Daddy's Little Girl - Fourth Edition

Oh. My. Gosh! So much wonderful going on this weekend here on DLG-4! I've had to wait until now to respond as we had vanilla friends from out of town staying with us this weekend. I popped in to see what was happening a couple of times.

First, to @Sol41 Welcome! I think you'll find this group to be very helpful and the littles here are always happy to help. You've already received some great advice, so I won't pile on.

As for @dreamysub, I don't know if you are aware of the fact that I have an author account as well. I post stories as SofiaLaFrench. Thank you for the sweet comment over the weekend on my Bunny story. You now know my background, so I'll share my Valentine's Day story as well. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

A few weeks ago I posted here asking about spanking. Because of my history, Deacon will not spank me. I wanted to try, so I planned a weekend getaway for Valentine's Day. I wanted to prove to myself, Deacon, and my therapist, that I was healed. My plan was that a spanking would complete my submission. Well, it did not go as planned.

It began okay, then after a few minutes I felt my emotions welling up and began to sob. Not from pain, but from the catharsis of finally being spanked. Then "everything turned to 💩" as they say. In the midst of my sobbing, I said "I'm sorry Ernie." Ernie was my abuser.

Well, that put a stop to everything! Deacon couldn't believe what he heard. He pushed me off his lap and began pacing the room. Every time I tried to say something to him he would raise his hand to shush me. This went on for almost half an hour. I was sure I had ruined my marriage. So many emotions were rushing through me.

Finally, he sat down and took me onto his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder and began bawling my eyes out. Full on ugly cry. I tried to apologize through the tears but he just held me and comforted me. As it turned out he was pacing to get his anger under control, but he wasn't angry at me. He was angry at Ernie for the abuse, and himself for believing me that I was healed.

There was an emergency call to my therapist's weekend number. Turns out I still have some victim guilt hiding in the folds and creases of this screwed-up brain of mine. I've spent the last week working through it with the help of my therapist AND my unbelievably loving husband. I don't know what I did to deserve him.

I guess my message is that there is hope, don't give up. Those of us who can identify with your situation feel your pain and wish we could make it go away. Be strong, and be good to yourself and your kids.

Love, Bunny
Thank you so much Bunny, your story almost brought me to tears. Im glad you have such a rock solid hubby (not innuendo lol) that can depended on like that so much.

I guess I'll take a moment to five my story.

One night at age 39, I had a huge horrible breakdown to my husband. I confesses to him that Id been having really terrible trauma fantasies (idk what the proper wording is) from an earlier sexual abuse situation. And it’s just been a journey from there. First was him getting me to accept that I was indeed damaged from this, that is WAS sexual abuse even if it was only one time in my life and never happened again.
So Im like "Okay, Im a SA victim, what do I do now?"
Naturally we cant find or afford a therapist around here cause were poor asf, in the meantime my hubbs was doing his best just to get me to stop beating myself over having the fantasies.

Its been...a really hard so far, but finding Lit and esp this thread has been helpful. Lit gives me a healthy place to explore those fantasies and accept myself more, a lot healthier than many alternatives.
The irony is DDLG has always squicked me (GEE I wonder why lol) but its quickly becoming a large comfort and safe place in my life. Happy to be here with other nice ladies. Im a big girl and Im not too phased bu the weirdos here, but having a group that I know will be human beings and genuinely compassionate is a gift for sure.

Thanks yall
Any ladies have other good, safe sites or resources on DDLG I would greatly appreciate it as Im still very much learning about this kink and subculture. :3
Any ladies have other good, safe sites or resources on DDLG I would greatly appreciate it as Im still very much learning about this kink and subculture. :3
I would start by scanning through this and the previous iterations of this thread. Let me know if you need help finding them. Lots of resources and conversations over many years with lots of wisdom.

In years past there were some good blogs on Tumblr, but I think most of those disappeared with new rules for posting content/images way back in 2018 (?)

Good luck.
That’s how I started after another member recommended it, so I’ll second cass’s recommendation.
Maybe check this thread out:🧔in-daddys-lap-👑.1528074/

This one is a mix, but may have some gems buried in it.

