Dungeons and Dragons: The Time of Dragons (IC Thread)

right after they had approached the oncoming male and female they were ambushed by 6 goblins that had been hiding in the bushes. Unable to react right away Miaaa fell on her bottom and sighed at her clumsiness. "Not friends of yours I suspect?"
quickly drawing his sword and helping her up he said " i hate goblins" he was ready for anything
Miaaa knew it was to soon to use her spells but she wasn't confident in her fighting abilities either. She decided now was good a time as any to learn how to fight though. She drew her sword and rushed the one closest to her. She swung her sword quickly barely missing her friend's head but connecting with the goblins shoulder but it quickly bounced of barely hurting the goblin. "Sheesh resilent bastards they are."
he swung his sword in a wide arc bringing it down on the goblins neck " yes they are but they are also veary stupid and leave themselves wide open" he said as he turned to face his next oponent
Drec in accidents happen

IC: "Goblins up ahead, and I fear there weapons a bit more then your sharp words." Straight from miles of walking to combat, would todays fun never end.

I dropped my pack, pulled my sweat rag from my neck and placed a stone in the center of it. I then swung the make shift sling wildly and let loose the stone with full force. The ammo flew a straight and true path before hooking to the right like dwarf fallowing the sounds of beer. The stone placed itself firmly in the shoulder of elf.

"This is why I hate ranged combat." I dropped my rag and untied my shield as fast as I could from its place on the pack. I then strapped it to my arm with all the grace of Ezmi after last call in the tavern. I then moved forward drawing my sword well behind Ezmi's charge.
he stumbled as the stone hit him in the shoulder and as he faltered his goblin oponent took the oportunity and smaked him in the ribs with its club causing him to double over in pain and fall to his knees.
"Feh, Goblins is it? Hyai Inari! Hyai!" Ezmi shouted, urging her antsy mount into a charge. As Inari raced toward the clearing, and the goblins, Ezmi drew the gift Melda had given her before leaving the big city, a finely crafted scimitar. The same that Melda had spent several nights teaching her to use. Inari galloped past one as Ezmi swung for its green and scabbed head.
Raven felt a second blow to his ribs and cried out as he rolled the the side and thrust his sword through the goblins chest. its black blood spraying out and covering him as he lay there trying to catch his breath. i have at least two broken ribs he thought as his chest felt like it was on fire after every shallow breath he took. he freed his sword from the corps of the dead goblin and struggled to his feet on unsteady legs and braced himself for another attack
Miaaa redoubled her efforts and this time scored a critical blow on the goblin she had attacked severing its arm and it fell over dead after only a few seconds from the loss of blood. She smiled to herself and thought I did it I did it. Just then another goblin hit her in the back with its club sending her to her feet. She rolled out of the way and slashed with her sword slicing its achillies tendon. It fell to the ground.

She then placed her hands on Raven and began to chant a prayer to the gods. Her hand began to glow blue and the Ranger began to feel the pain from his ribs disappear. "I hope that helps a little. "
he felt the hand of his companion on his ribs and his breathing returned to normal as he thrust his sword into the stomach of another goblin " it feels much better thank you" he quickly pushed her out of the way as goblin club came down at her head form behind and he cut the goblins fore arm off with a slash of his sword and helped her up.
"Your welcome and thank you for shoving me out of the way. Hey Lady watch out behind you." She watched as the lady on the horse was attacked from behind by 2 goblins running out of the bushes. Crap that would mean there were 8 total goblins now. She and Raven had managed to kill 3. She wasn't sure what the others had managed to dismantle.

IC: I moved forward and then stopped deciding o break up the fight in a more pragmatic manner. I stopped and spoke a few magic words letting the tree roots become combatants and grab at the feet of the combatants.
he stuck his sword in the ground and pulled out his bow and fired off two quick shots at one of the new goblins hitting it in the shoulder cousing it to drop its weapon and howl in pain.
"Hear now, I can handle mysel..." Ezmi spat back at the one who called out to her to watch her back. Before she could finish though, the two goblins dragged her from her horse, and she struck her head upon the ground. Flailing her sword about in a daze, Ezmi fended them off as Inari wheeled about and struck at the goblins backs with her hooves. "Th-thank you girl... Ezmi said, shaken and dizzy as she slumped back, watching the two goblins get trampled upon before falling unconcious.
Miaaa ran over to the fallen girl and placed her hands on the girls head. She began to chant a prayer to the moongoddess. Her hands began to glow blue again and the glow faded from her hands and washed over the girls body and healed her injuries. "I hope that will help when you wake up, even if you are a bitch."

