
Opal walked over gingerly to Flit and stood him up in a crushing grip. Unminding of the pain, he slammed him in the stomach. He then picked him up and threw him over 20 feet across the sands. He hardly even felt it. He charged at him just as Flit was standing up and roared wildly. He tackled him to the ground, knocking the air out of both of them. He stood up and grabbed Flit's hair, dragging him up. One after the other, he dealt smashing blows to Flit's face. He then kicked him in the midsection and looked up at the sky, very much calmed. "Why, oh God, did you create such idiots in this world?" he asked calmly, blood leaking from dozens of places on his face. "No get up. And get the mycilling antidote right now. Or, I'll kill you. Disregarding ANY side effects, such as death", he said quietly.

watching the stupid imbosil get the shit beat out of him was quite amusing but as i glance up i could see a dust cloud not more than a mile away.

"sir someones approching not mor than a mole away and closinng fast sir" i said interupting his beating of the idiot " i await your orders sir" i said with smart military respect

..died just after handing Opal the cure. Sorry about that, I'm not liking the treatmnet my characters getting. I need to make someone more assertive.
OOC: Keep Flit, but don't make all of that poisoning and nano-tech. What do you expect? Opal is an angry, angry, man/ By the way, it's called trust. If you had just walked up to Opal and asked if you could travel with them, he would have gladly agreed. I say we take it from the top. Or, almost the top. How about the part where Flit has killed those slavers who wanted to catch him and he wants to gently and nicely ask Opal for help. Trust me, it's a better alternative.

ooc: well morgoth i'm game with the plan but now i have to figure a way to get my chara known boo hoo hoo :) oh well i am awaiting a chance to show up in the script so lead on oh great one.

OOC: Alright. Flit is still being chased by a goup of mutants. And...you guys have just finished the battle with the other group. Is that ok?

after the battle i returned to where i usually waited.cleaning my gun with the utmost care.'i wonder where we'll go next'i thought as i walked twoard opal.
OOC: That's fine, Chronicler. Does anyone know if KrazRussian is still with us. Could someone pm him?

IC: Opal turned to face Sorian. "What's up? Give me the specs", he ordered. He grabbed a towel from the trainee on serving duty and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He threw the towel back and grabbed a Nuca-Kola and gulped it down. He thre the bottle to the trainee, then climbed into a hummer, waiting for Locke and Sorian to get in also.

as i entered the car i asked opal " where are we off sir." i asked gazing twoard the east.'why is it i have this sneaking suspicion that we arent alone.' i thought as i sat down waiting for opal to give orders

Flit slowed down. The mutants behind him had long since set up camp for the night. Where was he? It looked like some kind of abandoned farm. How odd to find a farm in the middle of nowhere. And then he saw the eyes...
"Who cares? Who, other than those Enclave bastards, has enough guts to attack the Brotherhood of Steel?" he responded.