Darmus By Night


"Alot could happen along the way... Truth be told, I have a bad feeling about the coming days... There's been something bad in the air lately. Maybe you've got the best idea for it all. Settle into a nice quiet life, doing somethin you love..." Cervie said calmly.

Shrugging, Thorne got to her feet. "It's the right idea for me, reguardless of who else is to settle down in their lifetime." She walked over and began to gather the things that had fallen when she had dropped her bag, putting them away neatly before drawing her bed roll out of the place on her saddle that held it. "Get some sleep Cervantes, I'm assuming you didn't get much last night, and if Valdimer's right, and we do reach that dragon by sunset tomorrow, I think we will all need to be a bit fresher than we are now." With that, Thorne began unpacking what looked to be small cases, along with a soft wrap around that resembled her cloak in many ways.

"Aye... Best I s'pose..." Cervie sighed as he gave his back a stretch. "Ahmph." He grunted as he trudged over to the stolen mare, grabbing the stolen mare's stolen bed roll. He rolled it out and looked over to Thorne. "Ere's me bed, may sleep give ye all 'is rest." And with that he flopped down and got all cozzied up.

almost unnoticed, KyLissa stepped out of the cabin, returning with two pails of water. Setting one to heat for washing and pouring some of the other into a cookpot, Kylissa found dried beans, and lentils and cut up some of the meat for a stew ready for a hearty breakfast in the morning. Taking some of the heated water she brewed a strong herb tea, the herbs mixed to relax and calm the drinker, and poured one for herself. Settling the kettle back near the fire for anyone else who wanted some, she took the warmed water and poured some in a basin. Finding a clean rag in the pocket of her dress, she offered the water and rag to Valdimer.

"Valdimer, you have a little blood on your face..."

Looking over at Cervantes, Thorne spoke again "You can sleep in the cabin, don't stay out here on account of me. I just don't really want to leave Talesin alone, besides, I'm used to sleeping out doors." With that, Thorne prepared her bed roll carefully, taking all the loose pins out of her hair and tied it up with a soft strip of leather.

"Nah, rather sleep out here too, knowing Kiahra, she'd give me the flea ridden bed or something... Damn witch anyway. Yep, its much nicer out here, it really is." Cervie tucked his arms under his head then. "Yep... Uhuh... Nice..." He lidded his eyes mostly shut while facing toward Thorne.

"Why...uhh..thank you." he said, taking the cloth offered to him, and wiping his face. "I get messy sometimes." he said, giving a slight chuckle. "I dont believe you have told me your name, and, just out of curiosity, what is your reason for seeking out Cervantes? Though I think I already know the answer." he said, pulling his cloak over him, preparing for the sunlight that would come in a few hours.......

Now that cervie got some manners she said to herself"

Kiahra heads out to find Cervies Cabin Boy... As she searches she sees her wolf has made a friend..She smile to herself..

Kiahra goes to Rocky .. Hello Rocky she says in a soft voice" I see you have met wolf... And that he has found a way to get food off you...

YOu know Rocky I have the ability to give you another animal.. I know you can hear and talk to them Like I can... Kiahra said" As she gave Rocky a warm look..

Kiahra looked at the people starting to fall asleep.. She started to talk to rocky some more .. wondering why they treat him so??

You know Rocky Kiahra said' I have known Cervie for a very long time I wonder If he has told anyone of me?? And I know some times he needs to have a consouis he treats woman so badly at times... BUt to you He is your hero...

Rocky how long have you been with Cervie?? Kiahra asked"?

As she sat and waited for him to speak his thoughts to her.. She petted his squirel and wolf..

"My name is KyLissa, and I'm not at all sure why I came" with a self depreciating chuckle Kylissa admited.
"There are many reasons, and as such, I could tell you many things and all would be right. I suspect though that you would have the whole truth before you allow me to accompany you on this journey?"
Without waiting for his assent, KyLissa continued, "A man approached me in Browning to pay for my services, I am not as you suspect, just a tavern whore, I am a spy and an assassin. He set me to wait for Cervantes and yourself and to report your activities to him. He did not give me his name, but he owns the apothecary next to the tavern you came to. I am not known in Browning, he sent for me for this specific purpose, so I suspect he wanted you murded at some time too. I told him the business you had there, and he paid me well for that information, but I have a weakness for money, and when I heard you were going to the dragon, I thought there might be more money in it for me, so I went with Cervantes that night. He placed a charm around my neck, I suppose you know what that is for, and the next thing I knew was a man rutting with me after ripping it from around my throat. I went to claim the rest of my money and my horse, but the money was denied me and my horse stolen. Cervantes has my horse, my belongings and goes where I wish to go, so I followed. Although his lusts were strong and we had a wonderful night together, I do not begrudge him the fulfillment of those lusts with another woman. " It all poured out of her in a rush, and on a sigh she finished "I would like to travel with you to the dragon, even if not for the treasure, I would like to see so fabled a beast, I suspect the dragon may be the one creature in this world I can bond with"

