Dungeons and Dragons: The Time of Dragons (IC Thread)

The halfling's clutched his chest as he fell; her second arrow piercing his lung. The man dropped the woman and dove for his crossbow. As he grabbed it, an arrow pierced his left shoulder. Her next arrow finished him.
Miaaa heard the screaming from the direction and even though she knew she had very few spells left headed in the direction to try and help whoever she could. Her need to help others always supersedes her notion of self preservation.
Raven sent the hawk flying and hurried to catch up to miaa and grabed her shoulder saying perhaps some of us should wait here while the others check things out we dont want to put too many people in more risk than is neccesary
i will go check things out and report back if i can he then took off through the woods moving eforlesly through the underbrush
Miaaa just stopped not wanting to put her friends in unneccisary danger.
Raven nocked an arrow in his bow as he moved through the forest and came upon the arrow ridden corpes of a halfling and his two companions he stayed in the shadows of a large tree as he looked at the three corpses and looked for the archer who had created them.
OOC thewhiteone is one of my d&d buddies form back home so im interested to see how he will play this character out
Pavel cocked an eyebrow as Miaaa and Raven dashed off in the direction of the scream, but with Miaaa coming to a halt not too far down the path. Thinking to himself that whatever lay ahead could be intersting, he jogged off after the pair, soon passing Miaaa with a curt nod.

Raven had gone to one side and hidden somewhere. Up ahead were two bodies. Fresh ones, if the growing pools of blood wer anything to go by. A human and a halfling by the looks of it. And someone else. Another human woman in pain. Quickly deciding that if anyone was a half-good hunter, they would wait and see if anyone else showed up before descending, he thaught that he would act the part of the simple merchant, and flush out any who might be waiting.

Pulling his leather coat tight about him, h cautiously stepped closer to the bodies, making sure he was in plain view of anyone watching. "Oh my! Are you alright miss? I didn't see any kobolds..." He spoke the the woman as he slowly made his way forward
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She quickly slung her bow, grabbed her staff and ran up to the injured woman who had drawn a dagger and was attempting to stand. She swung her staff at the woman, whom attempted to parry. The blow sent the dagger from her hand, and her back onto the ground. A blow to the head rendered her unconscious.

She checked to make sure that the woman was in fact unconscious, and she was. Sar then went over to the dead human, knelt down and sunk her fangs in to his neck, and began to drain his corpse dry.

She was half finished with him when she felt like she was being watched.

She dropped her meal and grabbed her staff, blood still on her mouth scanning for the one watching her.

(OOC: What time of day is it anyway? And I know it is January and cold, but is there snow?)
Raven kept his bow ready as he studied the fanged woman form the shadows staying as silent and still as posible as he watched and studied her
((OOC: Hehe! Something got lost in the equasion there. I'll retcon my previous post (carried on from Val's), and go from there))

Pavel took several steps back when a woman emerged from the undergrowth and finished off the last survivor. He didn't have to feign that, at all. Especially when she bit down on the woman's neck.

Damn nosferat! He'd heard about them from a trader he fleeced once that they were vicious hunters of the night that preyed on anything living. Evidently, some of that information was a little off as it was still light enough not to need lamps

"Oh, pardon me miss. Didn't mean to bother you. Please, go back to... whatever it was you were doing. I'll just... go the other way now..."

IC: I moved forward with the group comming upon a woman over a dead woman.
"Oh, pardon me miss. Didn't mean to bother you. Please, go back to... whatever it was you were doing. I'll just... go the other way now..."

The man is clearly terrified. Damn those abominations and there reputation. She lowers her staff.

"Go where ever you like, I don't care. I got the ones I came for. Now, if you don't mind I've got a meal to finish, and people expecting me"

"Just keep in mind, not all is what it one assumes."
"If red touches black, it's OK, Jack. If red touches yellow, you're a dead fellow." and "Red on yellow, kill a fellow. Red on black, venom lack."

She bends down pulls off her right boot, revealing a foot covered in white fur.

She waited a moment before continuing.

