Daddy's Little Girl - Fourth Edition

Reading on what the ladies are saying about too needy, It just means the man isn't up to the task and it's okay if we're not, but we shouldn't let the lady get invested in us. It is a great responsibility to take on, but we get an amazing prize in return. If a lady is going to give so much of herself to a man, that man also has to give a lot in return, it's more than a fair exchange. We ask or demand so much of our ladies ( Sub ), you'd have to think the needs are multiplied tenfold on both ends, in different ways.
It can be disheartening when you work hard to approach the subject from every possible angle, seeming to repeat yourself ad nauseam, in an effort to be clear on your needs. For them to assure you they understand and can handle you - only to find they don't and can't.
It can. However, you've told them many times over, so it's definitely not your fault they don't or can't.

Even once should be enough for a supposedly adult person. It just reveals the level of trustworthiness they actually posses.

This, I think, is the issue. Power exchange is visceral. Either you *get* it or you don't. DDlg requires a certain wiring.
There are those who are capable and liking the DDlg dynamic despite not knowing anything about bdsm (yet).... But finding them???
Even once should be enough for a supposedly adult person. It just reveals the level of trustworthiness they actually posses.
This may be a little too simplistic -

It is a great responsibility to take on -
This comes into play, and like so many great responsibilities it can be hard to comprehend what you're getting into before the fact if you've no previous exposure or familiarity.

Rather like having children or a pet. 😂

There are those who are capable and liking the DDlg dynamic despite not knowing anything about bdsm (yet).... But finding them???
My experience in the arena has been limited, but I've never played with anyone experienced. Two people feeling their way can be tough, but also rewarding.
This comes into play, and like so many great responsibilities it can be hard to comprehend what you're getting into before the fact if you've no previous exposure or familiarity.

Rather like having children or a pet. 😂
I have failed in the past, due to not comprehending the magnitude of the situation. It's a mistake I vow to never happen again.

🤣 @ the children or pet part.
This may be a little too simplistic -

This comes into play, and like so many great responsibilities it can be hard to comprehend what you're getting into before the fact if you've no previous exposure or familiarity.
Sure. Yet, you cannot do the comprehending for the other person. They have to do it themselves.

And in the case of DDlg it's possible, and responsible, to say that "sorry, I thought I could do it but I can't". It's not responsible or fair to just not do it and let the other one draw the conclusion. Maybe even still assuming they get the benefits...
And in the case of DDlg it's possible, and responsible, to say that "sorry, I thought I could do it but I can't".
Absolutely. Communication is key. And not just at the beginning, but all along the path. That seems to be a problem in so many relationships. The drop off in open communication. It's problematic in general, but can be cataclysm in this type of dynamic.
I'm new to DD/lg (~6 months) though I'm not my Daddy's first sub. He stressed how important communication is when we were deciding to do this. In the beginning, we committed to a once a week sit down, MINIMUM. Back then it was more like daily/hourly as I was feeling my way into this dynamic, but we would still sit down weekly and recap what went wrong/right, where the friction points were (I should probably note that we're married but didn't start DD/lg for several years, we are 24/7 DD/lg).
I guess I'm here to say that communication is crucial, and if you don't understand that or can't commit to it, then it's not for you. We just recently started rope play, and as he binds me it is a constant check-in between us until he's completed. Then he allows me to become quiet and let the stress flow out of my body. He sits with me, sometimes wrapping his arms around me depending on my position.
His last relationship was Dom/sub, and she began pushing his hard limits. Asking for things he was not comfortable with, and trying to top from the bottom. He broke up with her. Her loss was my gain.
We are slowly exploring what most people think of in BDSM, but as a DV survivor I don't think I'll ever be comfortable with impact play or other forms of pain play. My DD understands that.
Sorry for the rant but Communication YES!
Nothing irritates me more than someone calling themselves a "master/daddy" in my inbox asking me to "tell daddy your roleplay fantasies."

*rolling my eyes hard*

Here's a quick lesson for all my little friends.

No Master, Dom, or Daddy worth that title will drop in and make that kind of assumption. They will not assume that position with you. They will not have disregarded your bio which states that you're taken. They will not go too far into conversation without asking your status, because no one worth that title will disrespect your Master/Dom/Daddy.

So, if this happens to you, please be careful with that message writer.
Nothing irritates me more than someone calling themselves a "master/daddy" in my inbox asking me to "tell daddy your roleplay fantasies."

*rolling my eyes hard*

Here's a quick lesson for all my little friends.

No Master, Dom, or Daddy worth that title will drop in and make that kind of assumption. They will not assume that position with you. They will not have disregarded your bio which states that you're taken. They will not go too far into conversation without asking your status, because no one worth that title will disrespect your Master/Dom/Daddy.

So, if this happens to you, please be careful with that message writer.
These mfers better leave you alone
I'm rather little today... Seems like the cold didn't really go away a week ago, after all. Had fever yesterday, kinda expecting it today, too 😞 At least he will come tonight to hold me.
I hope you feel a little better each day. Sending you lots of Bunny snuggles to you.
I'm rather little today... Seems like the cold didn't really go away a week ago, after all. Had fever yesterday, kinda expecting it today, too 😞 At least he will come tonight to hold me.
He's a good one. I just wish it was realistic to have more of his time right now.

I hope that you feel better soon and that your D is able to find some additional time for you while you're not feeling well. 🌷
Nothing irritates me more than someone calling themselves a "master/daddy" in my inbox asking me to "tell daddy your roleplay fantasies."

*rolling my eyes hard*

Here's a quick lesson for all my little friends.

No Master, Dom, or Daddy worth that title will drop in and make that kind of assumption. They will not assume that position with you. They will not have disregarded your bio which states that you're taken. They will not go too far into conversation without asking your status, because no one worth that title will disrespect your Master/Dom/Daddy.

So, if this happens to you, please be careful with that message writer.
This reminds me of the saying that a good cologne isn’t announced, it’s discovered.
This reminds me of the saying that a good cologne isn’t announced, it’s discovered.
That's a new saying to me, but it completely rings true. If I can smell someone's perfume or cologne from more than 3-4 feet away I'm backing up. But if I hug someone and they are wearing some lovely warm scent that just seems to perfectly complement them and their own scent of musk/sweat, I'll practically swoon and hold that hug longer to get my nose full of them. 😍