Dragon Wars Ii


Worraps settled down by Kort, looking over the blood stained ground. he had agreed to go with them, and help, however he hadn't been asked to go to this council place. he probably wouldn't even if he was, outnumbered sounded like. if something went bad there, he would be in trouble.

breathing in the scent of spilled blood flames licked at his teeth, the roof of his mouth. tentrils of flame came into his view, burning over his nose in a slow fire. Worraps' face tingled as the fire scarred and burned, but the inner power within him healed up those wounds almost instantly.

Worraps looked at Kort, whi still seemed to be in some sort of blood lust, and waited untill they were ready to do something.
Spar shot through the sky, Sylvia and the tied up Trans on his back. He turned his head once in a while to make sure that the Trans didn't try anything smart. Spar's jade eyes scaned the land ahead of them to see if there was any danger, but saw nothing but destruction and death.

"So many humans dead.... But for whta, I have no clue..." One crumpled building caught his eye, it was the same tavern Spar was with his human friends. The roof was destroyed, and he could see inside. There laid two corpses that were all too familar to Spar. "... J.... Max..." Spar shook his head, and left the ruble without saying another word, headed for the Councle.

Selwen sat up quickly, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. It was odd for him to sleep so soundly. All of his life , he had slept very shallowly. Any ranger that could not wake up when a noise approaches in the forest was quickly dead. Maybe his time away from his forest was changing him for the worst. Shaking that thought from his head, Selwen washed up in a basin left behind by the innkeeper. He looked around the room and realized that Rheamus must never have come back. Gatheing up his thing, he left the room in search of Rheamus.
Rheamus Barren

As the door opened, I was started awake, greeted quickly by a sudden throb above my right eye, quickly met by one above the left.
I looked up and saw Selwen, exiting our room.
As I realized there was no danger, I groaned lightly and lowered my head again. I'd had fun the night before, and gathered information. But the next morning hangover was chasing my thoughts in several wrong directions.
I looked up at him, then mumbled, "COuldn't get the door open..."
I closed my eyes, certain he wouldn't step on me, even though my head was only inches from his foot. "Help me inside, we'll need to exchange ideas, but first, I need to sleep this off."

I managed to pull myself back into the waking world, shaking the dregs of sleep from me. I looked down- Spar.
"Where are we..." I looked around us, the destruction below. "Where's Kort?!?"
I couldn't pull up the power to locate him through the bracer I'd given him. Damn the trans' black heart. Thinking that, I turned around- the trans was there bound hand and foot, tied to Spar's back like a side of beef. I slapped him on principal.
"Damn thing!"
I turned my attention back to Spar. "Where are we headed? The Council?"

::Morning came with the chirping of birds and the sound of pounding as the men under his command started building the first of the siege weapons. Chung Po, Tultimar and Rimuldar all took part in the construction their knowledge on the construction of said weapons helping to decrease the production time of each weapon by at least an hour.

By mid-morning two of the weapons had been erected and posted at the designated points. Rimuldar, pleased with the progress allowed the men to go and eat at the local establishments while he, Cung Po and Tultimar spoke with the blacksmiths about how he wanted each metal bolt tip to look. The plan called for one that had spars on the back so that should a dragon be impaled with a bolt, he couldnt pull it out because it would do even more damage coming out.

After their dealings with the blacksmiths, the tri went to find a bite to eat themselves.::

