
You there,
the one reading this now
I want you to do something
Smile smile because you're beautiful
because you're amazing because you're unique
because you can because tomorrow is a new day
because no matter what you think
someone loves you
Smile because you deserve to.

When I saw this, it reminded me of you and your thread. I wasn’t able to copy the picture for some reason, but I copied the words to be displayed here🌹
Sometimes we get a string of bad luck, and it looks like it will never improve, but it will. Stay strong and keep hope. Try to stay positive.

Keep smiling :)
Keep moving forward, keep being true to yourself. Smile as often as possible and take control of your life.

Keep smiling. :)
Spread happiness and smiles whenever you can. you never know when sending someone a smile what wonderful things it can do.

Keep smiling! :)
Wow! It has been a long time since I posted on this. Sorry to anyone who follows it!

Reach out and say hello to someone new today, you might just find a friend or make someone's day.

Keep smiling! :)
Take some time for yourself, know what you want and need. Enjoy the silence when you can and enjoy good company when you are blessed with it.

Keep smiling! :)
Be kind and spread kindness. Show compassion and help make everything around a better place.

Keep smiling. :)
Be kind and courteous, be respectful, be real. Meet new people and enjoy learning about them.

Keep smiling! :)
OK, so the thread has been dead for a while, but I figured I would give it a bit of life.

Show some kindness today. Let someone out of a parking lot while driving, open a door for someone, just something simple. It will start a cascade of kindness and bring a lot of smiles.

Keep smiling! :)
It's the weekend! Snowing here but hoping for a great day. Talk to someone new today, you never know what kind of friendship you can find.

Keep smiling! :)