Casting I.O.U. (Again)

Well out of existence it is then. The only demons she believes in are Lawyers and politicains.
Sounds like Hellion's gonna beat the crap out of her, then.

Because it is VERY painful, and he doesn't want to send any mixed messages.
Did the "volunteer" security kids get any badges id-ing themselves as security?
Don't recall so I am just going to say sure why not. Just need to stop by and pick them up.
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Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!
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Don't recall so I am just going to say sure why not. Just need to stop by and pick them up.

Or my character can give the badges to the volunteers, thus giving him an excuse to actually talk to the maggots.
By the way...Mage, did your character sit down across from mine or did he sit down across from someone else?
He sat down across from yours.

Ah. Thank you for clarifying that. Wasn't too sure who you were talking about when you said: "across from a rather odd looking guy who seemed to be the center of a lot of attention."
I think I am going to let you all play for a bit before the next random item happens.
I think us playing is randomness.

*ponders over what brought the title Captain Sunshine to her mind this odd morn*

Oh well, least the thread's moving again so I'm happy. *happy dance*
And there's sourdough pizza for dinner tonight. Yum.
Sourdough pizza? That gets added to the school menu now. It will come toped with anchovies and arsenic.
I'll take a sourdough pizza, minus the arsenic...


... And the Anchovies...

And whatever the hell else those sick monkies would like to put in the pizza...

Know what, screw it, I'm ordering delivery.
Thats the spirit! Although I feel sorry for those that get the IOU meal plan... other then the Arch dean.

Vix just so you know Jedi out classes your character in electrical power. But you have other skills to make up for the difference.
I'm starting to wonder how much information an student can dig up on a officially payed member of the campus staff... I'm also wondering how far can Jamie push before the warning signals all point to "he's getting pissed with the wit, pull back a little."
If I recall right getting tenure involves black mail and lots of it. Graduation also requires some black mail.
Actually, I meant in terms of Jamie, (possibly even Hellion, let bat-boy in on the humliation) pretty much ginving the officer a know it all replay of his life and career. Just to further piss him off, as well as prove they know far more then he thinks the "maggots," initially thought.

But, looks as if duty is calling.
If your read his mind he can always kill you and have you revived with a brain scan from before the mind reading takes place. That happens all the time at IOU.
Actually, no. I was hoping to keep Jamie from being capable of the forbidden fruit of mind tapping, partially for the obvious 70%-95% outcome of that idea.

I meant more along the lines of a possible I.O.U. information site; or if that is not available, there's always hacking. But the obvious drawback of that is the possibility of instant death via the computer wires choking the life out of the hacker, while being electrocuted. Or even receiving information from a student's senior peer, one who has the load-down or had a particular experience with a certain person.

Besides, I would prefer not to kill Jamie off for a little while, I'm trying to decide whether or not he should have a complete and utter meltdown from knowing the fact that he just died, and was alive again. (In a profession where your life is in danger 24/7, such experience has got to be something along the lines of an rampage.) It does open the question of what would happen (in the sense of consequences) if a revived person suddenly offed everybody in his/her path, including revival staff after such a meltdown
Well, why don't you try something, Hybrid? Find out what happens. Guarenteed, it won't be pretty.
Hey, if Hllion were to throw a small blunt object at Officer Green, would he respond by catching it, dodging it, letting it hit him and then attacking Hellion, or, say, blasting it with electrical energy right out of the sky?
Hey, if Hllion were to throw a small blunt object at Officer Green, would he respond by catching it, dodging it, letting it hit him and then attacking Hellion, or, say, blasting it with electrical energy right out of the sky?

He'd probably let it hit him and then fry Hellion's brains. Reason why he would let it hit him is because of the benefits of his badge.

Of course, there is no way Hellion could know what Officer Green would do.
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He keeps an auto shock reflex on doesn't he?

As for you Hy, the IOU website is a very friendly place it is almost as simple to navigate as the IOU campus itself. So expect it to be a very time consumeing process.

As for what else you can find chances are you can find some of his black mail clients but not what they are being black mailed for or even that they are being black mailed. It would take more foot work to find out specifics.

As for senior peers that may work but it will cost you. Good thing you have that credit card.

Killing every one in site would likely involve being killed yourself and either explosion and less temporary death, or a hefty rise in insurance premiums.
Hellion's betting on the "Just blasting it out of the sky with electricity" option himself.

What are these great "Badge Benefits" I keep hearing about?
Although Hellion won't know about them, which won't affect his current evil plans.

"The problem with being well-known is of course that people know about you." -- Hellion, quoting The Devil.