Cats and kittens of all variety

I just got home from work, and felt something was wrong when I pulled in the driveway... and don't know why. And as soon as I walked in the door, I hear one of my kittens meow - like a "Mama help me!!!" meow. Not the usual squeaks I hear from her fighting her sister.

Luckily, I got her free - she had squeezed under the decorative opening of an antique radio I have, and had somehow managed to get her body stuck between two speakers wires that were twisted together (like I said, really old radio) and her back legs were hanging off the ground, with the wire wrapped around her hips! I cannot figure out how she managed to get herself stuck like that. I've had this radio for decades, I've never had a cat get stuck in there before. Crazy!!!
I just got home from work, and felt something was wrong when I pulled in the driveway... and don't know why. And as soon as I walked in the door, I hear one of my kittens meow - like a "Mama help me!!!" meow. Not the usual squeaks I hear from her fighting her sister.

Luckily, I got her free - she had squeezed under the decorative opening of an antique radio I have, and had somehow managed to get her body stuck between two speakers wires that were twisted together (like I said, really old radio) and her back legs were hanging off the ground, with the wire wrapped around her hips! I cannot figure out how she managed to get herself stuck like that. I've had this radio for decades, I've never had a cat get stuck in there before. Crazy!!!
Poor baby! Glad you got home to help her, Brenda. 🫂
Poor baby! Glad you got home to help her, Brenda. 🫂
Me too! And I normally don't get home this early. Sure glad I did today.

She's going to the Vet tomorrow for their first shots so they'll look her over... although she's running around like her normal, get into trouble self now. In fact, she just climbed onto the desk and is giving my keyboard the kitty eye... I think she loves "helping" me type. 🤣 🤣 🤣
I just saw something that totally cracked me up...

I have some wrapping paper on the floor from a package I received. Since the kittens have been having so much fun playing with it.

Anyway - my dog comes in from outside, walks into the living room, right up to the wrapping paper and looks down at the back half of a kitten sticking out from under some wrapping paper then look up at me. And in that moment... mother/dogger telepathy occurred... she said... "what the hell is wrong with them???" 🤭🤭 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