Dear X

I'm starting to have doubts . I hope it's my imagination. But just in case I'll prepare myself
Dear friend in heaven,

It may be 36 years ago now, but I still remember it like yesterday. The day he took you away. The day he changed everyones life. I try and think of what your life would be like today. I still visit your tree every year, and I still miss you. But you are still loved and thought of. :heart:

Dear X.

I would offer condolences without constraint or consideration for differences. You know that I am familiar with what you are going through. *bows low*

Dear X,

Just because you warned me that you would hurt me, it's still not ok.

But of course, you know that.



I regret ever taking that acid tab
Dear X,

Steak will always be better than hamburgers!
Feeling nostalgic this morning
Dear X,

I don't think you'll ever see this, but you have no idea how amazing you are. Thank you for being in my life.


Dear X sorry that my Thread got to boring for you and you dont come and stop in anymore ;)
Dear X,

Thanks for reminding me to keep my walls high…it was nice to just be me for a little bit though.

Silly faces no more
Dear X

I have had enough of you this year.
just no for the holidays.
I never was competing with you and I am more than over your insistence on competing with me
And enough with the photos! Not every moment requires pictorial documentation
I am tired of hiding my irritation. tired of quietly complying with your demands.


done with you at least until next year
Dear X

I have had enough of you this year.
just no for the holidays.
I never was competing with you and I am more than over your insistence on competing with me
And enough with the photos! Not every moment requires pictorial documentation
I am tired of hiding my irritation. tired of quietly complying with your demands.


done with you at least until next year

*hugs* Hello there my friend. :)
Dear Mom in Heaven.

You'd have been 76 today. I wish more than anything you were still here. I know you have been watching over me this year, and I have felt you with me. I love you, and I miss you, and I appreciate you. Happy Birthday in heaven.
Me. :heart:
Dear X
Why did you try to walk back into my life while I’m at a low. Is this just life way of testing me? You broke me, more then I’ve ever been broken in my life. I don’t know if I’m still whole. But for the life of me I can’t understand why I don’t hate you, I should hate you but I can’t. I hope life has been everything you’ve ever wanted but that’s as much as I can give you.
Dear Mom in Heaven.

You'd have been 76 today. I wish more than anything you were still here. I know you have been watching over me this year, and I have felt you with me. I love you, and I miss you, and I appreciate you. Happy Birthday in heaven.
Me. :heart:
Thoughts and prayers for you. ❤️
Dear Mom in Heaven.

You'd have been 76 today. I wish more than anything you were still here. I know you have been watching over me this year, and I have felt you with me. I love you, and I miss you, and I appreciate you. Happy Birthday in heaven.
Me. :heart:
Happy heavenly birthday Sassy’s mom ❤️
Dear Mom in Heaven.

You'd have been 76 today. I wish more than anything you were still here. I know you have been watching over me this year, and I have felt you with me. I love you, and I miss you, and I appreciate you. Happy Birthday in heaven.
Me. :heart:

Awww. I'm sorry. But I firmly believe that she's watching, and that must be a comfort to you. :heart:
Dear X,
Missing you hard today.
Maybe because I know where you are and what you're doing.
Just be safe and text me when you get home.
Love you.

Your teddy bear.
Dear non-lit person who’s become so special to me,

You first started sending me middle of the night messages about a year ago. You were friends with the hubby and I was just an acquaintance at best. I didn’t think too much about you messaging, I just figured you were bored or drunk and saw I was online. About 6-8 months ago, I let you know my marriage was open. You had a lot of questions and didn’t really understand the dynamic, but you kept chatting with me and I started looking forward to your messages. One night a few months back, I was home alone and decided to go to the bar. I had a hunch you’d be there. We exchanged smiles, I had a couple drinks and left. Not long after, you messaged me with your address and asked me if I could come over. You were so nervous…truth be told, so was I. We laid in your bed, watched movies, laughed our asses off, and shared our first kiss. That night holds a special place in my heart.

Here we are, months later, and last night I got to sleep in your arms that I’ve come to feel so much comfort and protection in. And I realized I have a bit of a dilemma - I’m falling for you. Hard. I didn’t mean to or want to but I am and I don’t know what to do about it.

In the past, I’ve had FWB’s develop feelings for me and I’ve ended things. But now, here I am in my feels and I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to think of you not being in my life. Every time I look in your eyes, I’m trying to tell you how much you mean to me and that I love you in that stare.

I know this most likely isn’t going to end well for me and I’m dreading that day. Until then, I’m going to soak you up as much as I possibly can.

Can’t believe I developed the feels…
Dear x,

I'm so glad that we're no longer together anymore. Now that I'm single I'm getting my life back in order again and starting to love myself again. You hurt me in every way possible, and I never left you due to all your threats. I look back now and I feel a lot stronger. Never did I think I'd be where I'm at today. I love who I am as a person. I truly respect myself. You may have hurt me, but you didn't break me because I'm still getting stronger. :heart: