CCG’s Cave of Confessions

My favorite bit of trivia from Hercules is that James Woods fell so in love with playing Hades he left an open invitation to Disney to let him voice him again. Toy best knowledge, he always comes back to voice the character, even for a single line cameo in like House of Mouse framing segments.
You know, I wonder if the litster who confessed this is feeling mocked by the Hercules commentary or (hopefully) feeling resonated with and understood.

I’d feel understood 😊
You made a good point earlier that the confession sounds much like Megara's song. Maybe the confessor will revisit the movie/song and see the similarities as well.
You know, I wonder if the litster who confessed this is feeling mocked by the Hercules commentary or (hopefully) feeling resonated with and understood.

I’d feel understood 😊
i hope they aren't...i certainly didn't mean it in a mocking way...i hope that whoever this lister is that those feelings are jaded as i might be, i still