Daddy's Little Girl - Fourth Edition

My Wolfie is working this morning, so I'm lounging around eating my weight in chocolate. 🤣 Yeah, right! While I was enjoying my coffee this morning I found some inspirational memes and thought I would share them as we enter the new year. I hope you enjoy, and maybe take some inspiration from them.

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That wrong vs right man hits hard.

Also like the cocky thinking!
Here our Winter has been so mild, I'm worried pests and weeds won't get any winter cold suppression. My cherry trees are forming obvious fat buds already.

I'd really like 2-3 weeks of below 30 weather.
I know lots of other places are experiencing really tough cold weather- I'm sympathetic to be sure... can some of the rest of the country loan us a couple weeks of cold??
I try not to bring down the mood of the group by talking about it much, but if you've been following any of my posts, you know my Daddy hasn't been much of a Daddy for...a while now.

It all kind of came to a head right before Christmas, and I lost my temper with him. Didn't really talk to him for a couple of weeks thereafter, except for exchanging Merry Christmases and Happy New Years.

We started talking again last Saturday. He came over to see me on Tuesday. He's been answering my texts and generally being attentive again, finally.

Maybe he made a New Year's resolution to do better as a Daddy. Whatever it is, I feel much better now. He's a trainwreck, but he's my trainwreck (affectionate).
I try not to bring down the mood of the group by talking about it much, but if you've been following any of my posts, you know my Daddy hasn't been much of a Daddy for...a while now.

It all kind of came to a head right before Christmas, and I lost my temper with him. Didn't really talk to him for a couple of weeks thereafter, except for exchanging Merry Christmases and Happy New Years.

We started talking again last Saturday. He came over to see me on Tuesday. He's been answering my texts and generally being attentive again, finally.

Maybe he made a New Year's resolution to do better as a Daddy. Whatever it is, I feel much better now. He's a trainwreck, but he's my trainwreck (affectionate).
Hopefully he realized what you need and is willing to provide it. Or explain why he can't. You deserve that much
I try not to bring down the mood of the group by talking about it much, but if you've been following any of my posts, you know my Daddy hasn't been much of a Daddy for...a while now.

It all kind of came to a head right before Christmas, and I lost my temper with him. Didn't really talk to him for a couple of weeks thereafter, except for exchanging Merry Christmases and Happy New Years.

We started talking again last Saturday. He came over to see me on Tuesday. He's been answering my texts and generally being attentive again, finally.

Maybe he made a New Year's resolution to do better as a Daddy. Whatever it is, I feel much better now. He's a trainwreck, but he's my trainwreck (affectionate).
I sincerely hope he steps up and does better.
And as much as you feel deeply affectionate to him (your very own trainwreck), I worry that his run away (or just off the tracks) train will take you out too.
My Wolfie is working this morning, so I'm lounging around eating my weight in chocolate. 🤣 Yeah, right! While I was enjoying my coffee this morning I found some inspirational memes and thought I would share them as we enter the new year. I hope you enjoy, and maybe take some inspiration from them.

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Love these. Especially the butterflies and the downgrade. 😂
I sincerely hope he steps up and does better.
And as much as you feel deeply affectionate to him (your very own trainwreck), I worry that his run away (or just off the tracks) train will take you out too.
This can be a problem for me. My boundaries are generally tight, but once I've crossed that submissive line with someone . . . it becomes all too easy to make allowances or excuses for things that are problematic.

Bothersome. And it makes me leery. Of myself.

(Not saying this is happening with you, BiBunny!:rose:

Just something I've noticed in myself.)
This can be a problem for me. My boundaries are generally tight, but once I've crossed that submissive line with someone . . . it becomes all too easy to make allowances or excuses for things that are problematic.

Bothersome. And it makes me leery. Of myself.

(Not saying this is happening with you, BiBunny!:rose:

Just something I've noticed in myself.)
I don't think you are at all alone in this. Finding someone who you connect with and feel safe enough to submit to is not easy. And we women tend to be reluctant to give up on people we have invested in emotionally. As submissive women that tendency is often multiplied.

