Chaotic Coffee Klatch (tea also available)

My other question is why do so many people seem to hate the idea of anyone respecting Cheekygrl75, revitalizing a popular place??? Normal reaction would be "oh great, it was a good thing, bring it back"......instead we have an immediate organized hate campaign...which obviously got aimed at you off thread..........I never expected that, so disrespectful to you
I'll have to hang onto my personal friends to exist here now
I don't think I was ever really liked here anyway...
This is where I am now😈✨🍺mrtenants-tavern-and-dungeon.1446354/page-1253
One last question.........I'm going to get kicked out think they'll push powers to be to close Klatch?

No one is jealous of Cheeky. She is a wonderful person and loved by many. You simply come along asking about her, and was told she's not here any longer...but, you kept asking...where, why...when it doesn't matter and it's not your business, because YOU didn't know her, and her reasons are personal.

And, no. The forum moderator already said people can post here if they choose.

Just don't expect the same people - because they moved on.
No one is jealous of Cheeky. She is a wonderful person and loved by many. You simply come along asking about her, and was told she's not here any longer...but, you kept asking...where, why...when it doesn't matter and it's not your business, because YOU didn't know her, and her reasons are personal.

And, no. The forum moderator already said people can post here if they choose.

Just don't expect the same people - because they moved on.
This. The heart and soul of what made this thread great is no longer with us and those who remember how great it was have since dispersed elsewhere. Few good things in life last forever and Chaos is no exception. We can all remember the good times while making new memories elsewhere.

If some people insist on reviving the thread, good luck to you. But I’d set your expectations accordingly.
mmmm...since it's a public forum it's everyone's I didn't know her, but it's going to be normal for people to ask/question if they look through Lit trying to learn about it and discover interesting people......I have a right to ask, it doesn't matter if I didn't know her..........and I've not been disrespectful in asking, it seemed very sad that what happened happened. You imply that you know her reasons, thats fine and yes personal, I never tried to pry...once again I just looked at the body of work on Lit and just wonder why as anyone else would seem to have a problem with that, I don't understand why you would.......and no I never "expected" the same people, not sure exactly what that means, I just wanted to maintain the thread and if anyone who had been there before wanted to add to it that would be great. I'm not trying to take it over........
This. The heart and soul of what made this thread great is no longer with us and those who remember how great it was have since dispersed elsewhere. Few good things in life last forever and Chaos is no exception. We can all remember the good times while making new memories elsewhere.

If some people insist on reviving the thread, good luck to you. But I’d set your expectations accordingly.
People here seem to be reading things into my having an interest in the "klatch" with other maybe deeper things I don't know....fine....My whole motivation was simply that it's one of Lit's longest/most viewed deserves better.....and if the person who started it is not here........that's unfortunate. The foundation is still there for it to go on supporting Lit and hopefully the things that made the first life of Chaos so great, why am I the bad guy here? of my reasons for supporting Chaos was several messages earlier this year on the thread about missing it, hoping maybe it could return, supporting I saw that as an indication people cared.......I guess I'm bad for caring.....
I kind of agree. It ran its course. 🤷‍♀️
This is the main point. This thread just dwindled down, getting more quiet by the week, until there was nothing.

Now there are new threads to frequent, where people have moved if they are still here. But some people don't seem to accept change.

And most friendships in Lit are situational friendships. They do not last beyond the activity here.
she put alot of time and effort into Lit and the people here......
No. She SPENT time here just like we do, it was not work but leisure. Heck, I wouldn't want too spend time somewhere where it's considered some kind of investment.

I don't know her reasons despite being here at the time, but I don't need to, either. And now it's gone old and cold already. Digging it back is not natural but implies not understanding the basics of social forums: people hang here just as long as they wish to hang, and everything changes over time. Everything. Especially the people who are around.

Though Chaos was around for a long time, it's still only a fraction of all Lit. Find some fresh discussions.
This is the main point. This thread just dwindled down, getting more quiet by the week, until there was nothing.

