Dear Litster, once more

Dear Speed Racer

I know you’re not here anymore (and I’ll text you at a normal human like hour today), but this place will always be our origin and that means something.

This time of year always has you crossing my mind. So many firsts in our years of…whatever we have now? Friendship I guess is where we land now after those crazy first months so many years ago.

I found you at a time that I needed something and you helped me get through those times and I am forever grateful. I will always look back to all those years ago and remember the anticipation and butterflies, that grew into that comfortable place you now home in my heart.

Know that I’m thinking of you…always.

Dear away-for-the-weekend Litster,

I hope you have a blast. But if you find yourself bored and have sneakily logged on, check your messages (not here).


I get waaaay too risky when I'm too frisky. 😘
Dear It'll be ok,

I did get a pretty good song out of this week. Wanna sing something to me to help me through all the pain?

I still love you even when my heart is broken
Dear I still love you even when my heart is broken,

Hearing my sing might be the stick that breaks the camels back on your pain.
I would not do that to you.
Because I also .., still love you.

3 Ways Make Me Happy
Dear lister,

I worried about you a lot. You were down and hurting and I kept checking on you. I grew fonder of you and your personality. How anyone could hurt you is beyond me. I should have said I'm starting to love you, but you were mending a broken heart and I felt it unappropriate.

Still here when you need a shoulder
Dear Litster,

I apologize for the sex dream I had about you while I napped on my short break at work today. Particularly for the nun habit my brain put you in. Less so for the sex in the confessional. You had me saying all my Hail Mary's (and I'm not even Catholic). I'm not rightly sure where the hell my brain pulled that from.

If it's any consolation, you were absolutely fucking amazing, like best I've ever had amazing. If one could revisit a dream, I'd have booked a week long stay immediately after waking.

A Sinner
Dear Cringeworthy Litster,
I feel like I should feel bad for putting you on ignore, but I’m really not. You’re probably not that bad of a person, but your brand of humor and energy just don’t mesh with mine. Every post of yours either grosses me out, makes me cringe or roll my eyes. Think I’ll protect my own mood and sanity, but I’m sure you’ll be fine without my reactions and replies.
SorryNotSorry Litster

Dear Other Cringeworthy Litster,
You might be next.
Wouldn’t Be Sorry About That Either
Dear Cringeworthy Litster,
I feel like I should feel bad for putting you on ignore, but I’m really not. You’re probably not that bad of a person, but your brand of humor and energy just don’t mesh with mine. Every post of yours either grosses me out, makes me cringe or roll my eyes. Think I’ll protect my own mood and sanity, but I’m sure you’ll be fine without my reactions and replies.
SorryNotSorry Litster

Dear Other Cringeworthy Litster,
You might be next.
Wouldn’t Be Sorry About That Either
Dear SNS Litster,

That's ok, I hear that a lot. Someday I'll achieve my goal of being on everybody's Ignore List. #lifegoals #coolpeoplebestignoreme

Just Doing My Part
Dear Litster,

I have only just recently reflected on the fact that very, very few Litsters have ever seen my face. And that this is actually a kind of weird online grey area, especially for the people I converse with often, and who may know my voice, my name, and perhaps even what my boobs look like. But my face?

Hmmm. Something for me to think about.


Wearing a Scream Mask.