Chaotic Coffee Klatch (tea also available)

Hey @Rj_1954 , @allthetimeitsthere , and any others ..

Hate to be the proverbial turd in the punchbowl, but, in my opinion, for what little it may be worth, I think you should just let this thread drift away as it had been on its way to doing. It had its time, and that time has passed.

Cheeky started this thread at the request of a few of us who had started the original Chaos thread, when we asked that that one be closed. Although her account still exists, she's essentially left Lit.

Chaos begat the Chaotic Klatch, and from that it seems like S&S has taken up the mantle of the thread with rapid fire posting on any and every topic.

I'd recommend starting your own thread, making it your own, and putting your own stamp on what you want it to be. Let this one rest on its laurels and gracefully fade away, as it had been mostly dormant over the past 6 months.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
The powers that be don't want to restore it and in a way dead things should be dead.
I'm not a member of the "powers that be" when it comes to this thread. (I was on the first one, but we no longer wanted to be "powers" on that one, which is why we closed it.)

My comments were just my opinion. What you decide to do is up to you.
I'm not a member of the "powers that be" when it comes to this thread. (I was on the first one, but we no longer wanted to be "powers" on that one, which is why we closed it.)

My comments were just my opinion. What you decide to do is up to you.
@allthetimeitsthere got me started...
I'm going to let it go and not bother anyone. I tried but you're right about Chaos. I even have another place I haunt now and I still connect with friends there.
Why are you so invested in Cheekygrl75? Is it not enough she's not around any longer?

It's kind of creepy.
Well.....look around.........she put alot of time and effort into Lit and the people's only natural to respect that and wonder....there are many good threads here left adrift not just by her but others.......I've come across others .......Its just that for some reason "klatch" pulled me in........It seemed a waste to throw away something so many obviously thought important.....It's not creepy, in our throw away word I just decided "Klatch" was worth saving...............I simply ask a logical question about why, if you knew her or anyone who has disappeared from Lit for any reason, your comment says I don't give a f---k......sad
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Well.....look around.........she put alot of time and effort into Lit and the people's only natural to respect that and wonder....there are many good threads here left adrift not just by her but others.........Its just that for some reason "klatch" pulled me in........It seemed a waste to throw away something so many obviously thought important.....
Except...they moved off together and started another thread that's super active. It's not like they just stopped hanging out. So many things happen that others who are new/newer wouldn't be privy to.

ETA: Litsters leave here all the time, and not always care to keep in touch with us off Lit. Sometimes no one will ever know why. It's best to let them live their life on their terms.
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Just because I'm new here doesn't mean anything........ basically your saying that the togetherness and friendships built by the thread are bullshit..... I don't know why it seems people want to put a good thing down for an also ran.....pathetic.....I don't have to be privy to past doesn't matter what happened in the past....The thread, as I have heard said, doesn't exist by the will of the creator but by those that post there. If it was so important in the past to people it should be today.......If you don't like the idea of someone appreciating the work of Cheekygrl75 and the people posting on her threads why don't you just shut them all down and say f--k you? If you look around you'll notice some other threads she started are still appreciated..........I appreciated this one, what wrong with that?????????
@allthetimeitsthere got me started...
I'm going to let it go and not bother anyone. I tried but you're right about Chaos. I even have another place I haunt now and I still connect with friends there.
that's unfortunately, not what I would have expected of you considering........I don't know exactly what the politics at play here are, but it is unfortunate and misguided.........I'm beginning to understand why Cheekygrl75 left, with people like these who needs enemies............
@allthetimeitsthere got me started...
I'm going to let it go and not bother anyone. I tried but you're right about Chaos. I even have another place I haunt now and I still connect with friends there.
My other question is why do so many people seem to hate the idea of anyone respecting Cheekygrl75, revitalizing a popular place??? Normal reaction would be "oh great, it was a good thing, bring it back"......instead we have an immediate organized hate campaign...which obviously got aimed at you off thread..........I never expected that, so disrespectful to you
that's unfortunately, not what I would have expected of you considering........I don't know exactly what the politics at play here are, but it is unfortunate and misguided.........I'm beginning to understand why Cheekygrl75 left, with people like these who needs enemies............
I don't want to be known as the king of lost causes, but I've had my share already...