Casting Call For Final Thread

Sweetp4u said:
I believe the post is fine QC, I read it and see no problems what so ever. :) Since I invented the old witch, I think its in character. :)

reading all the stuff above, I would like to.. well repeat what pooh said in my own words..

Pooh and I see it gets to the ending and stays close to the plot line as the main plot. But the plot isnt set in stone, just a general ending, each person adds to the story or can take away and change the course. That's what rp'ing is about. Don't be afraid to toss out obsticles or object to things or whats planned (meaning story wise) Characters can argue, hate, like, push and shove other's. Make sense? I'm not going to make anyone edit their posts, not going to toss out people (unless they vanish for a month) and we even have enough characters in there (extra's) if you wanna switch sides and lose the ring it's possible :D

Are we taking off? Or are we waiting for Lance to arrive? Or is he even headed our way? I got the impression he was heading toward us, but I wasn't really sure. Come to think of it, I'm not quite sure why I got that impression.
I was waiting for Ray and Fire to post, but not sure if they are MIA, busy or annoyed??

I guess you can post taking off :) Move it forward...

AS for Lance, im not really sure. From what pooh posted it looked the same to me too, but we're not waiting for him :D
Don't ever wait for anything to happen (there's no surprise in that). I'll bring Lance out when he's good and ready, for now you've got an old woman, a new member, and quite possibly a fight with Vlad if the lot of you hurry your cute little buns and get in the air.
Ray's dead Long live evil Ray

Ok I'm out of the story for a wile I'll be back when my life setils down abit more. and be read for if Ray comes back he will have not one ounc of good in him.

Takes a bow then slips in to the dark embrac of the night.
ok *finger cramps*.....

Two big loop holes tossed in today. wow. Ok still trying to keep up mentally in here but posted waaaaaaaaaay too much. Need a break (me, myself) the scene is within seconds reguarding ray. The scene with vlad and the witch within minutes. since no one is around to react to the witch thing, we're hangin out at Ray's post.

Not moving from here until each person can post, react, interact, etc. then off to see the witch

Honestly was not trying to power post in there, but feel free to lecture me for the posts.

I figured, since he's not doing much, and I'm getting a little bored, I'd just toss him in there. Don't worry, he's not staying, just there to poke a few people to get them headed forward, then he'll be gone again.
Pooh and I are waiting on Firegirl to post before moving it further along. Just need another step to proceed. But we're still here.
GM has informed me he is leaving the thread, due to it being executed lamely. Anyone else feel the same?


If it works for GM, then it works for GM. When do the rest of us continue?
Hiya QC, We've been waiting to hear from you and Firegirl :) All is still a go

It just seemed like it was someone else's turn to post. I'm just sort of waiting to see where things are headed, and truthfully, I can't much heads or tails of the direction, so...
Ok who is remaining in this thread? I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for responses and not gotten any.....

Please answer by tonight because pooh and I are trying to situate what exactly to do and will be doing so tonight.....

I wasn't on last night, but I am still here and waiting...

Again, it just seemed like someone else's move.
I think Firegirl left us... We'll just continue on. Feel free to add anything ya want QC. nothing is set in stone in this thread
I didn't leave work has just been hell and my computer was down the last few weeks:) Sorry about that yall
My apologies...

I know my posts have been too few and too far between, but they'll be getting worse this month. I've volunteered to become a NaNoWriMo casualty, so November will be a haze in my memory when it's all over. Hope eveyone understands.
Welcome back Fire :) good to see you. And no worries QC, we'll work around it, or linger

Have fun with umm.. whatever that was :D
NaNoWriMo, QC?

You mean National Novel Writing Month?
Sounds exciting. I can see how November will blur. Just be sure you don't blow a creativity circuit.

Is it me, or have we just gone off the deep end in like...three point two seconds...
Is Aria dead? How long until Christian can regain consciousness, then heal? I know he can't help them now, but I also have to look ahead and decide what I can contribute once he's starting to heal.
Pooh's already gone off the deep end.

This god-like entity of his seems to be some space creature that appears to be made of rock.

It's so much, I don't want to think about it. After all, he just loosed a few rounds through Lance's brain. How does he control the body now? Is he in the muscles?

It's just God-moding. And while he says there's logic behind it, it's logic he put there. And circular logic doesn't impress me.

Aria? Yeah, she's pretty much dead.

As for your character, well, it seems the neck was snapped, so,...I dunno. Technically, he should have died once the brain stem stopped regulating his vital organs. But, I guess he's suppsoed to be alive, so, I guess it didn't, umm,....kill him? *shrugs*

(Edited because anger doesn't make for good writing. Lord knows I'm not very good at any time, though.)
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I am a bit confused..........Pooh you know I love ya darlin but when did Lance become like this non entity?? I was under the impression that he was kinda a dark vampire. I'm also a bit confused since we were almost beating him in the clearing how is he just snapping necks now. I'm just confused..........(rubbing head a nd running fingers through blonde hair))
I'm sorry, I was under the impression everybody wanted to fight. Knives being thrown, accusations running wild. I thought you guys would like to know at least what you are up against.
If you feel I'm not doin gthe thread justice, I understand. I'll back down, and let you guys continue with what you want to do.
Sorry I interfered with your thread. Good luck with whatever you come up with.