Force-X: New Blood Rising


Maxine took one muffin out of the bag and handed it to her "Heh Ill pass Im probly more beat han you are.. and Um mutants or not, I dont really think its a good Idea, But you know me Im just untrusting."

She walked in and poured the hot water into a mug "You want one? , besides" She laughed a little "That Cabbie that picks me up on Fridays is kinda charming in a scruffy Kinda way and the nose knows theres somthign like us about him if you knwo what I mean.. I havent said anythign though.. heh me Im shy"
Georgina giggles. "Yeah, I know! And i'd love a coffee thanks!" She hungrilly bit into the miffin. "Mmmm! Chocolate chip! My favorite!" She picked up her gown and slung it over her shoulder, using her tail to easilly balance out the extra weight on one side of her.

"I think I saw that cabbie tonight, walking past the building. Oh, and was there a new car still parked outside?"

She poured and stirred a second mug "Yeah I did notice another strange car. It smelt unusual too.. Ive never seen it anywhere before. I never see that Cabbie walkign aorund here. Obviously I never get home in time on those days!" She laughed a little and handed a Mug over to Georgina
Georgina took the mug in both hand and sipped it's contents. "Yeah, or maybe you don't stand on rooftops all day like me!" She giggled at her own remark. "Although I havn't seen that car anywhere around here before today. Think it could belong to one of those Friends of Humanity groups?"

"Heh I guess you do have the cats eye view around here. Hmm It diditn smell like one of those vehicles. Just different. Nothign I knew. Could even be another mutants car for All We know but the car covered that up pretty well."

She looked outside onto her small balcony "I might sit out there for a bit later and soak up the smells for a while, I mean at least if I sit out there in my animal form people if they happen to be looking think "I" own a big dog" She laughed a little
Georgina chuckled and looked at herself. "Yeah lucky you. I can't even walk around in the streets without dressing up like it's the dead of winter"

Georgina sipped her coffee again. "Well, have a good rest! I best get back and see if the boys have ruined my room, or started going through my panties draw..."

She turned to leave
Georgina walked back into her apartment and, placing the coffee on a table, collapsed back onto her bed. "I'm sorry, where were we? Ah yes! Introductions"

She looked up at Denial, curled up on her ceiling. To the casual observer, that would seem incredably strange, but, considering her own form, Georgina just shrugged and turned her attention back to the oriental man

"So, what's your name?"
"It would be so nice if it wasnt the case... one can always dream. Heh have fun with your guests if thats possible. " She smiled softly and looked at the back of her hand as it began to cover itself with white fur, She watched Georgina sleave as she fully shifted into a white lupine form, the smells aorund her hitting her with greater strength as she walked over and nudged the door lock up with her snout. She lapped the coffee from the mug on the table before walking cautiously out side sittign just inside the orr looking out at the goings on.
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Net cocked an eyebrow.

“Powers? Pretty quick with the assumptions aren’t you? Good for you. Basically I override or take control of person’s central nervous system temporarily. There are a lot of ways to make life real uncomfortable or real enjoyable, depending on my mood.”

Net decided to keep his secondary power silent for the moment. Not many people outside of his family and his mentors among the X-Men knew of his telekinetic ability. He liked to keep it that way. Always save something for a surprise…

“Look, Dennis, I’m just going to shoot straight with you. I’ve got a lot of ground to cover today so I don’t really have time for bullshit. My codename is Netshocker. I have some contacts with the X-Men that really need to get a team together to train and do all sorts of, well honestly, self-sacrificing staring-Death-in-the-face nobody-in-their-right-mind-would-even-think-of-it sort of shit.”

Net frowned at himself.

”Okay, so that wasn’t my best selling line ever but…

“Look. You need some help getting yourself and your powers under control? I’m willing. The fact that I am asking is actually pretty damned novel considering. There are other people out there, flatscan and mutant both that won’t give you the option to decide for yourself and they only ask once. If you are good for it then fine, we’ll throw your shit in my car and move on. Otherwise…”

Net dug into a zipped pocket on his uniform and pulled out a card with only a phone number on it offering it to Dennis.

“… take sometime to think about it and call that number. They’ll know how to get a hold of me.”

He stood there waiting for the kid to make up his mind or take the card. Already, his eyes were casing the apartment complex nearby
*Dennis smirks a bit and tips his sunglasses down a bit, showing the eerie red glow from his eyes*think you can make it so my optic beams don`t show clearly?if so, I`m in.*he then takes the card and smiles a bit*sides, who wants to live forever anyways.

