to do something like that without first discussing it with her, especially after the Willow incident earlier on and the fuss over that.
I just think we need to get on some sort of track.
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Yes, well, it wasn't you. That was me, venting at Pooh, who says we should all expect his god-moding, as it's only logical, as he made his character a God.

Which, to me, is centering the thread a little too much on himself, especially when he flips it all around for seemingly no reason other than his amusement. Then again, I don't know. There could be a good explination. *shrugs*

Oh well, add me to the death toll. Well, I can say, now, Joseph is certainly dead. No more of this "He's dead." "No he's not!" nonsense I've been carrying on. Closure. Yum.

Well, have fun, deal with it all,...however. I'm just done with it all.
Hmm. Emotional. Hmm. *shrugs*
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I didn't ok Aria's death, nor anyone else's characters death.

Technically yes, Christian would be dead... But with Pooh on the rampage in there, I didn't think QC gave the go-ahead on killing Christian.. So i used the old wives tale about not dying without the head severed. *shrugs*

it's a chaotic mess in there right now, will take some thought on what to do.

Pooh, it's our thread.. meaning EVERYONE'S. Not mine, not yours, not grands.. Everyones. I know lately you've had a rough time, or down or whatever going on but I have to agree here with GM. The controlling/killing thing was a little screwed up. That doesn't mean we want you to leave. I didn't argue nor get mad last night when I read what you wrote. Safe assumption Aria is dead, so be it. *sighs*

After all the time and work and energy, I feel it's best to just let this one go. Or end it here and now, kill'em all. Not much else of a solution to offer here. Nothing that isn't out in the twilight zone area now.

I dont know what else to do here.. Kinda disappointing the direction it just went, but what can ya do? It's role play, shit happens. I'd like to see it ended, sticking to whats been done and see it through. But need your input (everyone) on what you think? feasibly now, Joseph and Aria are gone. Ray as well. Anna is a nut case, Christian (if QC decided to keep him alive) would take months to heal.. And Kat as much as that has happened, she's gotta be worn out now. Cant revive Aria and Joseph.. pretty much dust.

I am going to bite my tongue now and say no more. If anyone has a solution let me know :D

I can always just wake Aria up and it all was a bad dream? lol not sure whatelse is left to do? Firegirl and Christian can continue on, new ring bearers I guess to find :D Anna is still alive..
Hey guys. I just thought it would be a fun choice. I've had this idea for months now, and have been planning and taking great care just how to introduce everything. Of course, that's just me though.
If you guys don't like it, I understand. You can do your own thing. Won't hurt my feelings one bit. You all deserve to have fun, and if in my plot, you're not having fun, then so be it. I'm gone. Out with the old, in with the new.
Actually, it's been almost a year in the making. Ever since I made Mongrel, I made him this fantastical wizard with powers beyond that of any normal man, or vampire for that matter, and I was thinking, ok, just where in the hell did he get those powers? It's not like you can go down to the gym and become the greatest wizard overnight. So, I'm thinking he sold his soul for them, you know, typical satan thing. Of course, what would satan want with this soul? He would probably already get it anyway.
So, then and there I came up with this character. A godlike being trapped on earth, who needs the most powerful book in the world to free itself and live on for eternity. It used Mongrel, gave him immortal power in order to help him.
No one was curious about all of this? Why Mongrel was so powerful, why he wanted the book so much? All you have to do is ask, hell, I'd even ruin kick ass surprises if anyone would simply ask me, say, "Hey, Gary, what's up with this part?" Or "Yeah, well, I don't quite understand this."
No one wrote me though. QC did, once. I told him what he wanted to know. He asked what we could do in order to kill this God. And, I was thinking... how do you kill a god? No easy answer came to me, Run, was what I told him.
But, that's just my plot. I have been coming up with this particular plot for over a year now. A few changes here and there, but most of the important parts are there. You all followed along so far, I guess, so long as there were easy vampires to kill with a single kick or some dark presence you can all just let run away with a few smart smirks.
I thought it would be nice to finally introduce something that would be a decent foe. If you want to keep fighting groups of vampires with a few kicks and run around feeding and stuff, go ahead.
I was looking at this more as a role playing experience, not a collaborative writing experience. I thought, it would be great to role play, and in this role play, there is an evil demon, trying to get what it wants. Now, these vampires, destined of course, are trying to stop him.
Well, a simple enough plot. It does require a little thinking though. You have to do some guesswork. Know when to fold them, know when to hold them, kinda thing. Hmmm, ok... This evil Demi-God taunts you, what do you do? (I throw a knife at it) hmmm, ok, you're dead now. Anyone else wanna join him? (I point a gun at it) Hmmm, ok, you're dead now. Who's next?
You guys would rather fight something easier. I can understand that. Well, I'll drop out. Let someone else, someone more qualified take on things. I make them too complicated anyway. I always thought it was more fun when the evil guys were more powerful, it put more emphasis that the good guys had to battle all these odds to win. I mean, in real life, are the sides of good and evil ever even? But, of course, we're not in the real world, we're in fantasy land.
And here, you can do what you want. I won't stop you anymore. I feel like I've been holding the thread back anyway. My ego, as GM put it, it just too big for the thread. I want to God mode so I can gather up all the attention. Ok, I get the hint. No more attention grabbing for me. I'm done.
Catch you all later.
poohlive said:

