Defenders of New York (Super Hero's)

Alexis Durran

IC: 'Alex? Alex Durran? My god you've changed' I smiled to myself, knowing I wasn't the only one laughing at that. 'Well, that's to be expected, eh?' I nodded, in all rights he and Elaine should be the least suprised next to my parents. I embraced him back in a friendly hug, and prepared to ask where Elaine was. 'So, you decided to come too, huh? That's cool. I was toying with the idea myself and, well, since Elaine is at her mother's, I thaught: Why not! So, how've you been keeping?'

"Well I finished school and started my new work, at a local restrunt. And since that and surgery is done I'm starting to get my house in order. How about you?" More people began to arive while Robert and I got cought up. Most blent in prety well but one lady stood out, a blonde that must of been eight ffeet or more in hieght, I personaly didn't know her or even recall such a woman being in our class, perhaps she is some one's wife?
"Oh, I've been keeping well. Got myself a nice job in a local retailer. Assistant manager. Not long now until I'm made full manager! Err, I hope" Robert chuckled. "The whole family thing is working out real well and, well..." He leaned in a little closer and dropped his voice to a whisper "...There's a chance I might be a father" He chuckled again. "Kinda scary, but exciting at the same time, eh?"
Ike in a green dress, with Ryan

Ryan nodded, and started walking over towards the buffet. "I guess I'm kind of lucky, then. Don't have to drive that far. Morning commute's kind of a pain, though. But I wanted a place to live where I could actually afford luxuries like food on my paycheck."

He chuckled, and looked over what was laid out for the buffet. He made a face. Typical fare. He got a plate, and took a lot of the few things available he'd actually eat. "Why do all of these functions have the same food? Three edible dishes, and the rest crap. Is it to reward the few of us who get here early?"]

"I think all the caterer's are in cahoots. They have one standard spread and buy in bulk." Ike picked up some of the carrot and celery sticks, followed by a spoonful of the dip. "Oswego's not to bad a place. But the town revolves around all the power plants. Not to bad a drive if I want to hit the big city for a weekend and catch a show or go shopping in the garment district."

Ike was self conscious about her nails. She never used anything more than clear. No matter how hard she tried the polish usually ended up on more than just her nails, or she would bump something before it was dry; and the polish would have to be removed and repainted. She took a few cubes of cheese and some crackers and set them on the plate.

"So... The bio on the back of you books never mentioned anything about family. " Ike paused and blushed, then laughed, "You would think in ten years I would have thought up better questions to ask than 'are you married?' and 'got kids?'" She pushed a lock of her copper hair back behind her ear.

Ryan grunted, looking at a meat he was suspicious of. "It's not that bad a question, actually. Quite frankly, I always knew what I'd end up doing for a living. There was never a question about that. My thoughts of the future usually tended to be along those lines. Wife, kids. Never happened, though. I guess I'm just too far into my own world, you know?"

He took a bite, glad to find it was the same fare as usual. Not the best thing in the world, but it was entirely edible with a little mustard. Ryan glanced around, noting that once again there was none. He dug into his pocket, pulling out one of the mustard packets he'd brought himself. Caterers, so predictable.

"I guess that's my problem. So focused, I often get missed by others. And those people who are interested, if there ever are any, Jeez, I spend too much time in my head, not enough time actually doing anything. I guess I could blame it on a lack of social skills, but I think passing the blame is far too immature for someone like me. The fact of the matter is..."

He ripped the packet open carefully with his teeth, spreading it over the meat as he looked at Ike. "I think I just always blew my chances, you know? I underestimated myself, and was too introverted. If you look at nature, the basic way to attract a mate is to be out there, showing off what makes you you, hoping to gain an advantage over others by being the best, or unique. And me, well, let's face it, I'm surprised people remember me at all. No, I just don't think I've ever done anything that would make me seem the least bit attractive, really. It's kind of sad."

He took a bite of the food, nodding to himself. Yes, the mustard definitely helped. "It's the one area of my life I'm completely unsatisfied with, yet it's the one thing I don't think I could ever change about myself." He turned, and looked at her. "What about you? I notice you're not introducing me to a husband, but surely you must have fared better in life than be. In fact, I'm surprised so many of us are here alone. But then again, studies show people are marrying when they're older nowadays."
Greg took a sip of the drink and got up from the table with the glass in hand. He knew that he should go and migle with some of the people here because this was a reunion and that was what was meant to be expected. A part of him wanted to stay at the table and be by himself as he was used to it and it was going to keep him somewhat safe but he also knew that he had to mingle with everyone.