Andrew pulled another strip of duct tape free from it's roll and used it to strap down on the sock on his injured shoulder. His sneak suit had absorbed much of the damage, but Mack's shot had still penitrated it, gouging the meat of his shoulder. Fortunatly, his medical training and a bit of scavanging took care of that.
After his encounter in the alley, Andrew had managed to 'aquire' a small suitcase from the back of a parked car. With CF agents likely combing the back streets and the like looking for him, Andrew decided to forgo the protection of his suit in exchange for street clothes in hopes of blending into the populace. Sort of hiding in plain view. Finding a gas station bathroom, he changed out of the suit and put on some of the more conservative and best fitting of his stolen wardrobe.
He looked at himself for a moment in the mirror. Counter Force had been chasing him for... he didn't know..days ..weeks..whatever, and he looked it. His green eyes were darkened and dirt smudged underneath them. His hair was jet black and both mussed and had been pressed down by sweat and his hood. Years of Special Forces training had toned and conditioned his body, but he was tired and ached. He wanted a long hot shower, a good meal and a place to sleep for a week. None of which he was expecting to get in his bathroom to be sure.
Filling his hands with water from the metal sink, Andrew did his best to scrub the tangle of hair and his face, using his fingers to comb it down again. The unused items from the suitcase were stuffed into the trash can making room for Andrew's sneak suit instead. At last, he pulled on a cheezy looking, long sleeved flanel shirt before making his way back out into the street, walking and trying to look normal. Then the aroma of coffee caught his attention, and he looked up the street to what liiked like a Starbuck's coffee house. He had about eight dollars to his name and figured a momentary break might be worth the time. He finally settled into the farthest booth, whith his back to the wall and waited, slowly sipping on his latte and nibbling on a bagel as he contemplated his next move.
It took a minute before Joe even realized what he was doing. When the group of men swarmed into the room, yelling and shouting, he had jumped, literally leaped across the room, already in a stance, waiting for one of them to come forward.

He didn't know what had happened. He was in shock, the door cleared, several men in full body kevlar, carbine rifles pointed at him, and he was ready for each and every one of them.

Was he? Yes, he thought he was. For some reason, he thought, even if there were a dozen of those guys, he'd be ready and able.

But, this wasn't him. He put his hands up. Actually had to force them, as if they had been frozen stiff, and refused to yield.

"Ok... ok, calm down. I don't know what happened... I just wanted to see the doctor."

They escorted him out, quietly, their guns drawn. Each time one of them got too close, he flinched, but didn't realize what he was doing until he noticed them getting closer.

A truck waited outside. And, a man, in full army regiment uniform.

"I see we've got ourselves a special visitor today."

Joe got into the truck, without hesitation, "I don't know what I did."

The doors closed, as he sat between two guards, their guns pointed at him.

"It's not what you did," The man said, locking the double doors, "It's what you can do... Let's go. Round it up."

Maxine pressed her head a little more out the door, edgy as she sniffed her years flexed as her golden eyes peirced the ark as she thought to herslef some one is watching... but I cant see where.." She looked around at the quiet street her tail swished a little as she looked side to side "I coudl be imagining thigns.. ti is so quiet..."

He nodded and he turned and waved a hand indicating for Dennis to follow.

"I'm sure we can help you with much more than just your optic eruptions, but it's a place to start. Excuse me a sec..."

Net flipped the face of his watch open again and hailed Angel.

"I need a rescan of my current position. I think we just hit a nest full of eggs Angel.", Net spoke into the built-in microphone.

Angel's terse reply was quick. While she answered, Net looked back at Dennis and smirked.

Angel: "Scan complete. Ceberba satellite relays detect numerable tagged targets in your vector. Uploading coordinates to your mobile unit."

"Thanks, Angel.", Net looked up at the three story apartment complex he had parked his car in front of. "Hope you're not the shy type kid. Just stick close and be ready. Sometimes they don't always take the line as easily as you did and tend to get a bit nervous. I... I mean, we... are going in blind as to what sort of people these might be and what types of powers they may have to throw our way."

With that said, net began to ascend the stairs leading to the second floor and turned down a walkway to the left, constantly checking his watch as he moved. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of fur just ahead as it ducked back behind a slightly ajar door. He pointed out the entrance to Dennis and grumbled.

"Looks like we got a shapeshifter... or a really big kitty."

As a personal precaution he flipped the power switches on his energy pistols to warm up their power cores.
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Andrew had just finished his bagel when he saw the military truck roll by. He nonshelantly stepped up to the front of the store, discarding the empty cup while watching out the pane glass window. GI's in full gear lept out of the truck, forming a small perimiter around the area. At first, Andrew thought Counter Force had just called out the Marines for him, but he dismissed the idea almost immediatly. Counter Force wouldn't want that much publicity, especially in a downtown city. He sat down again, this time in a position where he could watch more closely.
He looked over the guards and their actions, noting the carbine rifles and bulky body armor. Hardly the high-tech gear that Counter Force used. Probably some local Guard or private army. He really didn't care, so long as they weren't after him. That was confirmed as a couple of them hustled some poor guy out of a nearby building and into the truck.

Poor bastard.