Sitting on her bedroll, Thorne did not make a move to lay down. She just sat there, listening to the sounds of the night, idly petting Talesin's nose every so often as he snacked on some grass from the forrest floor. She knew that sleep, if it came, would hold old nightmares and no rest for her, so she prefered to stay awake.So she sat, her head turned up to watch the stars, her ears taking in the faint murmer of voices from the cabin, the noise of Talesin moving around, and all of the other sounds of the night. As she observed, she thought, about all that had come before, and what was to come. After she dealt with this dragon, she'd have enough coin to bring back Shadowfax Farms, and she'd never have to deal with the threat of human touch again. Then she thought of Valdimer, and what he'd said in the forrest, Cervantes, and when he'd been concerned. What was going on here? She should not be thinking of this, just the quest, just another quest in a long line of them, just the last quest. With that settled to her own mind, she sat back and let her mind wander over the night, and it went immidatelly back to the same train of thought.

Falling to sleep quickly, Cervie began to snore. Dreams filled his unconcious mind...

"Ruin me brew will you boy?" A large man with a harsh voice shouted. "Come ere an take your whooping ye coward!" The man was obviously drunk as he chased after a very scared child. "No wonder yer mother died the moment she saw ye! Couldn't stand the sight of such a disgrace..." The man's voice wabbled as the boy made his escape into the forest.

Cervie's body shook and twitched as he dreamed...
Orion felt uncomfortable amongst the new faces, he decided it would be best for him to go outside the cabin and practice. He got up and excused himself, "I don't want to seem rude or anything but I don't want to stink up the cabin at all. For those of you who don't know me, I'm an undead zombie, if you hadn't figured it out from my grotesque appearance. Since I don't sleep I'll be down the hill practicing if you need me."

It took Orion a few minutes to find a secluded spot to practice his sword play. He hadn't lifted a blade since his death and even before that he was never handy with a sword. It took him a few hours to get acquainted with the new blade, getting used to it's weight and feel. He couldn't concentrate on his exercises though, thoughts of the past continued to flood his mind.

He remember the feeling of the knight's sword, running through his heart and ending his natural life. The steel of the blade was so cold it felt like fire, burning through his flesh, consuming him. He remembers closing his eyes as the last drops of precious blood left his body and his soul approached the ominus 'white light' that marked the end of all things ordinary and the beginning of all things extraordinary.

Everyone has their own interpretation of what heaven is like. Some people feel that when they expire they will know all the answers to the secrets of the universe. Some organzied religions, like Buddhism, look at death as a release or a step closer to becoming one with the absolute. Orion couldn't help to think that he had visited the otherside and if anything he knew less than he did before. He also felt that in his current state as "Orion the zombie", he is something less than he had been when he had been known as "Orion the sailor." The irony of it was that Scarlett had been both his heaven and his hell.

OOC: Hey all, I'm interested how do you like the last few posts? I didn't know anything about religous trends on Daramus so I just tried to relate it to religions I have studied before. By the way, LDF, is Talesin named after Franklin Lloyd Wright's house? Just curious.

OOC: Talesin was a wizard, and is a character in my favorite book by Charles De Lint, "Moonheart" but the Character horse Talesin is actually named after my own horse, and patterened off of him as well. Personally, I think you're doing very well.

IC: Thorne watched for a moment as Cervantes twitched before looking towards the cabin. She knew that the rest of the party wouldn't be asleep, and was tempted to go in. She contemplated still as she saw Orion slipping out. She sighed and stretched, getting to her feet. Might as well make some plans for dealing with the dragon hacked out while Cervantes slept. She wondered what he dreamed about. Making her way quietly past Cervantes, Thorne walked towards the cabin.

"Yes, the truth would be good to know, if we allow you to continue with us." Val said, eyeing her. He listened intentlly as she spoke, taking drags off his pipe. When she finished, Val let out the smoke of his latest hit, and said. "An assasian eh? How are we to know that you still are not spying for him now? Hmm? And seeing a dragon is definatly not all it's cracked up to be. If the dragon is pissed, you're in for a long day. Heh, believe me, I know." he said, pointing to his armor. " You want to bond with this thing? My dear, I have all intentions of killing it, unless you or Thorne get to it first that is." he said with a sly smile. Setting the bloodied rag down next to the bowl, he looked back to Kylissa. "Now, you say you want to bond with this thing, and that you could care less about the gold and riches in it's horde. An interesting proposal. I'll let you come along, but be warned, I will have my eye on you. Many have tried to kill me, be it by thier own hands, or going through someone such as yourself, and as you can see, I'm still here. And you can tell your master, or whoever it was who payed you, that I'll be waiting for him, sword in hand." he finished, leaning back in his chair, taking a long drag off his pipe.

Leaning his head to the side, he watched as Thorne entered the cabin. "Thorne.......are you doing ok?" he said, a look of concern in his eyes..........

Smiling weakly at Valdimer, Thorne entered the cabin. "I'm fine, always have been, always will be." She walked slowly over to the chair that she'd sat in before, sitting down after moving the amulet to the table. She wouldn't use that magic, nor would she use anything to repell vampires. It wasn't in her nature. She delt with things herself, not with her magics.

