
Screenshot (225) - - vodka 2.png

Hello! to all of you, especially to those that have reacted to my previous posts! :) If any of you would like to PM, feel free! I'd be glad to chat.
This one made me laugh, or at least smile... I hope it brings a smile to you too.
The internet seems to be a strange place to ask for conversation, since it is correspondence by text. Conversation is done face to face.

Conversation is a dying art as people now communicate by one-liners on social media, whatsapp, memes and copy and forward platitudes. I don't belong to any social media as i find this unrewarding. This is only forum i post on now as I found it by accident looking at a certain topic years ago and forgot about it for years. I use whatsapp with the kids, partner and some friends but not so often. Young people now communicate largely in this manner. The Faceberg generation. I check my phone every few hours. If you whatsapp, it is not important.

Face to face at least you have selection criteria on who to converse with, like same social class, same values, education level, career, background, past experiences etc. On here you can't apply any of that. At most I can identify those with values totally opposite to mine and those with foul mouths like a sewer. Either they never had their bums smacked as kids or their mouths washed out with soap, or are from social classes that talk like that, which I choose not to mix with so have no desire to converse with them. Would I allow such trash in my home talking like that in front of children? no. I am not of that social class and have no aspirations to join it. Or maybe they just talk like that on here and in real life they would be avoided or have their face slapped.

The emotional ranters and ravers, no thanks, had my fill of women like that and best keep them at a distance. Hello Good bye thank you. They are not even worth sleeping with.

The question remains, on internet how do you identify people that it is fulfilling to converse with? Only the obvious ones to avoid are apparent. In real life one gradually whittles down one's ,circle to those you feel are worthwhile keeping in your life. Less becomes more.
Even through some sort of messaging a conversation can be had. There are many aspects lost in the written word that are there when face to face. But you can still be there for someone, help someone, befriend someone. Here you can learn about a lot, cultures, religions, beliefs, situations. There is a lot you can do.

Kepp smiling :)
Even through some sort of messaging a conversation can be had. There are many aspects lost in the written word that are there when face to face. But you can still be there for someone, help someone, befriend someone. Here you can learn about a lot, cultures, religions, beliefs, situations. There is a lot you can do.

Kepp smiling :)
I am always smiling. Face to face you would see that. Many people comment that I am always full of jokes and make them laugh. Those are things that cannot come across in writing except by long correspondence by people that know how to express themselves in writing. memes and emoticons don't cut it.
You do lose a lot in text, no question about that. And, with a text conversation you can often be waiting for some time for a response. But you can still learn many things and "meet" interesting people.
You do lose a lot in text, no question about that. And, with a text conversation you can often be waiting for some time for a response. But you can still learn many things and "meet" interesting people.
You sound like a military recruiter: travel, see the world, experience comradeship, meet interesting cultures and people, then shoot them lol.
You sound like a military recruiter: travel, see the world, experience comradeship, meet interesting cultures and people, then shoot them lol.
Haha. Sorry, not my intent. Just saying there are many more things we can do if we reach out and establish some sort of conversation.
Haha. Sorry, not my intent. Just saying there are many more things we can do if we reach out and establish some sort of conversation.

They will definitely enlist you. There are many things we can do if you just come in for a conversation is one of their favourite lines lol. Just reach out and sign :ROFLMAO:
I think encouraging the spreading of kindness and sharing of smiles. being a caring, thoughtful, respectful person is what I promote. Whether that works for someone or not is up to them. The world is full of negativity, we can choose to help it continue that downward slope or we can try to improve it some way.
I think encouraging the spreading of kindness and sharing of smiles. being a caring, thoughtful, respectful person is what I promote. Whether that works for someone or not is up to them. The world is full of negativity, we can choose to help it continue that downward slope or we can try to improve it some way.
for sure, just saying that for those that dont work, well, there are millions of other forum threads that might work better for them. no need to pour negativity into a great thread.