Moochie (@Moochienanu) isn't around here anymore, but she is/was a beautiful soul with a lot of wisdom and experience around submission with elements of Dlg, though I don't know/recall how she identifies.’s-mementos-and-a-pic-or-two.1541911/
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Wow. Reading up..... my husbands already been my daddy for years in a non sexual way. Even before we were married.

He's taught me a lot, how to fix things, how to pay bills, even politics and philosophy which I vehemently stayed out of before our meeting up.

Without him theres SO many interesting and new foods Id never have tried, like mofongo or caprese salad, or nori wraps, or so many other things from around the world he decides he wants to try out.
Hes facilitated so much of my growth by giving me a patient loving accepting space in his heart.
I wonder if this change in perspective illustration might be helpful to some folks who visit this thread.

Sometimes we are making progress... learning, growing but we can't step back from ourselves to perceive it. We are all a sum of our life experiences... we are who we are today because of what has come before.
This hit me hard. It’s a perfect illustration of how I’ve been feeling, though it hasn’t been a steady upward progression for me.
Sometimes progress is very very slow and then (hopefully) big breakthroughs. Like grief, progress is never a straight line. And we rarely have the perspective to see how we have grown.

I do a lot of handcrafted work. It's always helpful to me to keep the 1st attempts to learn or try something new, because it is so easy to forget that the skill you have now was learned, developed and honed over long periods of time.

For example... your story, @FrenchLopBunny about Valentine's Day revealed deeper hurts that you and your daddy had not been able to see. Trying spanking created a huge opportunity for growth and compassion and deepening of your relationship and trust when things don't go as planned. You may look back on it as a pivotal moment in breaking free from your abusive past. Maybe. Obviously time will tell.
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Sometimes progress is very very slow and then (hopefully) big breakthroughs. Like grief, progress is never a straight line. And we rarely have the perspective to see how we have grown.
You’re right (of course 😉). I’ve been reflecting on my journey this past week. I’ve come to appreciate how far I’ve come since that day almost seven years ago. Even though the events on V-day terrified me, I know now that it was a dramatic breakthrough.
I think that I will have a pink bottom again yet this year 🫢
Im not sure how my husband thinks of this.
Ive already called him daddy for a few years now, which he confided to me at first made him feel a little weird but hes gotten uaed to and even enjoys it.

That said, like me hes always been squicked by full on DDLG, maybe just cause he doesnt realize were basically already in that dynamic, but he has associations with the term.

Idk, but I do know that I want to keep sharing and developing this with him as far as he is comfortable.
Im not sure how my husband thinks of this.
Ive already called him daddy for a few years now,

Idk, but I do know that I want to keep sharing and developing this with him as far as he is comfortable.
My Daddy doesn’t care for the term, so I call him Wolfie.

Be careful about easing him into DDlg. That could end up backfiring if he feels tricked. Trust and communication are foundational to the lifestyle.
My Daddy doesn’t care for the term, so I call him Wolfie.

Be careful about easing him into DDlg. That could end up backfiring if he feels tricked. Trust and communication are foundational to the lifestyle.

For sure, we're in constant communication about it so he knows he can tell me if hes not comfortable. Everythings good rn.

Update: REALLY good apparently. We just had some bedroom time and he just dove in unpromted, calling me his little girl.
Holy crap that was AMAZING. 🤩
For sure, we're in constant communication about it so he knows he can tell me if hes not comfortable. Everythings good rn.

Update: REALLY good apparently. We just had some bedroom time and he just dove in unpromted, calling me his little girl.
Holy crap that was AMAZING. 🤩
So happy for you! Wish I had this for myself!!
It’s weird when someone has their Profile About Description with a wall of text on his being a Dom in search of sub. During conversation it becomes apparent something is off about them and when I politely decline, the response is Fuck you too.

Is it just me or would you expect better emotional regulation from someone claiming to be a Dom? This is probably one of those cases where he really means he just wants to act out misogynistic fantasies on an unsuspecting victim.
But the real reason I’m here:

I have this thing, call it a pet peeve, where I won’t call someone I’m having fun with “Daddy” outside of actual sex play. I’m the moment I will but outside of it I don’t think of them as Daddy and I know I need to set a boundary about pet names.

I’ve been in one DDlg. Even in between sex play times I thought of him as Daddy so I was able to use the term freely.

But I just can’t seem to do it halfheartedly and I somewhat cringe at certain pet names because of it.