Watching Thorne for a moment, taking a few more drags off his pipe, he said, "Want some of this? It might relax you a bit." he said, giving her a wink. Pulling on his goatee for a bit, taking more drags off his pipe, Val leaned back in his chair. "The sun will be up soon....." he said..........

Smiling, Thorne shook her head. "No thanks, I've never smoked, and I don't think I could survive it. After all, I've seen your tolerance for liquor, I would suspect it might be a bit strong for anyone, much less me. I did want to ask you, where did you get such interesting armour? I've never seen anything quite like it before."

"Are you in the mood for a story?" he said, pulling his chair close to Thorne. Smiling, he started. "I got my armor long ago, when I first started adventuring. Way back when I was traveling with the likes of a Palidan Minotaur, a ninja, an elven warrior, and an elven wizard. Regal was the minotaurs name, Hi Atchi the ninja, Kaz the elven warrior, and my dear friend Florin Bornsmith. I suprised you havent heard of him...he is a well known wizard after all. Anyways..." he said, taking a drag off his pipe, " I was not a vampire yet, and was very young, just barely into my adventuring days. I hadnt even met Cervantes yet. We were hunting down a dragon, green as you can see, " he said, pointing to his armor, " and had made it to it's lair. Venturing in, pushing through traps and what not, we eventually made it to the dragon. A long battle insuded, almost ending the life of Kaz and Florin. To make a long story short, we eventually killed it, and I took it's scales as a trophy, and have been wearing it ever since." he finished, a look of pride and rememberance of times past on his face........

Listening closely, Thorne cocked her head. When Valdimer finished, she thought for a bit and then spoke. "So why did you hunt that dragon? For that matter, why does this dragon have a grudge against you?"

"Why did we hunt the dragon? Well, it was evil I guess....destroying small villages, making the kings hair fall out...who knows...it was so long ago."

"As far as why this particular dragon hates me? Hmmmm, maybe because the dragon I killed, to get my armor, was it's mate....that type of thing would make you hold a grudge I think." he said, taking a drag off his pipe, and putting it out.............

Looking at Valdimer, Thorne thought for a few minutes, watching the smoke curl out of his pipe. "Valdimer, can I ask you for an honest explanation about what Cervantes says about me? The Part Dragon thing?"

"Well, the only things I've heard are what he has sayed in front of eveyone." Val said, giving her a quizicall look. "Why does it bother you so? It's not that you are part dragon or anything." he said with a chuckle. "Though I have heard of stranger things....".........

Looking down, Thorne felt a blush spreading over her cheeks. "I..I... I guess it has to do with my mentor really. He kept saying that my powers were too strong. He even had me tested for elven blood, but it proved false. He just concluded that I wasn't human. Plus, there is nothing of my father in me. I look for it whenever I am at a mirror, but all I see is my mother. My father was a blond man, with fair hair and brown eyes. He was a bear of a man, big in all ways. All that I see is my mother's shortness, and her pale complextion. She was brown haired, and had brown eyes. I guess, I always felt wierd when my mentor would say those things." Thorne looked at Valdimer, the candle light revealing she was a tiny figure. Standing barely to Valdimer's chest, she was waif thin with pale complextion and odd grey eyes that seemed green by the glow of the candle. The trick of Thorne's eyes were the gold sunbursts around the pupils. She reached up to brush a lock of her odd hair behind her ear, revealing long thin fingers with fingernails that looked to be tinged with gold. Her full lips drew back in a humorless smile, one of memory and old pain. "I guess it was one last hope to explain how the hell I came to be such a freak."

"Believe me Thorne, you are no freak. Things could definatly be worse for you. You could be a blood thirsty vampire, like me." Pulling his gauntlets off, Val set them on the floor next to the chair he sat in. Looking into her eyes, he watched as the green came out, and the sunbursts as well. His eyes widened for but a moment, and a smile formed on his lips. "Thorne......I really dont know what to tell you. You do have the size of an elf, but not the ears. Were your parents human? Or were you adopted? That could explain a great deal." he said.............

Tilting her head, Thorne reached up to around her neck and drew out her one piece of jewlery. A locket. Opening it carefully, Thorne handed it to Valdimer. Inside were two sketches, one of a woman who bore a striking resembelance in facial structure to Thorne. The other side showed a man who bore more resembelance to Cervantes or Valdimer than he did Thorne. "These are my parents, and, as you can see, I do look like my mother. I was born only 7 months after my parents were married. Because of my size, they thought that I had decided to leave my mother prematurely, but I had a full head of hair. As for not being a freak, there is the matter of . . ." Thorne felt the blush increase, and dropped her head before continuing. "There's the matter of my anger. Every time I get angry, what you saw happen when Cervantes grabbed my hand occurs. Firey anger seems to be a physical manifestation with me." She hung her head lower and brought her knees up to her chest, her small frame allowing her to fit into the chair like that. She pretended to be interested in her toenails, which bore the same greenish gold undertone as her fingernails. She had taken off her boots earlier, and did hate putting them back on for a simple walk from her bed roll to the cabin.