For the Love of Stephen King

Nah he's a total hack!

In seriousness the sheer amount of his work means there's got to be something out there for everyone. It's not all just "oo scary monster" either. Some of his stories are beautiful or heartbreaking. He also has a great sense of humour. There have been many many times when I had to put a book down for 10 minutes because something he wrote really tickled me.
That scene in Duma Key where Edgar meets Wireman—I laughed as much as they did the first time, and it still makes me grin!
Obviously not 😒
(But read them all)

Nah he's a total hack!

In seriousness the sheer amount of his work means there's got to be something out there for everyone. It's not all just "oo scary monster" either. Some of his stories are beautiful or heartbreaking. He also has a great sense of humour. There have been many many times when I had to put a book down for 10 minutes because something he wrote really tickled me.
Honest it was serious. What should I read first.
BTW not watched any of the films either I don't think
Hey constant readers! I'm bad at being a part of a community when the center is something (someone) so fundamentally important to my life as this old guy. Is everything he writes perfect? No. But it's been a mile marker through my whole life. I've read literally everything (well Holly is in my TBR) and if someone lives The Dark Tower... I know we can be friends.

Just wanted to throw my 🖤 in.
It’s been a minute since I’ve read anything by him, but seeing this thread is motivating me to rectify that.

My favorites tend to be tied up in nostalgia and the first things that introduced me to great loves. So it’s not surprising my favorite Kings are the first ones I read - The Body (after I watched Stand by Me) and It (which I was reading when I was babysitting and the only one awake in the house at night.)
Larry Underwood is the first one that comes to mind.
Cool guy, always thought him and Eddie Dean were cut from the same mold.
Ever since reading The Stand, “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil” has been my mantra when I’m frightened.
Three years of catholic school didn’t take, but Stephen Kind did 😏
Let’s talk short stories. Off the top of my head
The Boogeyman - I couldn’t sleep with the closet door opened until I was 24 and my bf moved in and took the closet side of the bed.
The Raft
Jereusalems Lot
Grey Matter
Survivor Type!
Loved all the short stories in Nightshift, Jerusalems Lot was really chilling…
Don’t drive off into the snow, dumb people! But then where would the story be… the wife would get drunk and flirty in the bar, the husband would get drunk and sullen and skulk off into the corner with the lumberjack that was trying to put a move on him, the kids would be sneaking a bottle of southern comfort around the corner and drinking it under the pool table…
As a teen I used to read Stephen King books in my parents basement on the couch in front of the fireplace. Around two am, the fire would have died down to a faint glow, and the damn basement light switch was at the top of the stairs. By that time what I had read had me totally wired for sound… I bolted from the couch to the stairs and up the steps like a jackrabbit EVERY time.
Apparently I was safe as long as I was on the couch 🙄
Nah he's a total hack!

In seriousness the sheer amount of his work means there's got to be something out there for everyone. It's not all just "oo scary monster" either. Some of his stories are beautiful or heartbreaking. He also has a great sense of humour. There have been many many times when I had to put a book down for 10 minutes because something he wrote really tickled me.
I always thought “Eyes of the Dragon” was a beautiful story, and a little atypical of his writing. Flagg was a participant…
I wonder if the other three people that read this one have any thoughts on it?
I always thought “Eyes of the Dragon” was a beautiful story, and a little atypical of his writing. Flagg was a participant…
I wonder if the other three people that read this one have any thoughts on it?
As a lifelong Constant Reader, I'm almost ashamed to say I've had this book for decades before finally reading it. Loved it. Flagg is one bad dude.
I read a few other areas of fiction, but it’s almost entirely escapism. I don’t need more serious or business in my life. Only fun things. And horror, serial killers, smut, and fucked up are included in my definition of fun 😂

Yes true crime, smut and horror are what I read to relax
I've found my people. 😍😆
I read a few other areas of fiction, but it’s almost entirely escapism. I don’t need more serious or business in my life. Only fun things. And horror, serial killers, smut, and fucked up are included in my definition of fun 😂
I'm like this too, I like the escapism. Then I'll also read bios and stuff like Psychology 101 for fun. I'm weird. :p