Dragon Ball: Forgotten Generations (OOC)

Not I. I'm cheap so my phone doesn't have data, it has wifi. So if a pokemon is more than a bout 30 feet from my router it's not a pokemon. It's a tease.


Pikachu used body slam...

It was super effective!
I wouldn't be able to resist using a "peek at you" pick up line.

And then she'd roast me to a... cinder.
Anyways, my next post will probably set the story at some point in the relatively "near" future. I believe we're still going to run off the idea that the official tournament was scrapped, and we'll get the ball rolling for the underground tournament.

That okay with everyone?

As long as Grisha can get Lena back, I don't think he cares. :)
I know my last post doesn't really advance the plot much for you guys, but it's what popped into my head when I wanted to write something for the story. I promise to follow up with a post that sets the stage for where the tournament is.
HC, does Grisha need a prison break?

...or, Flute knows a good lawyer...

...well, he's an okay lawyer...

I don't think Grisha even knows exactly where he is lol. They don't have prisons where he's from. Life, death, or exile!


They better hope he never groks the deal, heh.

But he could always hear about the tournament in the prison and decide to leave, of course.
I was half considering having Crim break him out but midway through posting that I realized he probably wouldn't. . .unless there was already a prison riot.
I was half considering having Crim break him out but midway through posting that I realized he probably wouldn't. . .unless there was already a prison riot.

Breaking him out would seem a bit OOCish for Crim, but if HC wants to work in a riot I wouldn't be against it.