Cunty kisses and rainbow licks. Ruby is back bitches

I probably, definitely, would’ve made somebody cry.

Vigilante justice.

Invoked my rights against cruel and I unusual punishment.

Mental manslaughter.

Cranked Meshuggah.

Cut the power to their house.

Insulted their intelligence.

Baseball bats.

Bluetooth headphones if I was feeling nice.

I would definitely not put up with that shit.

Oh yeah, you’re in Canada. I would not say sorry as I remind them of their great health care coverage and how they are going to need it.

Sorry if that didn’t come out clear. I just woke up.

It was super clear. They're outside now....someone must have said something because I don't hear it....I'm passive aggressive so I'll probably play music against music. It's the Canadian way lol
It's one of life's biggest mysteries;)
Ps...I'm drinking a medium-plus roast right now. It's got a smokey sweetness reminiscent of toasted almonds, a Central American and Asian blend.

☝️That's some coffee porn for you

That's just cruel. The photos and notion of spooning wasn't tease enough, you had to go and throw your top shelf coffee all up in my face too? Shit. I mean, why stop there? Wanna tell me how you cook a killer steak, suck a mean dick, and give a pretty good massage while you're at it?
I beg to differ. At the least, it was very, very sexy.
That works for me...
That's just cruel. The photos and notion of spooning wasn't tease enough, you had to go and throw your top shelf coffee all up in my face too? Shit. I mean, why stop there? Wanna tell me how you cook a killer steak, suck a mean dick, and give a pretty good massage while you're at it?
I do have a cruel streak so I've been told.
I cook my steak medium closer to rare, mushrooms, onions and peppers (but mostly I don't eat red meat, but when I want it I want it)
I make toes curl...because that sloppy porn shit is for people who don't know what they're doing...or to put someone in their place (it has its moments now that I think about it) Good for punishment but not drawn out enough for my liking.
And I'd have you limber in an hour. I use both hands ...and boobs.
Dem thighs yo


  • Come here.jpg
    Come here.jpg
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  • I want to sit on your lap...or on your face.jpg
    I want to sit on your lap...or on your face.jpg
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Dem thighs yo

I have a love/hate relationship with fishnets; I love the way they look, but hate that I have to restrain myself from just ripping them to pieces so I can get at the woman's body and sink my teeth into that soft, sweet flesh. Actually, that's my problem with all lingerie. Apparently, tearing a woman's pretty things - even in a fit of frenzied desire for her - is an instant mood killer. So unfair.

But dem thighs and dat ass? Nothin' but love.
I have a love/hate relationship with fishnets; I love the way they look, but hate that I have to restrain myself from just ripping them to pieces so I can get at the woman's body and sink my teeth into that soft, sweet flesh. Actually, that's my problem with all lingerie. Apparently, tearing a woman's pretty things - even in a fit of frenzied desire for her - is an instant mood killer. So unfair.

But dem thighs and dat ass? Nothin' but love.

I buy cheap ones. Rip the fuck out of them. No ripping bras though. Those bastards are expensive.

* Notes way to make use of my now dead in the water skill as costume designer...thank you Corona...
.make 'ripable' lingerie
Fortunately, our provincial government seems to be level headed and people hear aren't too resistant. Our cases are very low, most being in a seniors residence sadly. But I'm being extra careful because I have a high risk child.
I just miss my family, like many.

I give the credit to my phone app lol

I've looked him up..this is now on my to learn list lol

I know how that is. Not seen my grandkids in over 8 weeks apart from 30 minutes facetime a week.

Let me be the little spoon and wiggle until I'm comfy...

Dem thighs yo

Love to snuggle and I have a perfectly working and active tongue should you be in need. :devil:
Hot! Why not both?
True...why not?!
I know how that is. Not seen my grandkids in over 8 weeks apart from 30 minutes facetime a week.

Love to snuggle and I have a perfectly working and active tongue should you be in need. :devil:
That's no fun is it. My grampie passed at the beginning of covid.. no funeral, no hugs, no support :(
Dream of those sweet hugs though. Maybe you'll get a double bubble. And now we can visit outside!!!
Yes Please!!
Okee dokee
I really like this one a lot.

I'm glad...:)