Cats and kittens of all variety

Want to know what is worst???

Me too! After the little creeps made me screw up a guitar string… then I decide obviously, I need to open a brand new pack of strings to extract the one they … inspired to get ruined…

So, I do that. Open another pack of guitar strings.. and what do they do? Start swarming around, freaking me out, and after opening a 2nd pack of guitar strings… fighting off the little creeps… spraying them with water… I extract the string I need, roll up the other new string, get them packed up properly… and now….

The little creeps are running rampant.. and I still don’t have/cannot find the missing string!!!

What??? It is obviously right here… and to just pour salt in the wound… even though one of them is totally soaked with water from my squirt bottles… both of them are running to me “help us Mama! We are getting wet!!”

The little creeps know even though I am furiously mad at them… and I have soaked them with water!!! they know, I am safe and come to me for comfort…

It is not in me to not care for my babies… and even though they caused me a ton of problems… there is no chance I won’t care for my babies..

So, what is the problem? That the little satan spawn KNOWS IT!!! 🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Here's MY true cat story of how a kitten put me in my place...

We had been trying for a while to get our adorable kitten to jump up and lay with us when we went to bed. All would be right with the world if that magical moment happened. But the little ass would not relent - ever. Alas, it seemed it was not meant to be. We would be alone in our "catlessness" at night forever.

Then I started a week of night shifts and slept during the day. One of those days came the magical moment. I felt the subtle shudder of the mattress when Bella jumped up. It was a heart-warming moment, and I could not wait to Lord it over my wife about how I had gotten her to sleep with me. But I couldn't mover and possibly ruin the moment - maybe startling her into jumping off the bed. So I stayed very very still and barely cracked open my eyes to watch.

She slowly walked up the mattress towards my face. The excitement was building for me. She was actually going to lie next to me near my chest and face. This was the moment!

She got so close I could feel her breath against my nose and hear her soft purrs. Life could NOT get any better.

Then she opened her mouth...and directly into my nose...burped! A soft, kittenish burp of her just eaten food. Then she turned, showed me her ass and jumped off the bed.

Moment over.
On of my babies decided she was big and brave enough to use the doggie door, early this morning.

13 hours later, I finally found her… up a neighbor’s palm tree!

We had a long conversation and she came down. Me telling her encouraging things, her meowing how unhappy she was about this, the whole way. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

She is inside and safe now. And yeah, she might go out the doggie door again, because I am not going to lock up my dog because one of the kittens suddenly decided she is tough (the other one was inside crying half the day, looking for her sister).

Being a Meow Mama ain’t easy.
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So back in early July we were forced to have the vet euthanize our cat, Coco. She could no longer eat anything. That's how we learned she was in pain. Cats associate the food they eat with the pain they're in. So, they stop eating that particular food. Then the next type of food, then the next.

We decided it was time to consider another cat. A friend received a kitten from their neighbor who found a cat litter in their basement. We agreed to take one of the now 6-week old kittens. Very cute cat. No fussing as we drove her to our house. A little skittish in the new digs, but she was an explorer. She enjoyed being cuddled and petted, but every new sound and motion startled her a little.

Then, she was quiet and we couldn't find her. We searched and searched. Listened intently for any sounds. Checked every room, every cupboard, nook and cranny we could find. We searched for over 2-hours. It was like a transporter from Star Trek had been used and she was beamed out of the house.

Finally, we lucked into finding her. Turns out the 3 inches of paneling that aligns with the side of the dishwasher was actually hollow. She had shimmied up the hollow and managed to get herself stuck while the dishwasher was running so we couldn't hear any noises from that area. We were using a few cat toys around the house as a last-hope for coaxing the cat out from wherever she was when she saw one of her ears slowly poke out from the bottom of the side panel.

It took us another half-hour to disengage her from the support wood holding the side panel in place, but she finally emerged, unscathed.

Long way of saying we have a new cat...:D