
Reach out to people you have not talked to in while, check on them, let them know they are in your thoughts. Sometimes the simple things make the days a lot brighter.

Keep smiling :)
Sometimes it is really hard to stay positive, believe me, I know. But we can do it, for the most part. Try to smile, try to move on. It's okay. Believe it or not, someone has your back.

Keep smiling :)
Reach out to someone new today. See if there is a friendship that can be made, see if you can brighten a day.

Keep smiling :)
I noticed I was at 19,999 posts so I had to make sure I came to this thread for the 20,000th one.

We often put others down when they succeed, we let jealousy and want to take away what we should be giving them. Lift each other, help each other get better and be happy when people succeed. Let's help the world be better by helping individuals be better.

Keep smiling :)
Each day we have a chance to help someone. We don't know who or when, but the opportunity is there. Try to make someone smile today, share a laugh, a hug, a smile. Let's spread some kindness.

Keep smiling :)
Strike up a conversation with someone. See how they are doing, find out things they enjoy, share a bit about yourself. You never know how a friendship will start and never know how good a friendship can be unless you try.

Keep smiling :)
Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time and that helping hand could be as easy as just listening to them, letting them talk through what is going on. You can choose to be that ear, just listen. No need to give advice, unless asked, no need to tell them it will be better, no need to say much at all. Just be the listener and let them talk it all through. It can make a world of difference.

Keep smiling :)
I just did this very thing yesterday, and the early results are quite promising! :giggle:
That is great to hear! Thank you for being there for someone. It isn't a difficult thing to do, but we often forget that as our lives are always so busy. Big hugs to you.

Keep smiling :)
Take a little bit of time to spread some kindness today. Pick up a coffee for a friend, check on an old friend, help an elderly person across the street, let someone in or out of traffic. Such little things can make a world of difference.

Keep smiling :)
Starting a conversation can be very difficult and scary for some people. They mull over the words, fear saying the wrong thing and retype the start of the message several times, often deleting it and walking away. Remember when you get a message or when you send one, it is just words that you are sharing, giving a little bit of yourself, sharing a thought.

Keep it respectful, kind and polite. You never know what kind of friendship you can form with a start.

Keep smiling :)
Just wanted to bounce in here for a moment to wish those who visit the thread a good day. I hope you are all well.

Keep smiling :)
Just a simple message today: Ghosting is not nice. Yes, there are times that people deserve it and that is what they get, but if one doesn't deserve it, it is not nice.

That is all.

Keep smiling :)
Just a big shout out to anyone who needs it today. I hope your day / night is a good one, you find many ways to smile, and kindness has been given to you.

Keep smiling :)
Sometimes people really just need another person to talk to, to work through things in their head, in their life. You can be that for someone. I know that this site is erotica, so many just think sex, but you can be much more than that. Conversations here can be more than sex, they can help people. So, think about that sometime, think about how you improve someone's day just by talking to them for a while.

Keep smiling :)
It can be very difficult to have a conversation because many people lack communication skills now adays.

You add in time zone differences, work schedules and all that stuff and actually making a friend is a bit rough. You need the understanding that you won't always get an immediate response.

And, of course, most people here are just horny lol.

So, when trying to find someone to talk to you have to take all that in and work around it. You have to be aware that many will not talk for a multitude of reasons. Be respectful and don't get upset when there is no response or the communication ends.

Keep smiling :)