He walked towards a couple of people, people that he knew kind of well but when he saw that they were having a detailed conversation he knew it would be best not to bother them and walked slowly away from them. He then saw the red head walk in but before he could talk to her one of the others walked up to her and began a conversation.

It's probably best if I stayed at the table he thought before he turned and began to slowly walk back to the buffet table.
Roni found a secluded spot and took a seat, simply looking around to see what people were like.

*Everyone here looks pretty normal, was it just the three of us then? Elliiot, the guy he turned into a puddle, and me? How many others did he do this to?*

*Get this over with... Let me know when you're ready...*

Roni's words echoed through Elliot's mind as she walked away, leaving him standing there . "She really hates me" He thought to himself, disappointedly. He turned, feeling a veil of cold numbness falling over his emotions. His eyes fell upon the covered banner from their old high school.

Striding with a purpose, Elliot made his way over to it, and with a grand gesture, pulled the covering away. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back!" He called out as he let the cloth flutter to the ground before him, just above him, the somewhat gaudy banner that read Herroton Hero's waved lightly in a fan generated breeze.
Ryan turned, and looked at her. "What about you? I notice you're not introducing me to a husband, but surely you must have fared better in life than be. In fact, I'm surprised so many of us are here alone. But then again, studies show people are marrying when they're older nowadays."

Ike shook her head and another curl of copper hair shook free, "No. I went through college the same way I did through High School. Too damn focused on learning the stuff in books and not enough time learning to read people. Once I started working I was the 'smart bitch' who cracked the whip on guys twice my age on quality and safety controls. I think the fact that I am assertive scares them all away." She grinned lopsidedly. "Either that, or its my hair. Some days I wish I could get it to look as good as that comedian ... what's his name? Carrot-top."

Elliot made his way over to a covered sign, and with a grand gesture, pulled the covering away. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back!" He called out as he let the cloth flutter to the ground before him, just above him, the somewhat gaudy banner that read Herroton Hero's waved lightly in a fan generated breeze.

OOC: *whenever the rest are, I'm good to go.*

Greg looked over at Elliot as he unveiled the sign and thought Well it has started now, lets see what happens.

He moved slowly towards where Elliot was standing and wondered just what was going to happen this night. He had wondered that ever since he had received the invitation letter and now that the master of ceremonies had started to do the unveiling it was time to find out. He stopped as soon as he was close enough to listen to him but did not want to mingle with anyone, not just yet.

Ryan nodded, and looked over at the banner. He took a drink. "Well, sometimes males like to think of themselves as dominant. I look at humanity in the same light as I do wolves."

He took a bite, carefully ballancing his plate of food and the gods-awful punch that someone's four-year-old always seems to make at those catering places. Now Ryan could remember why he'd spiked the punch at prom. It had sucked something awful. "Wolves are wonderful creatures. Spend a lot of time reinforcing dominance within packs. Their social hierarchy is so ingrained in them dominance and submission are more forms of affection than anything else. But I guess I'm just a strange person. A lone wolf, wandering through this world. Looking for...something. Or maybe I'm waiting for something to find me?"

He shrugged, and smiled at her, moving his head towards the stage. "It seems our illustrious gatherer has decided to make a speech. Perhaps it pertains to why someone who wasn't on the reunion committee invited us all here."
"Ayche, Eee, Are, Oh, apostraphe Ess," Roni whispered, "Missing another Eee there."

She continued to watch Elliot, eager for him to get to the part where he would reveal that he could reverse whatever it is that he did to them.
Alexis Durran

IC: So she could be pregnant, that must be interesting an interesting sight. Perhaps it was the location but for what ever reason I had the image of the girl I had a crush on so many years ago with her hands crossed on a swollen belly. I blinked and cleared my thoughts. "So you may be," guess he isn't that big yet, "well maybe congrats then. Tell Elaine that I maybe expecting an invite to the shower." I hope she is pregnant and not just getting fat.