"If I hear you, even insinuate one more time, that I am an abomination, I will have a problem with you. Understand?"

She notices another arrival. She senses this one is close to nature, a druid most likely.

"Greatings Friend" she says as she nods to him.

(OOC: I'm assuming that since she is half-fey, a druid would stick out like a sore thumb to her. Tymless, if I'm wrong, let me know and I'll edit.)
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IC: "Friend? Why is it I always end up with such odd company. Still betr then Ezmi I supose."

I looked at her hairy foot, well Ezmi is on par any rate. "Well as the new arival can I ask what you are doing here? And if you know anything of the attackers."
Raven lowered his bow and stepped out of the shadows as he called his hawk back to him and said " greetings i hope we have not disturbed your meal too much" he then gave a slight bow to the woman and joined the rest of the groupe
IC: "Friend? Why is it I always end up with such odd company. Still betr then Ezmi I supose."

"You have nature's blessing, therefore, you are a friend unless proven other wise." She replied as she returned her boot.

She began study him, the man was clearly strong and tough, his looks could have been better, but oh well. For those muscles, she'd be willing to let it slide, especially for a druid.

She glanced over at the terrified man and gave a mental snort, even if he hadn't been insulting, he wasn't worth a second look.

" greetings i hope we have not disturbed your meal too much" he then gave a slight bow to the woman

She turned to the newcomer, her mind reeled at what she saw, her shock obvious. Drow?!?! No, no, the skin was to light...

Snapping out of it, she nodded to him, her curiosity as blatant as her initial shock.

"My, my... people just keep popping up."
As more of the group approached, Pavel allowed himself to slip furthur back and out of the spotlight, glad that the riker's attention was focussed more on Raven and Drec. Nosferat or no, sh was dangerous with a taste for the other red drink. If she joined the group, and, judging by her reactions to Drec, she might very well, he would either have to keep a very close eye on her, or try and find some other group to travel with. Hopefully, a group with fw smarts. But, with luck, it wouldn't come to that.

IC: So she has a measure of respect for me, although she skipped the second question.

"So are you heading to town or away from town?"
(OOC: Didn't see the second one)

The druid speaks up, she turns her attention back to him.

"I knew they were fair game. Amateurs broke into a merchant's house, killed his wife, looted and ran."

"After I finish my meals and tie her up for later, I'll be returning to Stonekeep with the stolen goods.

"And what would your name be friend?"

IC: "Oh, I supose my manners arn't my srong point. My name is Drec, the lady on the horse is Ezmi, Miaaa would be the female elf behind me, Raven is behind you, and this merchant is Pavel. If you don't mind me asking whats your name again?"
She gave Drec and Raven each a smile as they where introduced. Pavel got a contemptuous glance.

"Pleasure to meet you," she said to them, ignoring Pavel, "Seregmethal Lakeshimmer, most call me 'Sar' for short."

"I'd love to chat, but I should finish my meals, and get these items back to their owners."

She meant it. These two interested her, especially the drowish elf.
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Raven fed a scrap of meat to his hawk as he slung his bow over his shoulder and turned to Drec saying " i dont think maners are a strong point for any of us " he kept stealing glances at the fanged woman there was something unsetteling about her but he couldnt put his finger on it
Raven fed a scrap of meat to his hawk as he slung his bow over his shoulder and turned to Drec saying " i dont think maners are a strong point for any of us " he kept stealing glances at the fanged woman there was something unsetteling about her but he couldnt put his finger on it
(OCC: Edited my last post. Tymless says she is still where she stopped, so I'm also assuming Ravenloft is with her. Post now reflects them not being there.)

She noticed the elf sneaking furtive glances at her. She gave him a "Don't be shy" smile (without showing fangs), mistaking his glances as a sign of interest.

As Raven fed his hawk, she remembered Pek. She gave her own bird call. A little bit later, a woodpecker landed on her shoulder. She scratched his chin.

"On the other hand, I probably could use some help." She said, gesturing toward the large sacks of stolen goods and the unconscious woman.
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Letting you know I am still here and also asking you to look at the most recent post I made in the orp anouncments.