Dungeons and Dragons: The Time of Dragons (IC Thread)

Raven shuders again as he continues to walk beside miaaa. he can not shake the memories of his past no matter how hard he tries he begins to mumble under his breath things like " yes matron" or " please mistress i dont want too." he has also broken out in a cold sweat and seems a bit unsteady on his feet
Pavel followed behind Miaaa and Raven as they started to make their way east. Smiling, he clasped his hands together. "Ah lodgings. What adventurous party cannot resist the pull of the inn. As it so happens, I believe the town of Stonekeep lies this way. Best to stay in the merchant quarter there..."
Raven sudenly stoped and colapsed to on knee he was shaking visably and sweat began to run freely from his forehead as his breath became shallow his dark grey skin seemed to lose some of its color and he seemed to be deathly afraid of something as he shouted " no stay away form me" in sylvan and backed away for some unseen entity until he finaly just curled up in the fetal position and laid there shaking and crying
Miaaa stopped and placed her hand on his head. She began mumbling things in prayers to her god in elven. She hoped her prayers would be answered and this young man would find some comfort. She did not know what he was going through but it couldn't be good with the way he was acting.
Raven slowly began to calm down as the gentle touch of his companions hand brought back memories of his mother and the bad memories of his past began to leave his mind. he slowly stood up and wiped his tears away and said a prayer for his mother then thanked miaaa " thank you my friend i think i shall be alright now"
he slowly began to walk again as he said another silent pray for his mother
"Its no problem Raven. Everything will be fine you will see Sir Starcatcher." Miaaa smiled at the young half drow as they headed towards the city of stonekeep.
Raven smiled as he walked on that was the first time in years that he had broken down like that and he wondered what had suddenly brought it on but soon shruged it off as stress and thanked the gods for his new companions
Pavel seemed about as shocked as anyone when the half-drow Raven collapsed. At first he wandered what could have caused him to do so, but his quick mind soon ruled out a trap or spell. No phyiscal marks, and too fast recovery. Quickening his pace, he walked up beside Raven "I do hope you are alright, master Starcatcher? I don't mean to intrude, but my guess would be you have some inner demons to battle. Had to take care of a couple myself, so if you need anything, just yell"

IC: I tapped Ezmi on the side and trailed a bit between the other three. Ezmi took my lad and did so aswell.

I spoke softly so not to be heard beyond the foot between me and Ezmi's high horse. "I know we should be looking for work and such but truth is I kind of am enjoying myself. Any objections joining this "mision" of the elves?
"Yes, you are right Raven, most do, but few can keep ahold of such innocent convictions as propriety in a life such as we maintain. I do accredit you for that conviction, Miaaa, it is a rare thing to see, and I do hope you can keep it, even through what is to come in your life and travels, whatever that may be." Ezmi said as she noticed Raven shuddering, and then shuddering again, before falling to one knee.

"My dear, simple Drec, it would seem we need not look for work, when it is so very obvious that work has found us. In short, yes, we aught to join these elves, on whatever they are to do." Ezmi said, patting Drec lightly on his thick arm before going to Ravens side.

"Ghost of the past haunt you still, Din-Doril of House Arab-Afin?" She asked him quietly, taking his arm with a knowing look.

IC: At times I think Ezmi is crazy and the rest of the time I know she is crazy, just how much remains uncertian. Oh well at least things aren't dull here.
"Pavel we will gladly take your blade by our sides." Miaaa not one to linger longer then she has too continues to walk the path without reguard to her surroundings at all. It is quite obvious that she is inexperienced as a traveler and an adventurer. It never even crosses her mind that there might be more goblins near by or worse.
Pavel nodded toward Miaaa "Then by your side it will be, preistess. I may be no warrior, but you don't survive the markets of Abzul-Darin without knowing how to defend yourself!" He chuckled slightly as he picked up his pace, coming level with Miaaa. He lowered his voice "...And one of the things I have learned is to be ever watchful. Goblins travel in packs, but are not the only dangers to be found"

IC: I walked forward and cought up with the rest of the group. "So whats this mision of yours anyhow. I trust hunting a red dragon is out of the question."
"Actually we should find out as soon as we reach the city of Stonekeep. All we know is that something big is coming and that answers should be found in Stonekeep. The headpriest was tight with his additional information. He said I need to find out these matters on my own because he see's me replacing him someday." Miaaa looks at Raven and smiles "How long until we get there?"
" thank you miaaa but i am no knight ther is no need to call me sir and parvel i am greatful for the offer" he turned to ezmi and smiled as he said " thank you ezmi i am indeed plauged by ghosts form my past but then again most people who have seen and benthough the things i have would have some inner turnoil too"

IC: "I like to think I will get revenge on my demons, all of which our outer and not inner though."
"It would seem our kind is born out of such ghosts and inner turmoil. For instance, there once was a young and innocent gypsy dancer who was accosted and raped by corrupt merchants, only to become pregnant by the lot of them. Once she was no longer able to hide it from her... 'family', they hunted the merchants down, drew them into a trap, and mercilously slaughtered them. Then, they turned on the young woman, forcing her to abort the child, and exiling her from her home..."
" that would definatle cause one to have demons much like a young fourteen year old boy being sold to a breeding camp shortly after his fathers death just because he was the only son in a matriarchl house hold but demons are demons and no one should ever have to face a demon alone" raven gave a high pitched whistle and illiana his hawk flew down and landed on his shoulder

IC: "I don't like wyverns, and if I could I would wipe tem from the earth. I supose not most druids would agree with me but such is life."
raven looks at miaaa and says we should reach stonekeep soon it should only be a couple of miles away now he then looks at drec and said " i can understand where your coming from i have a strong hate of drider but everything must be taken in stride my friend"
Raven fed his hawk small scraps of meat as he walked along and gave quiet thanks to the gods that his sisters werent around to see him now. his hand resting idely on the hilt of his sword as he walked
She heard them up ahead, stomping through the underbrush, patting themselves on the back for a job well-done, and wondering aloud why they never thought of turning to crime before. They were slowing down, thinking themselves safe.

"Fools," she whispered to herself, "just because you run into the forest doesn't mean you are safe." She quickened her pace, bow at the ready, hungry for the kill.

She quickly caught sight of the three of them, just as they stopped for a breather. All were lightly armed, unarmored, and laiden with booty. "Now your mine," she thought as she aimed her bow. She selected the woman who had her back to her...

The woman went down with a scream of pain as an arrow pierced the back of her right knee. The man who had been talking to her, caught her as she fell, not knowing what had happened, while the halfling leap from the stone she had been sitting on. Then the man saw arrow as the woman began screaming curses.

(OOC: you can hear the screaming ahead of you, coming from the left side of the road)
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