Andrew could sympathize, and admittedly, was curious as hell, but he knew that he should just use the comotion to get out of the city and away from the others.....then he had a radical idea.

Once the captive was loaded into the truck, the other guards began to return, filling into the back of the truck or other vehicles, policing up their members and then rolling out.
The last guard jumped into the final truck just as it started to roll. The final guard took his seat, slinging his carbine and stowing a small suitcase underneath him.
Georgina had smelled someone coming. It was an odd smell, like the smell of a mutant, but she couldn't be sure. Opening her door slightly, she spotted Net and Dennis coming up the stairs and headding for her room!

Diving back inside, she quickly climbed into her bed, predending to be asleep. "Hey, guys! Someone's come looking for us. Better hide..."
Arko - Denial O'Neal

"Right" Denial knew he should have stayed on his own. Now people were after him.

"See you around." He wasn't going to hang around and wait to be found. So he quickly crawled over to the window aand climbed out.

Denial however wasnt going to live the woman to deal with those men. He climed above the window and listened.
right... I usually have a fare here on fridays... she is a mutant even though she think I don`t know.*Dennis follows Net up and sees Geogina duck inside her apartment*looks like I saw a tail flick before the door closed...
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She stood up and walked back inside from the balcony door as she sniffed, sensing the movement in Gorginas appartment "hide" She thought to herself sensing the need. She ran over too the light switch and flicked it off with her muzzle as she went to curl up in a large dog basket she kept behind the couch as a "disguise" it was only when she lay still that she saw that she hadnt put the chain on her door, and hoped that what ever had made her want to hide wasnt going to be so bold as to come in.

Net nodded at Dennis and raised a finger to his pursed lips. He wished desperately that he could convey what he had wanted Dennis to do using field signals but there wasn't time to try a crash course. Not wanting to spook anybody inside the apartment, the next best thing to do was to motion Dennis to the other side of the doorframe and knock.

"Hello?", Net said as he rapped softly with his knuckles then leaned over to Dennis and asked in a silent whisper, 'You ever seen where this fare of yours lived? Is this her apartment?"

He knocked again, this time louder.

"Come on lady. Make this easy and open up."
*Dennis moves to the other side*no, she always exits the building. I never enter here... company policy not to leave the cab too long.*he then sighs softly*and`re acting like a Friends Of Humanity jerk by the way...
They had knocked. Strange for a possable FoH party, but Georgina wasn't taking any chances. "Just a minute! I'm in the shower!"

Silently climbing out of bed, she walked over to the door and stood to the side of the frame, feeling her heart jumpin in her chest. She forced herself to keep her breathing slow and quiet. Using one hand, she turned the door handle and opened it swiftly, lunging out with one clawed hand, stopping as her claws touched Net's throat, a snarl on her lips.

"Give me a reason not to slit your throat right now!"
It took Joe a minute before he could get his senses back. They had been testing him solidly, ever since he first came in here. Over and hour.

They had tried, at first, to just get all the answers out of him. But, he had no answers. Nothing that would give them much of anything. Rather, his own answers were small and useless. Besides, sometimes its easier to show than tell.

So, they made him do things. Easy things at first, catching objects blind, kicking at poles in the dark. Then they sent in a guard... and then two, and then four.

Now, six of them lay in a heap. He had sweat pourong over him, and he knew nothing of what had happened. It all seemed too fast when the suit was at work, pining and moving. The blows felt harmless, almost like soft whispers on the wind. They didn't get much of a chance to fight back.

"You have an incredible gift, Joe."

Joe just shook his head. No, no he didn't. He didn't have a gift at all. It was just some stupid piece of machinery that had found its way onto him, and refused to leave.

"Can I leave yet?" He talked to the open air. To no one. The room, large and spacious, was all white, and apart from a mirrored wall, had nothing else of distinction. He looked at it, knowing eyes were on him.

There was a pause, and then, "Sure thing, Joe. We're almost done here."

Joe sat on the floor, resting...

Two men were looking through that mirror, as people were working hard at computer tables and whatnot. Several devices were recording what took place in the room.


"I think we're going to have to take it off him. Piece by piece. For the life of me, I don't know how it works. It's not morphic, it doesn't use his own brain. He's not working the machine at all. It's a seperate entity."

"And how do you suppose we do that? Hell, we know more about the thing than he does. You think he'll just quietly get on the operating table so we can cut him open. He took our six of our best guys... without batting an eye. If he wanted to just walk out of here..."

"I know... I know," one of them tapped at the glass, "What if we keep it on him, use him?"

"He wouldn't go for it. He'd know something was up the minute we asked. And, if he did, how could we control him?"

"We couldn't... we still can't. All right. Let's run a few more tests..."

"No, I'm done with this. Let's just gas the chamber. Get the suit off of him, and then find someone on our team."

"All right, in a minute. I want to do another test first..."