Flaunting the Fitness

Show me yours and I’ll show you mine? 🥺

NTS: this was after 2.5miles 11 minute splits
Baby steps woring out,besides the work put in thus far is already paying off - njoy the journey ..... healthy life - endless stamina
Everyone has their own reasons to start getting healthier.
For me, it’s been my mental health.
Before I started running, I had so many bad days.
There was a particularly bad day that left me crying on the phone to my sister in an empty bathtub for hours about all the pressure I was feeling that finally lead me to seek something just for me.
Now I’m running almost daily, and with that comes needing better nutrition to run further or faster, and the time that I spend with myself outside when before I was indoors ALL the time… that’s been priceless.

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Looking awesome
You definitely deliver on the sweat and the shirtlessness 🤩

Looking good. Nice fitness outfit! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Looking great, Blue! It’s always nice to have company, glad you have your family to join you. 😁

Side note: hasn’t it been great the last couple days? Not too sunny and not raining buckets… well, except that one morning! I got soaked and my ballcap was dripping! 🤣

Yes, I agree diet has a lot to do with health, but this thread is more about showing off our cute workout clothes or the beauty of the places we work out in… oooo… maybe you could show yourself doing some healthy cooking?

Thanks for sharing! 😄

It is really tough, isn’t it? That’s why I think it’s important to celebrate even the little things we do to exercise and get healthy.

Side note, I learned about this delicious dessert that is super easy to make and actually good for you - it’s called protein pudding. The base of the recipe is a cold protein shake and three tablespoons of a sugar free instant pudding mix. I’ve been adding coconut milk and chia seeds to mine to make it fattier and have more fiber, but seriously, it’s delicious!
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With regular exercise & workout.... u can eat anything u like, its burns off faster & junk exits quicker
Just a thought, and I'm aware this isn't my fight, but in last 2 days you've had this response on 2 threads...
If someone says they don't like how you talk to them, I wouldn't be doubling down telling them they're wrong
Women are just as confusing on here as irl. That’s no fun.
Sorry for the many quotes… seems you leave a thread for a couple days and things go a bit wild…

I feel you so much!
Two years ago it was the same for me
I am the classic guy who starts eating when ever my mental health is bad
At one point I had to decide get fit again or lose the control over my physical and mental health
So I started to go for regular runs
And exactly this decision was the break point for me
After that I not only got mentally healthy again I also got my fit body back

So I feel what you mean by every word!
It is nice to hear from people who feel the same and managed to get better like me ☺️

Happy that you are feel well now 🥰

Yes, it is easy to “eat your feelings,” isn’t it? Glad you recognized and were able to recover. I hope you continue to feel better. 🌷

I love the way your sweat glistenes on your chest.

Thank you, HB. 🌷

You know what I like best about these pics? It's the attitude. Absolutely love it. Keep running and keep your positivity. Running/good aerobic exercises without over doing are the best way to show yourself love.

I dunno what my attitude is, but I’m reading it’s good, so thanks! 🌷

very sexy


nice and sweaty looks like it must have been a good run, but you look really good

It was a good run, with proper motivation and everything 😊. I really like running outside and am going to try and continue to as much as I can as the weather changes. That’s my next hurdle in my journey.

Wow, I'll gladly let you set the pace and enjoy the trail bum;) wow

Uh, thanks? 😅

Gorgeous! We need to run together! 💦

I have a routine at this point and am rather set in it - I have ran once with a friend and I think we annoyed eachother more than anything else (she has been a trail runner for ten years and me just starting… well… it was a lot of learning for me). Anyway, I’m fairly certain it wouldn’t be as good a time to run with me as you think. 🤣

Baby steps - working out, besides the work put in thus far, is already paying off - enjoy the journey ..... healthy life - endless stamina

Um, thanks? I’ve been enjoying it so far - minus the whole running out of fuel and getting shaky bit which has only happened once… and that one time my left bum cheek started spasming after only 4 miles… but we won’t count those times. 😅

Looking awesome


With regular exercise & workout.... you can eat anything you like, it burns off faster & junk exits quicker

Oh, don’t get me started on talking about fuel and elimination - as a HC professional and amateur runner I know and will discuss so much the TMI will be leaking from your ears - let’s just say I’m eating what my body needs and listening to it as best I can. 😊
So nice, these did 3 miles today and I got back to kind of food. Cherries, grapes, and watermelon for pre and post run....

Well done, legs! And the fresh fruits and veg sound lovely! 🤩🌷

Just finished a elliptical workout. A little bit of a glisten LOL
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I definitely spy some glisten! 👀

Is the idea to show a picture of myself working out or? Having gotten in shape?

This thread is for anyone to share their working out, post workout, pre workout, their outfits, their meals… kinda whatever you like as long as it is you in the pic and it has something to do with the fitness theme. How clear as mud is that? 🤣😂
<there was a whole conversation before this, but I didn’t feel like requoting>

Just a thought, and I'm aware this isn't my fight, but in last 2 days you've had this response on 2 threads...
If someone says they don't like how you talk to them, I wouldn't be doubling down telling them they're wrong

Women are just as confusing on here as irl. That’s no fun.

This whole interaction made me very uncomfortable - I don’t think it’s confusing at all. When someone asks you not to be vulgar, you stop being vulgar and shut the fuck up.

No means no.

You being an ass is “no fun.”
More importantly… love this thread. I dont have a pic yet but I got the all clear to workout now so I’m trying to build that motivation far away from disordered eating groups like weight watchers. Just seeing people live an active lifestyle really helps me. Ive been cultivating my social media around this and have some cool dance workouts to do this week
Just a post-run pic from yesterday to share this morning. Sunday is my rest day (which means I’ll probably just do a little indoor bike or yoga before trying to sleep later this morning). Enjoy your weekend everyone!
What a great idea for a thread @Moochienanu .

I already promised to post on "Don't Stress..." once I hit 275. I'll cross post a workout picture here when I get there. My last pic there was in celebration of 298lb ( I startedat 365 last October). Kinda stuck there, but I have been riding my bike a fair bit the past week.
Just a thought, and I'm aware this isn't my fight, but in last 2 days you've had this response on 2 threads...
If someone says they don't like how you talk to them, I wouldn't be doubling down telling them they're wrong
his response was smarmy and phony. no thanks. I only hope he can recognize the wisdom you have shared.
So what is everyone’s favourite fitness activity?

Im currently into pilates to improve my range of movement and its really been helping my balance
Just a post-run pic from yesterday to share this morning. Sunday is my rest day (which means I’ll probably just do a little indoor bike or yoga before trying to sleep later this morning). Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Missed this yesterday as I was busy on the treadmill! Way to hot to be out running...hope you met your nap goal.
What a great idea for a thread @Moochienanu .

I already promised to post on "Don't Stress..." once I hit 275. I'll cross post a workout picture here when I get there. My last pic there was in celebration of 298lb ( I startedat 365 last October). Kinda stuck there, but I have been riding my bike a fair bit the past week.


Don't ever give up. Don't allow to yo yo.

While I naturally have a fitter and leaner physique I also know that I have to put in some work REGARDLESS of how I feel. Making yourself do the work (exercise, eating well), ESPECIALLY when you don't want to, is the key.