By the time the sun rose, I had fallen asleep, hidden beneath the small waterfall about ten long miles from where the battle had started. The colony would have been behind me still, not far behind either, if it still existed.
But it didn't exist now, or at least not much of it, and what remained, was here or tucked away in some similarly crampy, hidden place.
I glanced over to see the three children huddled together near the back, two more sitting to one side or the other with thier mothers, and the body of the Grandfather laying still as though sleeping. A legend among us had died the night before, but not before helping me get these few refugees here.We'd waited as the orcs and whatever else stalked by, hoping the children wold remain quiet. If they'd found us, it would have been hopeless. But the children had been too afraid to make so much as a sound, and the enemy passed by, not noticing us hiding in the shadows behind the small fall of water from the stream jutting from what the kids called the Big River.
WIth moring here, the thirteen of us still living beneath the falls looked to one another, the adults nodoubt wondering the same thing I was. Is it safe to go out there?
I was planning on finding out.
I got to my feet, hunched over with the small overhead room, and crept toward the edge of the fall. A hand gripped my forearm, and I glanced over to see Tipid's wife, young Thandie, looking at me, shaking her head.
I wrinkled my brow and she mouthed the words "Not alone" in return. I looked around, knowing what I'd see. A bunch of women and children, plus the body of the grandfather and one still breathing dwarf would was hardly in condition to go anywhere, with only one full leg remaining and so little blood we were lucky he wasn't deliriously rambling. Doode had fought well, but one of the phantoms had gotten him, taking his leg and tossing him into the air. Had he landed somewhere mor enoticable, he would have been finished, no doubt.
As I surveyed, Thandie crawled over to where the Grandfather lay and slipped the pick from the stone next to him.
I shook me head, protesting. But she ignored me and stood waiting to follow me.
After a sigh of disapproval, I moved carefully out into the morning air, holding my axe in front of me, though there was nothing much I could do if a compliment of orcs was waiting for us.
There weren't, nor were there in any o the places we looked, spanning only a short area, but an area large enough to know that if the orcs remained, they'd have set up a scout there somewhere, if not several.
"No orcs," i said, but i couldn't hide the uncertainty that went with knowing the phantoms could be right in front of us, unseen. "It must have been a sudden atack, like they were just passing through, and not really planning on attacking us. Recreation..."
She gave me a look, but I pretended not to notice. "We can't leave them all there, for much longer..."
SHe looked around again, and I knew she was afraid to leave the children open for further attacks. They'd been through far too much already. Our options were limited. We couldn't stay there, but we had to go somewhere.
"They're heading toward Rimdusk," I noted, eyeing the path they took, straight through the center of the settlement.
"No safety there, then," she noted, holding the pick as though she were trained.
"C'mon," I said, "We'll talk things over with them. I hate to say it, but the nearest safe place..."
She knew what I was thinking, but didn't like the idea any more than I did.
We returned to the waterfall, knowing as we brought the others out that we might be being watched by what must have been invisible eyes.
We discussed with them, knowing the children didn't understand and that the wounded dwarf couldn't hear us, and that someone would have to return to clean up what was left of the settlement.
The few women who remained listened, and didn't like what we had to say any more than we liked saying it.
The safest place was a large city, a human settlement. And we had little choice but to go there.
Spar nodded, "Yeah, Kort told me to head down there and give them the Trans while he finished some buisness. I'm guessing Worraps followed him." Spar lied, He knew full well that Kort went after the dragon hunters. He just didn't want Sylvia to worry.

"We'll arrive at the Council in a bit, so just rest and regain your streangth." Spar picked up the speed, not wanting to look at the village that he used call his second home anymore.
The horse he rode belonged to someone who thought the dragons were nothing but fucked up lizards with no honor. Kort had made short work of him, but kept in human form. Now, he had weapons, and a ride, making his time inside the human valley in nothing flat.
The smaller cities were either deserted, or preparing for war. They were blocked up, sealed, building, waiting, scouting. He found out the main city, deeper inside the valley is where the most of the planning and war parties were taking place.
He reached the front gates, eyeing the two guards blocking it. There was a bit of a line, but most came in with little questions.
Kort eyed them both up, wanting them to stop him, give him a chance to take out his sword, make short work of them.
They pushed him through though, without a second thought.
Inside the city, no one was without a weapon. Everyone who didn't hold mercenary or outrider colors, had either swords, or crossbows. War was coming, he could feel it. Each step he took inside this city, he wanted to change and start tearing them all apart.
He was protecting them. He had spent all this time trying to help them, trying to defeat the orcs and transparent dragons. Now, they were plotting against him, against all his kind.
He walked down the streets, no plan in his head, he just wanted to go see one of the higher up's, and talk with them... have a nice heart to heart.
His sword, still dripping fresh blood, wanted to say a few things too.

I relaxed on Spar's back, looking at the stars. A blood red moon caressed the sky- not a good omen.
As Spar flew, I prayed to Ti'iara. For strength and good luck (one must specify) for victory and the lives of my friends. I prayed for a return of my power and energy.
All around me, I could feel warmpth, the tingleing one feels under a Diety's attention. Ti'iara's symbol flared before me for a moment before fading quickly.
"Did you see that," I asked Spar in wonder. "The mark?"

Selwen dragged Rheamus into the room. Placing him ungently on a pallet on the floor, Selwen spoke in an overloud voice. "Rheamus , get some rest. I am going out to check out the siege engines. I would probably have a better idea about them, since I have seen a few of them before in the Elven kingdom. I will be back around sunset. " Selwen left the room, closing the door with a loud thump.

Selwen did not realize that dragons were just as bad as humans as far as overendulging. He thought that creatures that lived as long as dragons would have learned more restraint. Leaving the inn, he quickly moved towards the outside walls of the city. Using his supposed muteness, he was able to quickly move outside the city.