Elliot unveiled a banner and began the ceremonies.
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Heels clicked, tip-tap through hollow halls, rhythmic breathing accompanying.
Catrina smoothed her hair unnecessarily, tugged at the black tweed, and nodded to Ben who was friend and volunteer interpreter for this unhappy occasion.
Ben at least understood her, had known her for years. He had been her closest confidant since Matt’s death. She wasn’t looking forward to the day, had forced herself into polished perfection; tawny hair quaffed, suit cut to the curves, shoes a’ shine with polish, posture proud; it was like some odd armor against the inevitable unhappiness.
They’d known him well, according to Matt they’d all loved him; he’d been their comic relief. Nobody enjoyed it when the comedy died.
With a soft sigh she nodded and started forward, Ben followed and the door snicked shut behind them. A man stood in striking pose by a fluttering banner, a heap of cloth at his side. Catrina glanced at an old yearbook and then back, that must be Elliot.

Robert chuckled. "Oh yeah! I'll make sure one is sent out!" Elliot made a grand gesture and unvailed an old benner, cathing Robert's attention. "So, got any idea what's planned for the day? I mean, I thaught it's fairly early for a reunion..."

Picking up a remote control from a table standing next to him, Elliot aimed it at the wall directly behind him, crouching down so that he was not in the way of the gargantuan monitor rising up from the floor. The lights dimmed in the gymnasium and as the screen came to life, a programmed montage played.

Several years worth of their highschool lives played across the screen. School sport events, socials, dances, the chess club, the band class. Every high point of their years together, and a few low ones, culminating to the point of homecoming, senior prom, and finally graduation day. Upbeat, inspirational music played as the video came to an end.

Elliot stood back up as the lights rose and the screen lowered back down. "Dreams. Thats what we walked away with, that last day together. Now, ten years past, how many of our dreams have come to fruition." Elliot said as he strode to the podium in the center of the stage. "How many of our hopes for the future have we had to put to the way side? I put together this reunion not only to get the chance to get to know you all again, but to offer each of you a rare gift. Now, this gift cannot be weighed in cold cash. What I want to offer you is the chance to seize your old dreams, breath new life into your hopes for the future." Elliot stepped down and picked up a hand full of soft cover booklets. "What I am handing out to you now is a pamphlet detailing what I propose."

Elliot went to each of them in turn, offering them a booklet. Inside was a clearly written statement of Elliots offer, along with a release form in the back, stating that the signee consents to being imbued with super human powers. And in very small legalese, at the bottom, committing themselves to one year's service as a super hero.
Ryan and the Offer

Ryan quickly flipped through the offers, eyes moving over the text as he came to the end. He read through, frowning. He glanced up at Elliot. "At let, let me see if I get this straight: You're offering us 'super powers' and want us to become contracted super heroes? First of all, what makes you think someone with super powers would hold up a contract? Do you have some way to reverse the process if needed?"

He tucked the thing into his coat pocket, moving towards Elliot. "And what proof do you have of this shit? Sure, there were a few...strange occurances around you back in high school. But I seriously doubt if you can turn people into Superman or some such shit. I'll want proof of this miraculous transformational process. Either that, or I call the men in white coats."
*Picking up a remote control from a table standing next to him, Elliot aimed it at the wall directly behind him, crouching down so that he was not in the way of the gargantuan monitor rising up from the floor. *

*Wow. Never thought the public school system had that much money in the budget, Ike thought as she sat down to watch the High School highlights video. She furtively glanced around to see how the others were reacting to it. She had learned to watch body language since being made upper management at the Power Plant. It helped to weed out the problems before they started.*

Elliot's speech could have been a sales' presentation for an investment. "… to offer each of you a rare gift. Now, this gift cannot be weighed in cold cash…"

Ike gave Elliot a small smile as he handed her one of the brochures. He had that look in his eye… The same look he had the day he had spiked one of the student Ed cars with Turpentine and Iodine. It had belched purple smoke for the rest of the semester.

Ike's eyes narrowed as she turned to the first page… A minute later Ike's blue eyes were looking around to stare at Roni, before Ike opened her purse and dug through it. Finding her glasses, Ike settled them on her freckled nose, then turned back to the booklet.

Ike rolled up the pamphlet in one hand and crossed her hands over her chest. She stood up and paced a few steps across the room. Her lips were pressed together and her face had the far away look to it. It was something they could recognize from the old days. The days when they would get together and try to figure out ways to take the classroom experiments and expand them. How to charge the homemade lead acid batteries enough to get the little car to run from the Media center to the Administration office, and not just half way across the classroom. Using Sea Shells and Hydrochloric Acid to make Hydrogen Balloons big enough to lift the Principal's car to the roof of the School. Using Sodium metal ore to boil the water in the swimming pool – who knew the exothermic reaction would be strong enough to level the pool house?

