Daddy's Little Girl - Fourth Edition

exactly! It’s the effort and preparation. It’s knowing not just that he made the food for her but that it’s be something she’d like to make sure she’s eating healthy and not skipping meals. It’s making sure she’s taken care of even in his absence. Swoon worthy.
Woah, ladies! Let’s not over-romanticize this. A big part of this is to help me avoid self-destructive behaviors like stopping by the grocery and getting a pack of cookies and a quart of milk for dinner. My life is not without its struggles. I’m fortunate that I don’t have to fight my demons alone.
Woah, ladies! Let’s not over-romanticize this. A big part of this is to help me avoid self-destructive behaviors like stopping by the grocery and getting a pack of cookies and a quart of milk for dinner. My life is not without its struggles. I’m fortunate that I don’t have to fight my demons alone.
We're not romanticising the reason. Yet, most partners wouldn't do shopping and cooking not just when they are there but even for you to eat when they are travelling.
We're not romanticising the reason. Yet, most partners wouldn't do shopping and cooking not just when they are there but even for you to eat when they are travelling.
I understand. But it’s part of his commitment to our dynamic, just like I have commitments. It was/is part of our negotiation. I can see that it looks romantic from the outside, but I see the hard work and dedication that goes into it. I suppose that with Valentines Day coming up, I had better give myself an attitude adjustment and be thankful for what I’ve been given. Thanks for the gentle prod. 💚
I understand. But it’s part of his commitment to our dynamic, just like I have commitments. It was/is part of our negotiation. I can see that it looks romantic from the outside, but I see the hard work and dedication that goes into it. I suppose that with Valentines Day coming up, I had better give myself an attitude adjustment and be thankful for what I’ve been given. Thanks for the gentle prod. 💚
Someone willing to do the hard work is romantic ❤️

Because true romance doesn't fade when the daily struggles set in - as they always do.
I can see that it looks romantic from the outside, but I see the hard work and dedication that goes into it.

Just because it was negotiated doesn't mean it's not romantic. Offering to care for someone's needs (no matter which side of the slash) is giving yourself to them. For some of us, it's a love language. The dedication to listen to your needs, or determine you need something, and follow through shows his love - and that's romantic.

It's little things like messaging when you're tired that make me swoon and feel loved, and want to show my love in return. 🧡