Filthy answers to innocent questions.

Because the ballcarrier won't let the tackler fondle his junk while they're standing.

Why do trees shed their leaves each Fall?
They like the feeling of the wind blowing through their naked limbs.

Where does the Easter Bunny live?
Just give me a second to put on more lube, and I'll finish pegging it out of you.

What did Scooby Doo?
He got caught up in a Frank Sinatra song, 'Strangers in the night, scooby doo, be, do, be, do be do' Sing it, you know you want to.

Does the Pope shit in the woods?
He got caught up in a Frank Sinatra song, 'Strangers in the night, scooby doo, be, do, be, do be do' Sing it, you know you want to.

Does the Pope shit in the woods?
Everyone knows that Popes don't shit. As a result, they're generally full of it and end up writing Bull.

What is a Papal Bull?
According to the Thirty-Nine Articles, the definining statement of doctrine for the Chruch of England, he founded the Church so he could, quote, "stick it wherever".

What is a sacramental union?
It's coitus a tergo, or fucking from behind. It may be vaginal, but anal is preferred. The defining feature is that you get to see her tattooed sacrum when you fuck her.

Why must a young Mormon man take a missionary position?
He must take it because no one will just give it to him.

How did we get into religion?
I thought these were supposed to be innocent questions! May I remind you that the Sumerian Goddess Innana, Queen of Heaven and Earth, looked down and declared that she had a "wonderous vulva" and decided to take her vulva and visit Enki, the God of Wisdom, for a chug-a-lug contest! Do you call that innocent?

Why did religion get out of sex?
I thought these were supposed to be innocent questions! May I remind you that the Sumerian Goddess Innana, Queen of Heaven and Earth, looked down and declared that she had a "wonderous vulva" and decided to take her vulva and visit Enki, the God of Wisdom, for a chug-a-lug contest! Do you call that innocent?

Why did religion get out of sex?
What are you talking about? My dick is a deity in some regions (of my mind).

What is a regional dialect?
Oral sex during a blow bang, can be two pair, three of a kind and if she's really into it a full house.

Why can you only park in a driveway?
It's been the rule ever since Sally and Hank parked on the parkway for a little anal action and got a surprise rear-ending from a semi.

What is this MVB I keep hearing about?
MVB is an anagram for BVM, and shame on you for bringing her into this thread.

Who's the most valued blogger on microsoft visual basic?
The MVB on MVB is, without question, the BVM herself, primarily for giving the Most Vigorous Blowjobs.

Why did Hector bring religion back into this filthy thread?
Why isn't Manitoba called More North Dakota?
What makes fountains squirt?

You're thinking of Saskatchewan, whose name comes from the Cree and means "North Dakota, more or less." The name Manitoba comes from the Ojibwe and means "land of a hundred thousand thousand orifices." It symbolizes the vast prairie of women waiting for someone to come along and spurt into theirs.

Where would you rather be, Moose Jaw or Regina?