Now there are new threads to frequent, where people have moved if they are still here. But some people don't seem to accept change.

And most friendships in Lit are situational friendships. They do not last beyond the activity here.
So what your really saying is things are transitional, people move around to different threads etc...........but what that really means is if some of those people who don't like change come back around.......those situational friendships could bring other people back around.....following the followers..........come on people, if you had a good thing in the past you don't kick it away, maybe it changes a bit, people change but people still come because they want to recreate what they can and be happy.....whats so wrong with that?
No. She SPENT time here just like we do, it was not work but leisure. Heck, I wouldn't want too spend time somewhere where it's considered some kind of investment.

I don't know her reasons despite being here at the time, but I don't need to, either. And now it's gone old and cold already. Digging it back is not natural but implies not understanding the basics of social forums: people hang here just as long as they wish to hang, and everything changes over time. Everything. Especially the people who are around.

Though Chaos was around for a long time, it's still only a fraction of all Lit. Find some fresh discussions.
I keep getting the feeling that for some reason people hate Chaos and it's a threat if it comes makes no sense, why create something new and force people to it if you have something great already you can work with? An addition, you may consider time spent here leisure.....but the time spent to handle multiple threads..........I have more than 2 hours in just defending Chaos tonight......and I'm glad to do it......
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First things first: nobody is treating you like the bad guy here. We are simply telling you the reality of the current situation.

Second, being a public form does not entitle you to other people’s business. The reasons for who, what, when, or why someone does or doesn’t do something are not within your rights to know. People share what they want, when they want, and are, in general, respectful of other people’s shit. Having the right to ask is not the right to know.

Third, Chaos was more than just Cheeky. She was a big part of it, yes, but it had grown into a community. A very tight community. And just like any community, people have changes in their personal lives within said community. People have personal matters to attend to. People lose interest. People get interested in other things. People die. People get sick of other people. All of these things and more contributed to the decline of this thread.

Third, the “foundation” of the thread isn’t still there, full stop. See above. But that doesn’t mean that the friendships and connections that were made here aren’t still around. Many of us “Chaosians” are still pretty tight. We don’t need the thread to continue to exist in order for our friendships to stay alive. We understand this because we live it.

Lastly, the idea that people hate the thread and see it as a threat is patently absurd. C’mon now…
As for this being one of Lit's longest and most viewed threads, a primary reason for that is that the rules changed in Feb 2022 with the new forum software and there were no longer limits on the number of posts (5000) in a thread.

Cheeky started this thread because I, and a couple others, asked her to when we wanted to close the first Chaos thread. Since she was one of the "founders" of that first thread we felt like she was the perfect person to ask to kick off its replacement. Though her name was on the door as the thread starter, she pretty much stated from the beginning that she was just kicking it off, and didn't want to manage or police it, but mostly be a participant. Even though she has started a number of threads, many of which are still active, in most (or maybe all?) cases she was simply the one who had the idea to start it, and was not any more vested in it than that.

... why create something new and force people to it if you have something great already you can work with?

If you want to continue to try to revive it, have at it. It's not going to be closed.

But I can say that the folks that were here have found new "homes" and this will never be what it once was. That's just the reality of time passing and people moving on. (S&S is now what Chaos and Klatch once were, and folks have found a home there and elsewhere.)

It wasn't the thread that was great... It was the people who participated in it who made it great. Without them, it's no different than just reopening a shuttered store with an "Under New Management" sign.

And the idea of reviving this thread is not being seen as a threat to anything or anyone. We're just saying it's run it course and it's time to move on.