This is why spaces like this thread are so important so we can help each other, reflect reality back to each other and remind each other that we are worth the highest regard, love and faithfulness of our Daddys.
And we women tend to be reluctant to give up on people we have invested in emotionally. As submissive women that tendency is often multiplied.
All of what you said, but this, particularly, is what I think happens to me. It can be disconcerting. Especially as I am uncomfortable talking openly on the threads, thereby isolating myself when difficulties arise.

Good advice, as always, Cascadia. :rose:
Being told we are "too needy" is a traditional way that partners (usually men) dismiss women so they don't have to step up and be good partners. At worst it is gas lighting, at best it is a lazy default to patriarchal norms.

Just because we are sexually submissive and get off on whatever kinks we get off on doesn't mean we are not entitled to being treated as intelligent, competent, worthy, contributing, equal human partners.
Needy? Yes. Being needy is the core reason I identify myself as little. Too needy? Not for a decent Daddy. For many men of today - probably, but that's why I'm not dating them. "You don't deserve my best if you can't handle my worst."

And I bet you all have done the same thing as I have: made sure your DD knew the neediness from the beginning. It's not a surprise for them, they knew what they were getting up to. Because we have experiences that not all partners are up to that kind of thing.

Frankly, I didn't even know how I would have explained that kind of need to someone "vanilla". How to not sound weird and attract creepy guys. Thank goodness we have active bdsm scene in my city...
I often struggle with feeling and/or being called needy. I've not allowed myself to be needy or vulnerable with others so I feel too needy most of the time. Learning to let someone else fulfill my needs is...challenging.
After 2½ years I'm definitely still struggling, too.It's definitely a process.

But I also find that the feeling subsides when you can allow it to happen and find that your partner actually catches you if you fall. Getting those needs of being taken care by someone else fulfilled makes at least me feeling not needy all the time anymore. Feeling safer, more relaxed.
I often struggle with feeling and/or being called needy. I've not allowed myself to be needy or vulnerable with others so I feel too needy most of the time. Learning to let someone else fulfill my needs is...challenging.
I was once told that DD needs to be needed, to  feel needed just as much as we need them.

When we find someone we're compatible with, over time, we can let ourselves relax and be more vulnerable. But, it's a process. And talking with them about our needs and our fears is really important.
I was once told that DD needs to be needed, to  feel needed just as much as we need them.

When we find someone we're compatible with, over time, we can let ourselves relax and be more vulnerable. But, it's a process. And talking with them about our needs and our fears is really important.
And hearing about their needs. Some DD's tend to forget that just like they want to know what's in our heart, we need hear of theirs. It becomes so much easier when you hear that they indeed are our counterpart, and need us to be theirs.
And I bet you all have done the same thing as I have: made sure your DD knew the neediness from the beginning. It's not a surprise for them, they knew what they were getting up to. Because we have experiences that not all partners are up to that kind of thing.
It can be disheartening when you work hard to approach the subject from every possible angle, seeming to repeat yourself ad nauseam, in an effort to be clear on your needs. For them to assure you they understand and can handle you - only to find they don't and can't.

Frankly, I didn't even know how I would have explained that kind of need to someone "vanilla".
This, I think, is the issue. Power exchange is visceral. Either you *get* it or you don't. DDlg requires a certain wiring.
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It can be disheartening when you work hard to approach the subject from every possible angle, seeming to repeat yourself ad nauseam, in an effort to be clear on your needs. For them to assure you they understand and can handle you - only to find they don't and can’t.
The worst feeling is when you get the sense that you’re no longer worth the trouble. That your needs were not an issue when you were new and shiny, but now they are.
This can be a problem for me. My boundaries are generally tight, but once I've crossed that submissive line with someone . . . it becomes all too easy to make allowances or excuses for things that are problematic.

Bothersome. And it makes me leery. Of myself.

(Not saying this is happening with you, BiBunny!:rose:

Just something I've noticed in myself.)

I am the queen of making excuses for other people--in D/s relationships or otherwise--so you're not the only one, for sure.