Hum hum. What do you tend to do when you get insomnia? I used to just lay there and be miserable but I've been trying to change that. I've been trying to have hobbies that I can kind of do in bed but that won't kick me into that more serious gear where I can't put it down and have to finish it, otherwise I won't go back to sleep when I finally can.
Lately it's been reading. Before that I was trying a game or cleaning, but I kept getting sucked into those too much, but really bad with the cleaning because I would just focus on one little spot (like the shower wall or something lol), and not actually get anything picked up.
Francis: Fuck I can't remember the safe word!
"Uh! Uh! Achy knees! Hips! Joints! I'M GOING BLIND BECAUSE OF OLD AGE! AAAUUGH!!"
I watch videos on my phone. I know they say not to, but it calms me down a lot of the time and makes me sleepy. I keep my phone on pm mode at night so that it doesn’t emit as much blue light.
<_<“ Being distracted by “that particular spot” hits home for me. It’s like latent perfectionism kicks in and all of a sudden it doesn’t matter if the majority of it is done because it feels undone of it’s not completely perfect.
Honestly I do the exact same thing. Hearing someone talk helps me to stop thinking about the random thoughts that bounce around my head for hours and just, randomly stick a finger up my butt and wake me up right as I start to drift off. So freaking rude.
Yeeeesss! Oh my god, I feel so seen right now ;-;
Glad it had the intended affect
Ugh ..I ate a bunch of ice cream yesterday because I wasn't feeling good...turns out I wasn't feeling good because I have a flare up coming on, and Woop Woop. That's just going to make it a thousand times worse -_-
Rant/Story warning: So I used to sweep my family’s driveway and it would take me a while because if you use a push-broom it’ll generally clean it, but it’ll still leave behind plenty of little pieces of things. So, I went at it with a regular broom because that’s the only way to get the little dried grass and stuff, including the dust itself. >_<“ it was a point of contention because my parents would be like l, “dude, how are you still working on this an hour later?!” And I would be like, “what’s the point of sweeping if you’re just moving shit around and spreading the mess more evenly?!”
Haha! XD okay that's amazing. I learned better cleaning tactics from my sister, but I probably would have been the one using the broom just because it was "more fun that way"
The sugar is definitely an enemy ">_> I still don't truly understand why it makes it worse, but it does. I think it's because it's inflammatory or something? I don't know, but I'm just going to eat a bunch of fruit this week because I did not wean myself off of my drug of choice yet.
As long as I don't have too much fruit it doesn't bother me as much, I think because of the fibre. And I do that too just not as often as I know I should
*excitedly claps the hands together frantically for a few seconds*
I think I might have just made a break through about why Bowie might have became so intelligent and friendly when he changed, and I want your opinion on it.
So I was thinking how the zombie animals can take on traits of other animals they might eat, along with becoming a bit more intelligent in general. Well, Bowie was already very prone to being a very calm and handleable reptile, so that probably got enhanced with the alien DNA stuff. But I was also thinking, maybe he ate a couple of rats early on when they had first started to travel, that might have just been changing. And since rats are such social, intelligent, and -friendly- animals, that also got kind of permanently stamped into his personality while he was still changing. It would make a lot of sense of why he is even more inquisitive and wanting to actually play with his humans.
It did get better, thankfully. Just a rough week, one might say. The weekend is going to much better though, I’m thinking.
Hmm… That is quite an idea. That could work. It would also be a good way to explain why some predators might be more friendly than they normally would be.
I thought it was a pretty neat idea for Bowie in particular, but shit, you're right about it possibly working for other predators too >.>
The lore! The lore, Poprockz
So I got called in early tomorrow and then Monday I HAVE to get my bills done and laundry paid because I put it off way too freaking long. I will try hard to get a post in Monday night, or hell maybe even tomorrow if work is chill enough, but it there's a slight chance I may not be able to do it "-_-
Yeaaah, that might be part of it. Just remember: cocks are hard, but so are finances. What matters is that you grip it with conviction and handle with care until you get the payload.