Comments That Make Your Day

We've had our differences in the past, but I never had a beef with the guy.

And I really appreciate his thoughtful comment.

by lovecraft68 on 1 hour ago
A well written-and steamy ballsy tease. I wonder how many saw the title and as the story progressed was like "wait for it, wait for it..." and are still waiting. On the plus side, good idea to not put it in I/T, Daddy just looking isn't enough. I do wonder though if some readers skipped over it, think its a misplaced taboo piece?

Regardless, I found it enjoyable and the E/V aspect well handed. Five stars for the story and hotness factor.
Positive comments in general make me really happy. I do tend to get comments of people trying to be constructive, some useful, some thinking if there was a phrase they didn't get or like, it must bad choice. It's preference at the end of the day.

I got a nice comment today that's made me really happy right before bed. I've had a pretty tough week (nothing notable, just one of those weeks), and pathetic as it might sound, this was just what I needed.

It's a comment on my latest story, Asleep in the Log Cabin Ch.01

Milo_Grigsbyabout 5 hours ago
' "Towering unsupported in the moonlight, forced perspective meant the shadow of her breasts looked to beckon him, her erect nipples like bullets on the canvas. "

The imagery throughout was quite astounding but this sentence was absolutely breathtaking!! Bravo.!! Dropping a 5 on the story for that sentence alone. '

Thanks Milo x
by Anonymous user

That is a recommendation for my MMC in reference to my FMC following chapter 3 of A Wife's Dark Talent. And yes, that is what I want at least a segment of my readers to think.

I actually am surprised I have not yet got more of those following this latest chapter. Though in fairness readers started advocating my MMC run since chapter 1. Maybe they think the MMC is a lost cause already.
Not a story I wrote, but one I edited, so I'm happy for the authors:


I got here on BrokenSpoke recommendation, and almost pulled out on the first page (talking about her cock).

But I continued.

And the characters are both great, and the situations very believable, the storyline good, and the issues regarding trans lives are something I never considered, and even the sex, when it came was arousing.

I think I have some thinking to do with myself, about my prejudices,
Ah, my first Hate Comment on My Daughter The Nudist.

I knew I'd get one eventually.

by Screenplayer on 6 minutes ago
Idiotic. What the heck is the matter with Phil (aka you?) She's not a child, and he wouldnt be "exploiting" her, for gods sake. In fact she's far less of a child than he is - she could have taught him so much about intimacy. Theres so much more to mature sex - physical bonding - than Phil denied to them both, with much permanent damage and estrangement, because of his/your thoroughly fatuous (fat-headed) attachment to childish Sunday school mumbo jumbo, and archaic Augustinian control mechanisms. And yet he/you embraced prostitution, and the amorality of all that tawdry, scripted deception and secrecy.
Life is so short, with so few chances of experiencing something special, without a harmful downside.
You've saddened my whole day.