Using his stealth, he rapidly moved to the meadow where the siege engines were kept. He noticed that a few new ones had been built. He could still smell the tree sap drying on the sides of the contraptions. He was about to get a closer look when he noticed some humans putting down tools and moving towards the city. As Selwen waited for the humans to move out of sight, his elven eyes noticed two dark streaks moving in the sky towards the city. Realizing that they were dragons, Selwen hid himself in the taller grass waiting to see if the humans had noticed the dragons.
"Yeah, I saw it. What about it?" Spar thought about it for a few seconds, then shook his head. "Never mind." Spar guessed that the answere may be long, and he definetly didn't have the attention span to listen to all of it.

The Trans still made feebl attempts to escape from his bindings. "If keep it up, you may just 'accidently' fall off, you know?" That stoped the Trans easily. This made Spar smile, he knew that he couldn't let the trans fall, but scaring him was still fun!

"I forget, the light dragons don't have much contact with the gods anymore," I said with a regretful sigh. "That was the mark of Ti'iara herself, my partron Goddess who I get my powers from. Its a good thing, I hope."
I turned to the trans behind me and rabbit punched him, making him slump in his bonds. He was a tiny human, smaller then I even. Easy to knock unconcious.
"That should make things more pleasent."
Spar held back a laugh as the Trans consiousness. "You know, not ALL Lights lost conection with the gods... its just that... You know... I don't know why we stoped!" Spar thought about it for a few more seconds, but droped the subject as soon as he heard something rustling in the bushes below him.

Spar slowly landed on the ground. "Sylvia, the our 'freind', and go hide behind that tree... We got company..." As soon as Silvia got off, Spar began to transform in his human form. He held his sword in his hand, ready to fight at the drop of an dime. "All right, come on out.

I dragged the trans-human over to a tree and stashed him in the tangle of its roots. A quick barrier lock down spell and he was stuck there for the next three hours unless I let him out sooner.
I followed this with the calling of my morning star. It was a standard Blessed morningstar but I liked it- bashed heads good.
With it in hand I ran toward Spar and the fight. I'd stayed out of the last one and was eager for some blood now.
Spare held his free arm out, stoping Sylvia instantly. His jade green eyes shifted torwards her. "I don't think there's a need for that Sylvia..." Spar then turned back to the bushes. "Alright, whoever you are, come on out... We won't hurt you as long as you won't hurt us."

The bushes rustled a bit, making Spar's instincts snap in and force him to hold his sword. Then an child, wearing torn, brown clothing, no oldrer than 11, walked out, shivering in fear, and cold.

Spar slammed his blade into the dirt, and sqauted down, so he could be face to face with her. "You had us scared there for a second ya know?" He said, smiling. But she said nothing, it seemed that she was way too scared to speak. "Hey," Spar started, his eyes squinting as he gave an quick thought, "have I seen you from somewhere?"

The girl gave an short nod, her eyes locked on Sylvia's morning star.

Spar looked at her for a few more seconds. Then it hit him. "Hey! You're the little one that help in the tavern back at the village, aren't you?!"

"Sp- spar?"

Spar looked at her and noticed that her clothing was torn. "Yes, its me. What are you doing out here?! What happened?"

"Dragons, I- I saw dragons, they attacked our village! Then dispered with out an trace! Like they went invisable."

'Trans,' Spar thought. "Hey, wait there for a second..." Spar stood up and walked over to Sylvia. He stoped right by her side so that the little girl couldn't hear. "We have an witness..." Spar said quietly, something worrying him. "But I fear there are more survivors... And if that is true, there are bound to be a few more Transparents lurking around on clean up duty..."

Spar then turned his head torwards Sylvia, at the moment, he needed her experiance in such matters, he needed her advice. "What do we do? Do we keep going, or do we take out the leftovers?"
Rimuldar Gloomfaust

::He and his men ate a hearty breakfast within the many inns of the town. Soon the work on the last of the siege engines would begin and they could get them stationed around the town for when the dragons came.

Just as He finished his last bite, a man came bursting into the Inn.::

Dragons!!! Dragons in the sky above the town!! The King has sent me to find the Slayers and their men to defend the town!!...

::Chong Po and Tultimar Jumped up quickly and raced to the door followed by Rimuldar who walked with a much more controled motion as he did not rush into anything. The two dragons were spotted above, though they were at least a few miles away. This gave the men long enough to set up two of the engines and get the other two ready.