No one was curious about all of this? Why Mongrel was so powerful, why he wanted the book so much? All you have to do is ask, hell, I'd even ruin kick ass surprises if anyone would simply ask me, say, "Hey, Gary, what's up with this part?" Or "Yeah, well, I don't quite understand this."
No one wrote me though. QC did, once. I told him what he wanted to know. He asked what we could do in order to kill this God. And, I was thinking... how do you kill a god? No easy answer came to me, Run, was what I told him.

Okay, things have gotten to the point where it's more slinging mud than anything else. The quote above is what I'm going to ignore, and I'll give poohlive the credit as to figuring out why, if he cares enough to check back to the thread again.
We're to the point where it looks like Joseph is finally dead, Aria just might be as well, and Christian...well, if the rule is a broken neck kills him, then he's dead, so be it. (To have it noted in writing: I've been here a long time, and RPed with a lot of the people here in a lot of threads. I've earned the respect; and I won't lose another character this way) Even if we kept him alive by some technicality, then he'd be too weak to bear the ring, like when Joseph was burned and thought dead (I'm assuming he was bearing a ring at this point, but maybe I'm wrong). In either event, the ring would leave his finger, yes? So that leaves us with who? Kat, and Anna, and well, if poohlive sticks around, Willow and Keith...and Lance, and Sebulba, and Mongrel, and...was that all of them?
Anyway, we can work with this angle as far as the creature in the desert is concernd, if for no other reason than because it's been presented, and there's no going back on it now. The question we'd need to answer is this: Since it can't truly be God-like, unless the point all of this time is that the ringbearers fail, which means that it has a weakness. What is the weakness, and where do the Ringbearer's find the answer?
I can use Darius to bring the new Ringbearer's together if we need to. But we need more characters, and we need cooperation between the old ones, including poohlive and Gm, if we can keep them both here. Personally, I think this...shall we call it a revival? Might be a good way of rinsing the pallet and getting things moving more rationally forward. Since we started the thread, the characters have been carrying a lot of baggage. Problem solved, we're mostly all dead now. New charactes, new motivations, new beginnings. Kat's the new leader, Keith might become a vampire, or not.
And if Lance has come in direct contact with this...entity, then couldn't the Witch have some mental connection to it, possibly enough to know its weakness and to enter the scene and get the survivors to safety.
Oddly, I can picture a bunch of carnies entering the alleyway, cartwheeling and skipping, and gathering together the weak and wounded, maybe even sweepig up the dust left behind by the dead, and moving them somewhere safe.
If you note the way Lance shot Aria (I neglected the responsibility to going abck and rereading, so i might be wrong here) didn't he aim high on the chest? Maybe missed the heart altogether and gave her less serious injuries, injuries that perhaps meant she and Christian might both have survived, or just one or the other, or neither. It's open basically.
Just me, or maybe I'm getting my own sick and twisted perspective on this.:p
The Witch could explain to them that she saw this coming, but only shadows of it, things she couldn't understand, and by the time it became clear, perhaps it was too late. Melodrama, gotta love it. And what the hell, maybe Keith sees the unity between vampire and human's in the alleyway (he's hanging around somewhere, right?) and afterwards sits down with Kat and explains how he's seen the importance of what's going on and requests to be made a vampire, to make himself stronger.
Okay, I'm going too far, but the point has been made, we can go somewhere with this, if we play it right. And it would be nice if we got GM back in here with a fresh character.
hmm I dont see where ego came into it? But with all the RL stuff going on around me, I didn't sit and think over gm's comments. I doubt pooh stuck around after all that was said, but not sure.

