Daddy's Little Girl - Fourth Edition

That's a new saying to me, but it completely rings true. If I can smell someone's perfume or cologne from more than 3-4 feet away I'm backing up. But if I hug someone and they are wearing some lovely warm scent that just seems to perfectly complement them and their own scent of musk/sweat, I'll practically swoon and hold that hug longer to get my nose full of them. 😍
I like that saying. Keep me centered, personally. For example, when I posted that I was thinking about over explaining. Then I realized how hypocritical that would’ve been 😏
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My Daddy is strictly online. The fantasy of being able to be lifted and carried is there. In reality? Nah, I know it wouldn't work, no matter how much I would want it. So, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stir the saddies.
I love spring (it's my favorite season), but I prefer winter to summer here in Alabama.

My Daddy is currently sick with what he says "feels like the flu." Whether or not it's the actual flu or just the man-flu remains to be seen, lol. (I swear, as often as he gets sick, he must be going around licking doorknobs or something. No immune system whatsoever. [If we're being honest here, it's probably his smoking habit that contributes greatly to the problem.])

Anyway, as entertaining as it is to me to give him a hard time about it, I still feel bad for him. If I could cook worth anything, I'd make him some soup or something. I offered to bring him something (anything), and he said thank you, but he'll never in a million years take me up on it. But I am not above climbing over the gate at his driveway (fenced-in yard for his dogs) with a care package in tow. :ROFLMAO: