Z has to have certain requirements to change in to another shape. He needs either direct contact with live cells from the species, or he needs to watch and observe the species enough to mimic it. But the contact is the best way for him to copy it and use whatever natural abilities the species has. So if he were to just observe a gorgon without contact, he could change in to that shape but would be unable to use the petrifying stare. Even if he did mimic the gorgon stare, it wouldn't be as strong as a natural gorgon's. That's how it goes for all of his abilities.
His big thing isn't the number of shapes he can do, but the variety. The list of species he can morph in to right now is a little small, but he can do any manner of variety within that species. So instead of just copying a human and looking like him, he can just become a human that looks like whatever he wants it to. He can't mix and match things from other species. He can sometimes pull off half human and half something else. But the species has to exist already for him to change in to it. He can not change in to animals, extraplanar, undead, or completely magical species. Everything has some magical element to it, though, but I'm talking about creatures that only exist as a magical entity, and not as a natural species.
Z could probably mimic Gryph physically, but most of his abilities would be something Z couldn't do. Dragons are a weird mix of elemental magic and natural abilities. Z could probably copy Gryph's fire breath, but that would be the limit. If Z had any magical talent on his own, then it might be a different story. However Z sucked at magic while growing up, and never bothered trying to learn any over the years.
Z couldn't copy Trunfor at all. The whole "fiendish blood" thing is too hard. He can make himself in to a tiefling, but they're a lot more human than fiend and that makes all the difference.
The biggest things Z can do would be the smaller varieties of giant-kin. Like ogres and minotaurs and trolls. Z doesn't transform in to trolls, though. He gets only a small fraction of trollish regeneration, but still has the weakness to fire and acid. Not a good trade off when he could just be a big ol' ogre or minotaur.
Uhm Avellan, the bear spooked the horse that Haerdon was tied on, Relic chased after them to re-capture Haerdon. Just thought I'd bring that under your attention.
Are there any objections to me waking Z up without the aid of Relic? I had planned on his recovery being handled by Relic, but DormantEvil seems to be pretty busy. My "plan B" was him just waking up 48 hours later or so, but 48 game hours could be 4 months of real time. Z needs to wake up so he can get his precious collection of keys back from the moist and naked tart!
I heard from DormantEvil. It will still be a few days before she can get back in to posting, so she is giving us the OK to deal with Relic. Her suggestion would be for Relic to just vanish in to the night, but leave Haerdon tied up as a gift for us.
Yes, I think that is a possibility. Relic should be able to catch up later with the boat, because the river has some bends, and she can go straightline.
I've been invited to join in by Belinda, after discussing some ideas. I just wonder how and when could my character join the tale? I've already cooked up this small bio, and I post it here for consideration of my peers.
Age: Unknown
Race: Illithid
Tall: 1.80m
Bodytype: broad-shouldered, slender
Weight: 78kg
Hair: No hair whatsoever
Further description: As a Mind Flayer, Ma'ant'Zek'Ur is a tall, broad-shouldered creature, amphibious-like, whose ruddy skin is almost as moisturized as a frog's. A humanoid almost unnoticed amongst the crowd - except for four, 10-inches long tentacles above his mouth, concealing it under them almost like an octopus' beak. His skin is purple-coloured, but somewhat greenish depending on his moods.
Equipment: A long, ornated halberd, used as a staff, deep blue and purple robes worn over and under a well-crafted leather armour, and a further chainshirt concealed under the leather. A long dagger concealed at his robes.
Ma'ant'Zek'Ur is a loner. Even among the individualistic species of the illithidae, this one's own perverted, twisted designs were all and only his. Fleeing from his settlement deep into the underground world, Ma'ant'Zek'Ur decided for his wanderlust in order to have himself prepared before setting his grand, depraved designs into motion.
A powerful telephat and illusionist, Ma'ant'Zek'Ur always wander with his hood pulled over his bulbous head, concealing his tentacles under his robes, and casting a disguise spell over his features, looking like a rich human due to his attires.
How can we get this handsome into it?
As discussed with Belinda, I shall keep his mind-controlling habilities only for some of the NPCs. Any other character will only be susceptible to a mental suggestion send telephatically in order to prevent any god-modding.
And for Ma'ant'Zek'Ur: Maybe he is known with Naunet? Or somebody involved with Baldie or the White Stag-Connection? Somehow related into the affairs with Cabal? Or maybe he had even his fingers, or tentacles in the havoc caused by Haerdon and Mad Dog? There should be some relations possible. Still, there are Blades and Alex still out, and they might have stumbled on something.
One thing for sure, Phyliss will find a simpler nickname for him. "Whats up, Tentacles?" or "Purplely"?
Would you explain to me who are them? I've been reading the thread, but couldn't really find who they are.
Who's Naunet? Baldie and the White Stag? The Cabal? Haerdon and Mad Dog? Blades and Alex?
I think Ur could be an acquaintace to one of those more shadowy groups... and would be really interesting to get him going into the tale soon enough!
Of course the Gorgon could call him that, as it would amuse him more than enrage him. After all, the lesser races tend to find it complicated to pronounce his name...
Naunet is Dizzyfishs' character. She just joined the crew after fishing Z out of the river. She is an aquatic creature colloquially known as a "Sea-Ghost."
"Baldie" was Maralai, female elf leader of the White Stags. White Stags are/were a mercenary monster hunter group. Baldie was what Belinda called her, because she was a totally bald elf. Maralai wanted to capture Z, but she ended up getting betrayed by her own Lieutenant and, as far as we all know, is just gone. The hunters are now under new leadership and weren't really planned to come back.
There isn't a lot of information written about the Cabal. It is a part of Z's backstory. Basically it was a group of doppelgangers in a country on the other side of the world that tried to conquer a kingdom 50 years ago. Baldie and her friends killed them all, but Z had already abandoned the Cabal so he escaped.
The barbarian Haerdon (barbarian hard-on) is a very rude barbarian that is trying to capture Phyliss, but keeps getting thwarted.
I would also like to point out that Z IS awake now. He'll likely need to sleep or rest in some form soon, but Gryph and Naunet will have someone to talk to, should they feel the need. I would imagine that Gryph would probably want to assess whether or not Z is a danger to them. I mean, he did just spend all day changing shape and lying to you guys.
Naunet will also need to explain why she thinks she can steal Z's key collection and get away with it. Cause that ain't gonna fly!
If you want to work with me and have your Illithid's story tie in to Z somehow let me know. My doppelganger is 68 years old, and has spent 50 years traveling around getting in to random trouble. I'm sure he can have pissed off an Illithid or made friends with an Illithid at some point. Especially since there are VERY few ways to identify him with all his shape shifting. Naunet found one of them, and I am pretty sure a natural and highly trained telepath could do the job too.
I know your average mind flayer looks like THIS
But if you change your head to look more like THIS, I know you'll have an instant friend in Dizzyfish.
I might be a bit rare over the weekend. Monday is again fine with me.
For the status: Phyliss, Colin and Skandölf are asleep.
Tronfur is on standby, meditating with an alert spell.
Z is awake, if still weakend.
Naunet: I do not know.
Gryph: Still awake, grumbling about something.
Purply, Tentacles: Somewhere out there
Relic: Strolling around somewhere
Haerdon: Tied up at the next bend of the river
What's next: Either some more talk between Z, Naunet and Gryph,
or everybody gets some rest, and we go on next morning.
P.S: Alex is a drow thief and friend of Relic. Mad Dog is a powerful, shady sorcerer. He helped Haerdon to raid a merchants palace to capture Phyliss, who managed to escape with Gryph. Mad Dog has some interest in Gryphs gold and made Tronfur a present. Mad Dog does not like to rush things, and pursuits the cog and its crew like a game. Blades is a femal drow assasin, that works for Mad Dog occasionally, but is unhappy with his calm and slow way to follow the gold.
Hmm... interesting proposition, Nidhogg. I think we can cook something up togheter as to whys and hows does the Illithid finds his way into the group through the doppelganger.
Perhaps he'd approach the group in the night-time?
Now, maybe we should synchronize somehow to get going again.
It was already in the middle of the night, when Pyliss returned on board and finally went to sleep.
Z and Naunet were talking a while, before Gryph went away to inspect the fire.
We might assume that she lit the fire not to close to the shore, and not somewhere in the forest where she could start a fire. So Gryph needs a little time to get to her, as he cannot fly like Tronfur and is not so slim as Phyliss to slide through the dense trees and bushes.
So if Tronfur has managed to catch some sleep for a few hours, we will just be close to dawn. Phyliss went to bed earlier then Tronfur, so she will be able to get up again in the setting sun. So will Colin and Skandölf.
As for Naunet and Z, shall we just assume they had some smalltalk, with Z still a little shook up and stunned, so that we go on the next morning?
As for Ma'ant...Tentacles, have you made up someting wit Z already to join in somehow?
Been discussing with him some possibilities, but he's feeling sick, so we haven't exchanged much.
I'm thinking of approaching the group under somw sort of cover. Perhaps disguised by a spell. Or even not. Maybe Ma'ant is an acquaintance of someone? (not the most pleasant of acquaintances at that.)
As long as Nidhogg is sick, we just pretend that Z isn't feeling that well, too. The posion that was meant to harm him still needs some more time to wear off, after all the mixture that Colin made wasn't that perfect. Sureley Phyliss hasn't a mind flayer among her contacts, but plenty of merchants, nobleman, musicians and all the bunch of people you are likely to meet as guests in the mansions of the high society. Maybe one of this illustrious people could have been an Illithid.
P.S. As for Dizzyfish: her absence can easily explained with Z's condition. Still being weak and confuzed, he isn't much fun to talk to, Gryph went off into the woods to chase after the fire and the rest is asleep, so maybe she went to sleep aswell (if seaghosts do sleep) or she is back in the water, because it is no problem for her to find and enter the ship anytime, even if it has moved on.