QC I like all your ideas and frankly I don't see why Aria cant die? :D been a character for two long years and well.. boring. Like pooh's comment of running around and sleeping. Probably too much plot? or I didn't write enough leading? *shrugs*

I like the ideas, even Pooh's crazy demi-god. Everyone dying wasn't expected (hence the do not control thingy) but not a big deal either. Still mulling things over in my head.

Darius could easily gather ring bearers, Kat, Anna and Christian are still alive. Joseph is gone, I'd rather leave Aria dead but as you pointed out she could or couldn't be. But the problem is someone has to live who knows what the hell is going on. Lance or Aria. Pretty sure (from pooh's post) he's pretty insulted right now...not sure he'll even want to continue on.

As it sits and how it's been written.. It's basicly down to 'fleeing for their lives' in there. and it more than likely would have to start over freshly to go on (might be hard to recruit new writers?) more input?
Alright I have an idea. It will be odd but it just might work :) Give me your input on what you think?

Back on the jet, traveling over to see the witch. perfect place to wake up Aria and it all having been a nightmare/premonition. Since I did give her the gift of foresight, it is possible. Ray would come back, Christian, Anna, Kat, joseph, Aria and Ray all on the jet...

This would give new direction to go instead of going to the witch and all this chaos would be sorted out.

Let me know what you all think about this please.

Thanks, :)

In answer to your question, QC, I already did tell you the key to killing the unkillable creature, or at least hinted at it. The weakness is death, and cold. It's afraid to die, and anything that isn't warm will kill it.
Warm comparable to that of all the entities floating around searching for spots of immeasurable heat inside of this universe. What I mean is, it's lying in the middle of a desert, and it's dying from being too cold. It's warmth is molten rock, or magma, or anything that is so hot, you need at least 3000 sunblock just to look at it.
And, I would have told you that, as soon as you ran away, as soon as you could clearly see that nothing you did could kill this creature, as soon as you feared it. No one feared it, so I thought... why don't I give you an example of what it can really do? I don't know, maybe I was a little pissed off. I work for months and months, developing this, working it out, and I finally introduce it to you in that forest, and you all just look around and go "Oh, well that's nice. Let's go home and get cleaned up. Yeah, I need to feed, and sleep. Hmmm, what about the supplies on the plane?"
You cared more about how the supplies were going to get off the plane then you did about this evil fucking warlord. I thought you guys would at least be interested.
I apologize for thinking that. I should have known better.
I don't think at this point it's a matter of what needs to happen. The story is gone, the characters are gone. If you want to try and continue on with new characters, a new plot, and a new thread, why not just make a new story? Just vampires out killing other vampires, going around and feeding, and resting at different places, learning new powers ever so often.
It doesn't seem like you even need much of a plot, just some sinister evil guy, sending out little bands of vampires you can easily kill every so often. The bad guy is bad because he's bad. The good guys are good cause their good, and they are all fighting because... hmmm, well.... No need to answer hard questions like that, a group of zombie vampires are coming, go kill them. Do the cool twisted double summersault move that kills two of them in one swing.