(Please note, though, that if Cheeky were ever to come back and delete her account, all the threads she started, including a revived Klatch, go away as well.)
Hi, yes I know about what happens if someone deletes there acct, risk you take if a thread remains.........I know about the first Chaos, 2nd Chaos, but reading the threads she was often running the show, nothing wrong with that but everyone wants to down play it:( Yes, time/people move on but humans are creatures of habit, if they liked something, they will transition back if given opportunity, even if just on occasion.....I've just been trying to encourage others who were also interested in the same thing and support them, I'm new at this. Even if they have a "new" home, everything is fluid here........Yes, it was the people, once again, who is anyone to know why people will want to come to a thread ? Just because not all of the older crowd rejoin doesn't mean others will not........I am once again disappointed in the negativity around everyone who used to apparently visit Chaos, if it was such a great place you should support it's renewal, not kick it to the curb.
First things first: nobody is treating you like the bad guy here. We are simply telling you the reality of the current situation.

Second, being a public form does not entitle you to other people’s business. The reasons for who, what, when, or why someone does or doesn’t do something are not within your rights to know. People share what they want, when they want, and are, in general, respectful of other people’s shit. Having the right to ask is not the right to know.

Third, Chaos was more than just Cheeky. She was a big part of it, yes, but it had grown into a community. A very tight community. And just like any community, people have changes in their personal lives within said community. People have personal matters to attend to. People lose interest. People get interested in other things. People die. People get sick of other people. All of these things and more contributed to the decline of this thread.

Third, the “foundation” of the thread isn’t still there, full stop. See above. But that doesn’t mean that the friendships and connections that were made here aren’t still around. Many of us “Chaosians” are still pretty tight. We don’t need the thread to continue to exist in order for our friendships to stay alive. We understand this because we live it.

Lastly, the idea that people hate the thread and see it as a threat is patently absurd. C’mon now…
Bullshit, you obviously have not really paid attention to what I've been trying to say. Yes, you are treating me like a bad guy. The reality of the current situation is that I'm not trying to own it, just support it. Yes I am entitled to ask obvious. normal questions about anything I happen to see here, on Lit as are you. Some things you just naturally wonder about when you see them. I have not ask anything out of the ordinary. I did not expect an answer if they did not want to share and since I only ask 1 person a simple question about the situation that certainly doesn't seem like prying . I don't need to be educated on the reason threads decline, it's obvious and it was obvious with Chaos what was happening. For the 2 or 3rd time tonight, I know that the base of the thread, the "Chaosians" was not there, SO WHAT? My whole aim here was to support the people who were interested in bring some life back to it and making it viable again, it doesn't mater if it was the same people, I mattered to bring a new group together hopefully that would support the Klatch in the future. Lastly, maybe threat is not the right word, but the negativity and bullshit from different former "Chaosians" is uncalled for. You don't have any reason to object to anyone who used to participate in the thread or who wishes to join with them in making a revival happen. Being vindictive and hostile toward the whole idea is undeserved.
Bullshit, you obviously have not really paid attention to what I've been trying to say.
I have. And I’ve been giving you the benefit of the doubt. But coming in here like you’re entitled to things is no way to get your point across.
Yes, you are treating me like a bad guy.
I’m really not. You don’t want me to treat you like the bad guy, trust me.
I don't need to be educated on the reason threads decline, it's obvious and it was obvious with Chaos what was happening.
Apparently you do, because you neither understand what made the thread great nor are willing to accept that it has run its course. The fact you think the foundation is still there is proof of your lack of understanding.
You don't have any reason to object to anyone who used to participate in the thread or who wishes to join with them in making a revival happen. Being vindictive and hostile toward the whole idea is undeserved.
I never objected. I didn’t see anyone else object to this either. In fact, I wished you luck on the endeavor. You seem to be living in your own head canon where simple truths are hostile and negative because it’s not what you want to hear. Also, you shouldn’t be telling others they “need to look at others opinions and thoughts bit better” when you’re seemingly incapable of doing this yourself. Especially saying that to BFG of all fucking people. :rolleyes:

Now I’ve said my peace and no longer wish to engage in this further. You’ll either listen or you won’t.