She remembered what they had said once about their dreams…

"Hey Ike, what do you plan to do with your edu-ma-cation?"

"Figure out a way to make power generation less wasteful."

Ryan glanced up at Elliot. "At let, let me see if I get this straight: You're offering us 'super powers' and want us to become contracted super heroes? First of all, what makes you think someone with super powers would hold up a contract? Do you have some way to reverse the process if needed?"

Ryan tucked the thing into his coat pocket, moving towards Elliot. "And what proof do you have of this shit? Sure, there were a few...strange occurances around you back in high school. But I seriously doubt if you can turn people into Superman or some such shit. I'll want proof of this miraculous
transformational process. Either that, or I call the men in white coats."

"Ryan." Ike said in a way that echoed softly in the large gym, "When has Elliot ever lied to us? Gotten us into trouble, sure, but never lied."
Roni listened and watched Elliot's presentation, shaking her head when he was finished. She was shocked that people could doubt him, she was also enraged that he was offering to make more freaks rather than offering a cure or remedy for her situation.

"Hello people, look at me! How do you account for what happened to me? Even if it was puberty, which I had gone through a few years before thank you very much, I grew over two feet, literally overnight. My skin, my hair and eyes, they all changed. Note how I haven't aged a day since you last saw me either. Literally, not a single day. I've turned into some kind of faith healer, without the faith part: I can cure the sick and heal injuries by breathing over them. A day has not gone by these last ten years where I don't get calls from corperations, religious groups, the media, authors, or some other person wanting to experiment on me or get my story or turn me into the messiah."

She got out of her chair and glared at Elliot, "What he's offering is the real deal, powers that defy explanation. But I wouldn't take him up on it, the novelty wears off real quick. I have no intention of joining your little freak squad Elliot. And I'm very disappointed that you've taken this route. I expected something different when I came here. Goodnight."

With that she walked towards the door.
Ike & Roni at the door...

Roni got out of her chair and glared at Elliot, "What he's offering is the real deal, powers that defy explanation. But I wouldn't take him up on it, the novelty wears off real quick. I have no intention of joining your little freak squad Elliot. And I'm very disappointed that you've taken this route. I expected something different when I came here. Goodnight."

With that Roni walked towards the door.

Ike stood there, her mind whirling. To heal the world with nothing more than a breath.

"Roni," Ike said hesitantly, then started walking fast toward the statuesque woman, "Haven't you ever wondered, why you? There must have been hundreds of people that have come across Elliot over the years, his family, his friends, yet, I don't see them having all these ..." Ike swallowed nervously, "powers. Maybe it was Elliot who caused this, then again, maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was something that has been building for some time and this place has something that triggers it. There is only one way we will know... only one wway to test it..." Ike felt her face growing warm.

"I don't know if I could be strong like you. If I could heal the world with a breath... I think I would get a power trip off that. I think I'd let them worship me." Ike blushed a deeper shade of pink. Ike turned to look at Elliot, "Maybe that makes me a bad candidate for one of your Heroes. I might let it go to my head."

Ike's face wrinkled into a frown, "I can't sign this." She tossed the contract onto a chair. "You know, you ALL know," Ike looked around the room, "That if I could do something to make this world a cleaner, better place I would. But what happens, if I turn into something that can't be controlled and harms everything around me? What happens, Elliot?"

Ike closed her eyes. Behind her eyelids visions of coal burning power plants belching dark toxins - and what she might be able to do, if only... if only.

Ike balled her hands into fists and punched down with them. She shook her head and the bun at the back of her neck comes undone. With tears in her eyes, Ike walked with purpose toward Elliot.

"Someone has to be the one to step up to the plate. Someone will have to see to it I don't lose my way." Ike held out her pale pink hand to Elliot.

