Did the world shake for Emily Miller

1st of all.....I hope that @EmilyMiller and her family are safe and they suffered little to no damage.

Since, I do not know Emily, she's never really spoken to me other than a few times on threads like this.

I know a hot nursed from New Jersey named Jersey. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
1st of all.....I hope that @EmilyMiller and her family are safe and they suffered little to no damage.

Since, I do not know Emily, she's never really spoken to me other than a few times on threads like this.

I know a hot nursed from New Jersey named Jersey. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I also know a hot nurse in New Jersey but her name isnt Jersey haaaaa!! It's " Boss " or aka my wife 🤣
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Thanks - it was kinda scary, but no injuries or breakages. Our Californian neighbor found it kinda funny.

I'm glad to hear that you're OK and no property damage.

I'm sure he/she did.

I'm man enough to admit that when I felt my only experience with an earthquake, when stationed in California, I damn near shit my pants. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I'm good never having to go through that again.
I remember my first (and so far only) experience with earthquakes when I visited SF Bay Area in... 2014 I believe? I was woken up by it at like 3am, and I distinctly remember my jet lag-addled brain going through the following chain of deductive reasoning:
  1. Hmm, my bed is shaking.
  2. I don't remember hooking up with anyone tonight.
  3. Yeah, it's probably just an earthquake.
and I somehow fell right back to sleep.

I still have no idea how I had already managed to absorb the Californian attitude to the phenomenon without ever experiencing it firsthand. It was pretty weird.
I'm man enough to admit that when I felt my only experience with an earthquake, when stationed in California, I damn near shit my pants.
I have never experienced an earthquake that would do so much as to wake me up.

I have experienced tornados (once surrounded by 5 small ones), Mega-storms (27 inches of rain in 3 hours) blizzards of mind numbing proportions, cold (Windchill of -85 and I had to work in that shit!) heat (120 degrees at 10 AM and I had to work... you get the idea) even forest fires and actual threat of imminent attack (multiple times) and nuclear strike (only once) but never an earthquake.

I don't think they make them in Florida. If they did someone would try to turn it into a theme park.
Nevada here and 4.8 are aftershocks for us lol.
The one that will eventually surprise everybody is the New Madrid fault in the Mississippi River valley. There were four big quakes in 1811-12, but hardly anyone was living there. If that had happened at any time in the 20th Century, or if it happened now, Memphis (no earthquakes codes and lots of old buildings) would be devastated. St. Louis, and even bigger place with old infrastructure, would be hit too.

Zoom in on the map. How far out would the damage and fatalities extend?

I have never experienced an earthquake that would do so much as to wake me up.

I have experienced tornados (once surrounded by 5 small ones), Mega-storms (27 inches of rain in 3 hours) blizzards of mind numbing proportions, cold (Windchill of -85 and I had to work in that shit!) heat (120 degrees at 10 AM and I had to work... you get the idea) even forest fires and actual threat of imminent attack (multiple times) and nuclear strike (only once) but never an earthquake.

I don't think they make them in Florida. If they did someone would try to turn it into a theme park.
Rising sea levels, plus sinking land areas, could get Florida eventually. I'm not going to speculate on how much is natural warming and how much is human caused. (How about both?)


If you feel like looking at the whole report. Pick your most likely scenario.

Rising sea levels, plus sinking land areas, could get Florida eventually. I'm not going to speculate on how much is natural warming and how much is human caused. (How about both?)

The acolytes of the Church of the Rising Tide never get around to answering the most important question

What is the temperatures SUPPOSED TO BE?

If we're still recovering from the mini ice age, we're wasting a crapload of money.
Rising sea levels, plus sinking land areas, could get Florida eventually.
I don't think so, the rich dudes who constantly scold us on the dangers of Gas Stoves and cars that don't run on slave labor and Chinese natural resources have no problem at all buying up all the ocean front property they can get and building huge multi-zillon dollar sea side mansions that would go at the first threat of rising sea levels. Lead by example anyone? Anyone?
The acolytes of the Church of the Rising Tide never get around to answering the most important question

What is the temperatures SUPPOSED TO BE?

If we're still recovering from the mini ice age, we're wasting a crapload of money.
I agree - I did imply that the "supposed to be" temperature is a matter of conjecture. I don't think banning brick-oven pizza shops (as are wonderful governor wants to do, among other things) is going to make the slightest bit of difference.

Assuming that the levels are rising - and major storms also come into play as temporary factors - then it will cost us a crapload of money anyway to relocate a lot of things. This New York flood map I think takes into account both storms or rising levels. (I think the two darkest blues are existing water.) So, in some scenarios, good-bye to the two major airports, with LaGuardia being the most vulnerable. And good-bye to the two major subway repair shops (Inwood and Coney Island) with the latter being the first to go.

I wonder if this link will work.

Politics Forum guys.

Not quite. We're discussing natural disasters, which was sort of the point of the thread I think. Well, we did drift from earthquakes to flooding. So Bazzle did specify the impact on you personally, but by the second post was already going into earthquakes in general. Can we just discuss earthquake impacts? :unsure: Or has that played out?
Not quite. We're discussing natural disasters, which was sort of the point of the thread I think. Well, we did drift from earthquakes to flooding. So Bazzle did specify the impact on you personally, but by the second post was already going into earthquakes in general. Can we just discuss earthquake impacts? :unsure: Or has that played out?
It’s not my thread. As an ex-scientist, I have my own views on climate change, which are probably what you would think. But I don’t think a sex forum is the best place to expound them.

I have never experienced an earthquake that would do so much as to wake me up.

I have experienced tornados (once surrounded by 5 small ones), Mega-storms (27 inches of rain in 3 hours) blizzards of mind numbing proportions, cold (Windchill of -85 and I had to work in that shit!) heat (120 degrees at 10 AM and I had to work... you get the idea) even forest fires and actual threat of imminent attack (multiple times) and nuclear strike (only once) but never an earthquake.

I don't think they make them in Florida. If they did someone would try to turn it into a theme park.
I'm used to tornadoes, hell, I spot and film them for EMA.

I've never been through a hurricane or blizzard though.

Been through an ice storm.
You people know nothing.

I visited Iceland during a heatwave. It was 16 degrees! (That's about 61 for you Americans.) People were swarming all over the waterpark in Akureyri and walking down the streets in shorts and T-shirts.
It’s not my thread. As an ex-scientist, I have my own views on climate change, which are probably what you would think. But I don’t think a sex forum is the best place to expound them.

In the strictest sense, AH should be about writing (mostly) about sex, but threads get sprinkled on here that, again in the strictest sense, should be, say, on the General Board. An example is the one about the solar eclipse. However, that would be lost among the crazies on the GB, so I can understand why it wasn't put there. ;)
In the strictest sense, AH should be about writing (mostly) about sex, but threads get sprinkled on here that, again in the strictest sense, should be, say, on the General Board. An example is the one about the solar eclipse. However, that would be lost among the crazies on the GB, so I can understand why it wasn't put there. ;)
I still have GB scars.