Chaotic Coffee Klatch (tea also available)

Hugs all round.

Individually. Not a fucking cuddle puddle.

Wand3rlust I put it here because I am not in the UK but I was reminded of your post when I was relaying an experience I had to someone today and thought you could empathise. And this thread needs some attention :ROFLMAO:

In my second year working here I was headhunted for a position at another bank and although I had no intention of moving I thought it would be a good experience to have the interview. I was 26 at the time, this was only my second time being interviewed for a proper job so I was as green as they come. When I got there the PA of the guy who's interviewing me comes to collect me from reception and takes me to the meeting room where the interview is going to take place but the room is occupied and so are all the rooms around it. The PA is quite flustered by this and tries to explain to me that the people in the room are very senior and she can't disturb them. Then she said we can use a cuddle puddle, I was (in my head) WTF and said without actually thinking 'excuse me' and she looked straight at me and without any emotion repeated 'cuddle puddle'. I have no idea what my face said while standing there but I could feel my skin crawl at the thought of it.

The cuddle puddle was a series of three attached semi private 'meeting spaces', it was a U shaped seat around a narrow table, it wasn't well lit and could probably accommodate 5 people comfortably, 7 would be a cuddle. Anyway when the guy who was interviewing me came, he was pretty agitated and said it was not appropriate and we moved to the executive boardroom, which was far more appropriate for someone of my stature. During the interview I wanted to say something along the lines 'WTF is with cuddle puddles' but thought better of it.
Good morning NB. The ugly winter weather starts onight at 7 pm EST and ends in the afternoon Tuesday. No driving during that time. I am concerned anout the power outage.

Getting my coffee this morning.
How did it go for you? Did you have a power outage. We didnt lose power at all thank goodness but it sure was icey and we have gotten tons of rain.
Hello OWL how are you?
Fine thanks, just up too late. Slept almost 12h last hour - like a baby, and it did wonders.

Usually Saturday is 100% rest day, but I've actually started one project tonight. It will take at least Sunday to finish.

Though I have something less nice as well, aka cleaning the car out of ice and trying to start it... Either the battery just didn't like cold last time and has now forgiven me, or then it has actually died. (It has been charged between this time, if it's still able to take any charge.)
Fine thanks, just up too late. Slept almost 12h last hour - like a baby, and it did wonders.

Usually Saturday is 100% rest day, but I've actually started one project tonight. It will take at least Sunday to finish.

Though I have something less nice as well, aka cleaning the car out of ice and trying to start it... Either the battery just didn't like cold last time and has now forgiven me, or then it has actually died. (It has been charged between this time, if it's still able to take any charge.)
Well I hope the car started for you without too much difficulty.