"No promises Elliot, no contracts. Contracts are nothing more than dreams and hopes on paper. We'll have to trust each other on this, or it won't work."
There was a look of determination on Ike's face, "Now. What do I have to do?" Ike swallowed, wondering if her world would ever be the same again.
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Greg looked at the booklet that he had in his hand and wondered just what the hell he was going to say to the offer he had just gotten. Sure, there had been strange things happening to him but to have super powers thrust on him was a big ask. Part of him wanted to sign the form then and there but yet he did not know about it. What if he was given these super powers and they turned him into something that he did not want, like the Hulk or some of the super heroes in the comics. He did not want to become a freak and never be able to show his face in public again and even as he listened to the conversation between Roni, Ike and Ryan he was still tempted by the idea of being a super hero and sign the release form on the back.

"Oh what the hell. I might as well risk it for once."

He walked over to the table and carefully read the release form on the back and smiled. This might actually be fun, just as long as he didn't get turned into some blob or freak. He pulled out a pen and looked down at the release form then signed it and stood then walked over to Elliot. He handed it to him and said, "Here you go, I have signed the release form. Now how does this work?"

Ryan stared at Ike, speechless. Even as his mind wandered, someone else came up, signing the damn contract. "Are you people crazy? Or local science geek offers super powers and you just sign? He's obviously gone crazy! Look, I don't know what causes..."

His hand pointed toward Roni, shaking. "But it's certainly not some guy I must have touched on nearly a hundred occasions in high school! What the hell is wrong with you!"

Ryan stepped forward, grabbing a hold of Ike's upper arm, turning her toward him, standing close. "Even if the stories are true, we've got what? A seven foot tall freak? Puddle-boy? Is this what you want to become? Snap out of it, Ike! I mean, breathing to heal injuries, that's got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard! Even you know what breath is made out of! C'mon, Ike, let's get out of here! Elliot's obviously mad!"

They were still standing to the rear by the doors in the shadow. Neither a pamphlet nor acknowledgement had come their way. One look at Ben’s face told Catrina that this was perhaps a good thing.
A ludicrous display had unfolded fast with a whirlwind of fantasy that people were shoveling in head to tail. Ben shook his head, eyes wide, “Let’s duck out of here, these people… Matt went to school with these people?”
She nodded and turned, planning to bolt with him, but then rethought the decision. She’d come here to tell people about Matt, this wasn’t about her; people here didn’t care about her, they didn't know her. Catrina still had a task, so she shook her head and stepped forward from the darkness, her hands fluttering at Ben as she did so.
With a sigh, he followed and cleared his throat loudly. “Excuse me,” he said. “Sorry to interrupt. The woman beside me is Matsu Sato’s wife. She has some news to share and then we’ll let you get back to your, er… reunion.”

OOC: For anyone not familiar, Matt was the class clown of their year. He infiltrated every clique, club, and sport at some point and was the all around nice guy that made people smile. Matt had no enemies but many friends.

"If proof is what you need, Ryan, than perhaps one of you would come forward..." Elliot didn't get the chance to finish when Roni broke in. At first it sounded like she was supporting his side, but then she turned the whole thing on its ear.

Elliot tossed his arms up in the air, as though he could wave her whole argument away. Then Ike spoke, a mix of emotions in her voice as she came over to him, offering to be the first, minus contract.

Elliot considered it hesitantly, until Greg stepped forward as well, actually having sighned. A self assured smile spread across Elliot's face. "Thank you Greg, you have done a great thing this day." Elliot said as he took hold of Greg's hand, shaking it firmly. "There, it is done." Elliot said softly to Greg.

"Mad, am I, Ryan?" Elliot said, stepping back, with a somewhat less than sane glint in his eyes. He brought Greg about in front of him casually, as though he were showing off a star pupil.

Elliot turned toward the man who spoke, and looked at the woman next to him. "Ah, hello ma'am." Elliot said with a quick nod to the man, apparantly her translator.

Ryan turned his attention. "Matsu...? Oh, Matt."

He glanced around. Mute wife. Translator. No Matt. Announcement. It's not something simple or there'd just be a note. Oh, this wasn't good. Ryan glanced at Elliot and then Greg, then Ike.

He let go of her. What was he doing? Old High School emotions tearing through him again, it seemed. He hissed at Ike, "Look at him. He's mad. Don't play into his game."

He turned back to the newcomer. Matt's wife. Here, without Matt. Oh, that spoke of bad things. If Matt wasn't dead,...well, if he was still alive, chances are it would be one of those things that made people take a step back and try to reconcile what they were seeing with the healthy imagine in their memories.

Oh, how he hoped it was a setup so Matt could jump from the shadows and laugh at them all...