I don't know what you want. You guys want something different from a role playing adventure than I do. I like action, excitement, intrigue, evil fucking gods who need to die, shit like that. Damsels in distress, kick ass weapons, superhuman powers, and the need to destroy all that is evil.
You guys seem to want old witches with fortunes to tell and luggage fiasco's, all while trying to find out where to feed next, and where to sleep next.
I can see we're going seperate ways with our ideas. Well, that's all right. I tried anyway, no one can take that away from me. There was an attempt at something here, but I lament. I can make it, but you can make it better.

Call it a do-over. Out with the bad, in with the good. I just hope the next guy isn't as egotistical or megalomaniac as I am. You deserve someone better.

I would have told you right after you had realized this creature can not die. Mongrel would have told you actually. Using his power to temporarily stop, even counter-act some of Lance's destructions... which is why I didn't care what Lance did. I let him run free. Kill this, tear off that. Mongrel will come in a few posts later and clean shit up, I can do what I want. Whee!
He would tell you everything you needed to know, cause he knows. He's known from the very beginning. And he knows that the ringbearers, and the power of the rings they all wear and the book contain a spell to kill it.
But, I'm getting ahead of myself. No one cares anymore. It was just a dream... a bad dream brought on by some bad nachos. Sleep, and when you wake up, nothing more evil than stupid henchmen will cross your paths again.

Perhaps if you hadn't said ^^^UP THERE^^^ you were leaving, it would have been much easier to figure out what to do?

Are you finishing the story Pooh or not? Because if you are, continue on.. If not then we're back to figuring it out or shutting it down.

Well I for one am done........feelings are being hurt and words that are not necessary are being said. Pooh I would remind you that when you insult the others in the thread you insult me as well, I have never once said you were egotistical or any other such things and I resent the implication. Reguardless there is a certain connection a vibe that is needed for a story to flow. This thread at one time had that but no longer. Kat is hereby pulled. I will watch to see what, if anything you all decide to do but at the beginging of this thing there were rules and they suddenly seem to have been forgotten along the way.

In's and Out's
Every one in this thread, vampire, wizard or human will have weak points. No one will be undefeatable. Just lettin' ya know. Now for technicalities.

Mortal wounds- kill .. period. Any bullet in the head will kill the target. Vampire or otherwise. Gutting, beheading, stabbed through the heart with a fork (lol) it kills.

silver only weakens the vampire, doesn't kill.

Holy water on the skin will burn and disfigure and will take weeks to heal. Injected into the body of a vampire, it will kill them.

Garlic- doesn't do diddly.

Crosses- See garlic

No matter if the vampire is new born or centuries old, they all have the SAME strengths and weaknesses. Granted male vampires are slightly stronger than a female vampire. But female's tend to move easier and are slippery.. Not to mention mind games, a female trait.

They live amoung the humans.

Sunlight does not kill after they develope a tollerance. Usually takes only a short time for them to become strong enough to move around. The light does bother their vision at times. Depending on age.

They have a good sense of hearing but can not hear outragous distants away. No mind reading. Only two vampires who have shared their blood with one another can communicate telepathly. And in some cases that does not always happen. Up to the writer of each character.

They eat anything and everything they like. (these aren't typical blood only vampires) Some choose to live solely on blood, but some can control thier cravings and feed less often on blood.

When feeding from a human or vampire, it has been written you take on their memories. Everything they have seen, done, learned, etc will be absorbed into your mind and remain there. very very few vampires will feed off of another vampire.

Hunters are welcome, but if you walk off a train or hop out of a car and 'sniff' your way to the vampires, prepare to die lol Be realistic a little. This goes for you too Ray. Hun, love the posts but stop beating up twenty guys at once

So there you go.........SweetP's words that we all agreed on and any deviation from that supposidly checked. I've had to change a few things myself when prompted. Just how it works........anyway as I said wisdom is now open.

