Chaotic Coffee Klatch (tea also available)

I think some new coffee addicts like me could be brought in to join the group, there could alot of interest in maybe a lecture on "stink bugs" and proper removal:).......maybe a "Dungeon Decor" segment on latest trends:)
You're right! How about that...
I'll look up some others... of Cheekygrl75's last posts the day before she disappeared was for Ambers birthday, the page is still up and running, That cake is so great:) I recognize alot of names from people still posting there. Do you still speak with her? of Cheekygrl75's last posts the day before she disappeared was for Ambers birthday, the page is still up and running, That cake is so great:) I recognize alot of names from people still posting there. Do you still speak with her?
I haven't since the breakup but I'll look her up
Maybe some others too. It's a start
Last year I had a device crash & lost a lot of time
Anastasia1999 seems to be into tea...........we'd have to run to store and restock but maybe she's a recruit?.....according to her profile she likes to throw it...tea that is:)
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I haven't since the breakup but I'll look her up
Maybe some others too. It's a start
Last year I had a device crash & lost a lot of time
Breakup............I read part of a post seemed to indicate a big argument I'm thinking was on the thread? in Dec, 22 what was that about? Cheeky's post seemed to be aimed at peacemaking?, it was her last one