Rimuldar shouted out orders and Chong Po and Tultimar repeated them to their groups. Soon the weapons were raised and poised to fire. All they needed was for the DRagons to come a bit closer. The groups would wait until the word was given.::

I pondered this for a moment before shrugging. "Personally, I don't mind making the Council wait a bit- don't think our hostage knows much anyway."
As I spoke I de-summoned the morningstar and settled myself down. Wouldn't do to scare the child. I flipped my braid back over my shoulder and sighed.
"We should stay and help any survivors, says the cleric side of me," I said.
"And the other side?"
"The red dragon says we should stay and slaughter any remaining trans dragons. Been a while since my last blood bath," I whispered so only he could hear. "Good for red dragon's skin, you know."
Cannon fodder.....er.....two young dragons......

Polderath and Vecak decided to fly closer to the men to see what was going on. They knew that as dragons, humans were hardly a threat. The two young dragons were sure that if they could talk to the humans, they could find out what was going on. The dragon council was too anamored with hearing their own voices than listening to their people. Polderath was intent on bringing back good information that would make the council do something.

Their wings straining slightly in the breeze, the two dragons came close enough to see the humans individually. Vecak was the first to notice that the men were fooling around with one of the machines. He wondered what they were planning on doing with it.

Selwen settled into the taller grass as he watched in horror. He realized that the humans were going to demonstrate their weapons on these unsuspecting dragons. He hoped that the dragons would understand the danger of the siege engines and fly away. The wisdom and intelligence of dragons was legendary, so the dragons should see that they could be hurt.
Rimuldar Gloomfaust


::The order was given and passed down the rows of siege engines until four bolts launched from the weapons and hurled through the air at the two unsuspecting Dragons as they flew around the town.

The first dragon was struck with one of the bolts and it passed through his wing striking a hole through it. The second bolt impaled itself through the dragon, piercing its heart and making it fall to the ground with a thunderous explosion of rock and soil.

The other two bolts headed for the second dragon, but both were off their marks enough that they merely grounded the dragon by taking away it's wings.

With the dragons fallen, a roar of victory passed over the men. Those that doubtred the SLayers now had their questions answered, but there was another lesson to be taught. Rimuldar, Chong Po, and Tultimar each drew their weapons and started into the woods after the living dragon. They would hunt, fight and kill it thus proving to all that they were true to their word.::
Kort's blood curtling scream was drowned out by the roar of engines and the cheer of the crowd. He sunk to his knees, useless as the dragons fell from their flight. Anger, fear, loathing, and pain shifted through him, coarsing his own anger, sending chills up and down his spine.
They had hired slayers, they had hired the blood filthy vermin to take out the dragons. Kort didn't see the rationalized decision, or the forced hand the king or his subjects might had had to make, all he saw were dragons falling from the sky.
Over and over again.
Three men, after seeing the beasts fall, ran out into the woods, to finish the job most likely. Kort could hear one still thrashing around, not quite dead to the world just yet.
He didn't think, he didn't have to, his legs moved beofre his brain told him too. In a sprint he ran after them, his sword already drawn.
They would pay for this time, they would pay for the last time, for every time a dragon lost it's flight. Kort gripped the sword like a vise, waiting to see blood shed.
War had been declared, and Kort was damned if he wasn't going to be the first against it.
All other thought had left him.

Selwen could not believe his eyes as he saw the dragon taken from the sky. He had not truly believed that the humans could kill a dragon that was in its element of the sky. He had been sadly disabused. He watched as the three men ran off into the woods to follow the dragon. Selwen decided that he would follow the men to see what would happen. Using his woodcraft to his advantage, the elven ranger moved rapidly but unseen into the woods.

Yevgenni stood by his men as he watched the Dragon Slayers do their work. He was amazed at how well this men went about their job. He had been inclined to believe that the men were well trained fakes. But seeing them in action chanced his mind fully. He watched as the three men ran off into the woods. Yevgenni turned to his men.

"I want you all to stay here and keep an eye on the siege engines. Wait for the men to come back and then I want Rebcer to bring me the information back into the city. I am going to go tell the kings of the great success here on the field of battle. Tewlan, you are in charge when I am gone. " Yevgenni practically ran into the city, his heart filled with joy as he realized that they might yet have a chance to pay the dragons back in blood.

I shuddered for a moment, my eyes seeing what should not, feeling what I should not have known.
"Kort's hunting humans now..." I whispered, falling to my knees. "Goddess, they've hired dragon slayers- the humans have turned against us. The trans' must have attacked them- made them think it was us, so they're killing all dragons."
I stood, taking a deep breath. "We can't stop this, Spar, they're going to wipe each other out, the dragons and humans, till only the trans dragons are left. We've got to turn the humans against the trans dragons, or they'll kill all of us, good and light."
I pushed my silver forelock away from my face. "We can't let this happen," I said loudly, not caring if I startled the girl. "If we don't, your little friend there will die, if not now then later, in a battle between all dragons and all humanoids."