Sorry to see ya go Firegirl, was great having you back in there with us :)

You are correct in the rules, I dont even know where egotistical came from? :( But it had nothing to do with ego (well as far as I could see it anyway)

I'll just call it quits. Thanks for sticking it out everyone, had fun. Thanks for tollerating my less-than-tollerable posts and content.

Think that about does it for me..

Wish ya'll the best and successful threads. Think I am outta ORP now.


Editted because, well, I just don't give a damn either.
And yes, I'm a antagonizing asshole. Never said I wasn't.
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Guess it's over then.

Oh, well. All threads come to an end I guess. Just seemed like one with two threads predeeding it might have the drive to push through to the end.
It's a shame though, that we had fairly good Rpers on this one, but we couldn't work well together. Honestly, I think pooh has a point. We all did have different expectations of this thread. I'm used to Paendragon and Orlanth on the SW threads, where we basically work together to keep things rolling and ideas straight, but maybe that's not the way things are supposed to be done.
In any event, it's been fun at times, and what it was at others. Good luck everyone.

Kat, SweetP. You two may not have called me egotistical, or arrogant, or anything else, but you didn't disagree with GM said it either. And that, to me hurts just as bad. I thought, if nothing else, my friends would back me up when those allegations were slung at me, but I got nothing.
No one ever seems to say anything wrong in here, in fact. I get blow after blow from GM, and no one says a fuyckiung word. In my mind, you guys are all behind everything he says. I'm here on one side, he's on another, and you are all silent.
What do you expect me to think? Cause you say nothing, means you are all on my side and my friends? When GM accused Sweetp of taking over and being a jerk, I called him on it, I stepped on his ass telling him how hard she worked and how much shit she's gone through. I put him in his place, cause he deserved it.

Of course space is cold. Space is freezing, somewhere near zero Kelvin, I believe, but inside of that, there is also lots of heat. Heat from things a million times hotter than our son. This creature, which is a creature, not some undead never was alive thing you claim it is, survived by going from one heat course to another. It can live inside the cold, with the energy stored up from its last feeding.
The only reason I called it a demi-god, was because that was the best word to describe it.
I don't believe it has D.N.A. or anything such as that type. To assume that would mean it has an ability to reproduce. It's a single creature. It's not a rock, it's an entity, usually liquid or gaseous, as it gets colder, it slows down, turns from gas to liquid, and now in its final stage, rock.
And it has taken a long time to this thing to run out of its reserves of power. Which is why for over 5 billion years it's been just embedded in rock, and finally upturned with the desert. It's been cold for 5 billion years.
The reason it didn't die in the cold in space, was because it could travel for years and years in the cold, go to another heat sourse, travel for years and years, get another. You see the pattern.
Now, millenia of being stuck without energy is taking its toll, and this thing is about to die.
The only thing that can free it, give it enough energy to leave this rock and back into space, would be the book. But, also inside that book is a spell to destroy it. It wants the book for two reasons.
If you have a problem with Aria not telling everyone about what happened to your character, I suggest you ask her. I would have thought at some point, she would mention something about it all.

Why would Mongrel help you guys out? Simply because Mongrel was the go to man for this entity for a long time now, and it seems that the entity has gotten tired of it. Mongrel is no longer needed, which means, he's as much in danger of death as anybody else.
And, Mongrel knows the only way to kill the creature, now bent on killing him, would be to help the ringbearers. He wouldn't help you becuase he liked it, just because it's his only shot at staying alive.
I can answer any question you ask. All you have to do is ask. You don't need to throw some childish tantrum trying to grab support of your own GM. You could have just asked me, what's going on, and I would have told you.
If you have a problem with me, which I can clearly see that you do, that's fine. I'll leave. You can kick me, insult me, do whatever the fuck you want as I go. I don't care. I stopped caring a long time ago.