IC: 'I hope that will help when you wake up, even if you are a bitch.' Sounds like she's known ezmi for years.

The roots of trees and bushes grabbed and entangled the last of the goblins and the archer made short work of the stationary targets.

"Well that was a fun break."
Ezmi came too not long after the strange woman healed her, shouting and flailing her blade about. "I'll take you all together, I'll cut you all apart!" There was an unreasoning hate in her voice, and fear, like a wild cat trapped in a corner, hissing and spitting at its captors. But slowly, reality hit her, and she sat up, looking about, bringing her blade to rest at her side. "They are all dead..." He said matter of factly, numbness rushing in to take the place of her hate and fear. "Inari, where are you girl?" She called, concern in her voice. Her mare came to her side, lowering her head to nose at her. "Thank you girl..." Ezmi sighed as she began to stand, unsteadly.
Raven quickly put his bow away and sheathed his sword and went to collect any unbroken arrows thanking the arcanist for his spell " it was nice to have a stationary targets my friend" he extended his hand to the strangers " the names Raven its a pleasure to meet the two of you"
"Raven? Hmph, named after a carrion bird were you? Don't tell me, your last name is something like Moonshadow, or Nightwalker, right? Typical of a half el..." Ezmi looked upon Raven, arching an eyebrow. "Drow?" She gave Drec a concerned look while Inari stomped her hoof defensively at Raven.

OOC: I so had to restrain myself from calling you 'Drowish' but one must get over these foolish prejudices, after all, we don't call Dwarves 'Diggers' anymore, now do we? ;) Oh, and Elves arn't loose, even though you have never heard of a half gnome, have you? Okay... And I'm done...
OOC: Doesn't the erotic players hndbook, from which you made Ezmi, say gnomes will screw anyting with two legs?

IC: "Well I am glad the spell helped. Magic is a new trick fr me, but a most welcome gift for my service. Not that I've been much help to plans and such as of yet."
OOC: Yes, indeed Gnomes are credited with the creation of the book of Kama Sutra, according to the Book of Erotic Fantasy. And Ezmi's class is DoS's permutation of the Frenzied Desciple prestige class, which he so kindly reworked to work as a base class, he called it the Anti-monk. I just want to level her up to the point where she can use a flagon as a lethal weapon without taking attack penelties... LOL!

IC: Upon hearing Drec's voice, Ezmi slowly peered at him from around her mares flank. "Drrrrec! Honestly, you always put others before me, your actual traveling companion! I have half a mind to hex you with a gypsy curse! But... I won't, not in front of strangers anyway... I'd watch my soup for awhile if I were you though, for eye of newt, or some such thing... You know how spiteful I can be." She said, her expression drifting from a keen edge to a sarcastic and teasing tone. It was apparent she did such things to keep the poor man on edge, never sure of her true feelings. If one considered it for long, they might assume she had feelings for Drec, ones she hide behind such actions.
Miaaa looked at Ezmi and gritted on her teeth before saying "Your a real piece of work you know that? Treating your friend like that." she continued to grit her teeth.
ooc. actualy half drow arent that uncomon in the breeding camps of the underdark. and being a hardcore d&d fan i have actualy seen a template used to create a half gnome. i actualy got the idea for my character out of a book called bastards and bloodlines

ic. Raven just smiled at the womans harsh words haveing heard all sorts of things in his short life by now he was used to it he gave a sharpe whistle and the hawk came flying back to his shoulder " actualy my family name it starcatcher " he said with a bow his right hand gently stroked the hawks head as he watched the woman closly

IC: 'Drrrrec! Honestly, you always put others before me, your actual traveling companion! I have half a mind to hex you with a gypsy curse! But... I won't, not in front of strangers anyway... I'd watch my soup for awhile if I were you though, for eye of newt, or some such thing... You know how spiteful I can be.'

Oh and I was of the mind I had built up an imunity to such gpsy tricks. I swear we fight like a married couple, or family in any case.

'Your a real piece of work you know that? Treating your friend like that' I smiled at the kind geasture but had mix feelings about it all the same.

'Auctualy my family name it starcatcher.' What a strange pair an elf and a half drow. At least Ezmi and I share a race, although when we talk to each other we may well be the stranger pair.

"Well lets get to it, how do you want to split the loot?"
Raven saw only one thing that cought his eye a small knife with a blackened blade and dark leather bound hilt. he picked it up and said " ill take this and you can split the rest amongst your selves" he was a ranger after all what need would he have to carry anthing more than was nessicary he tucked the knife into the inside of his right boot and helped to sort the rest of the loot