Force-X: New Blood Rising

Joe had a hard time keeping up with the fighter, keeping up with his attitude, his strenght, eyeing a situation and just going for it. Joe was still in awe of all that had been behind the glass. The machines, the people, everything. What had happened?

He'd turned into a lab rat, some sort of experiment. They weren't going to help him at all, rather use him, and htis suit, to their own means.

In mid thought, he already was following the man, ready and determined for anything. When they rounded a corner, he felt himself pull tight against one of the walls, as if anticipating someone on the other side. He didn't understand why he did it, but somehow, in the back of his mind, he did. If someone was coming up, this would be the best position to be in.

It made sense, but it only made sense after he analyzed what he did, which was useless in a way. Still, good information to know if it comes up again.

He grabbed a gun from one of the downed guards, checking it to see if it was loaded. He had no idea how to use the gun, but he cocked it back like a pro, only feet away from this person helping him escape.

She looked intently and heard the noises next door of Gorgina leaving "man she is so trusting that cat..." She thought to her self as she puthsed the stairs down on the fire escape wanting to get a closer look at this curious stranger without being seen by Gorgina whod only want to "encourage" her to coem along. Gorgina always manged to talk Maxine into doing things she normally wouldnt do because of her out going nature.

Maxins while wolfen form climbed head first down the sairs her toenails makign light tacking sounds on the metal, it was the only sound she made as she approached the parking lot and sat behind some garbage cans and looked between them trying to hear what the stranger was saying.. to his car.

"a man who talks to his car.. now Ive seen it all" she growled soflty allowed. Mockingly but diditn get any closer
well, he did tell me to grab the stuff I needed so I guess we`re moving yeah... I just hope it isn`t a bunking deal... I doubt someone would share a room with me with my eyes...*Dennis laughs a bit at his joke*
Arko - Denial O'Neal

As tired as Denial was, he could not sleep now. Besides the noise, he just didn'tfeel comfertable.

A drop of water hit the ground just in front of Denial. "Damn no." It was spitting rain, and Denial needed to find cover quickly or he would get wet. Water doesn't hurt normal people, but Denial wasn't normal, he needed toi be dry to climb walls or otherwise he'd just slip off.

Climbing walls is how Denial is now. he depends on it more then walking on the ground with two feet. As a younger boy, he developed Arachnophobia, fear of Spiders, and now he like thing he fears.

Deniual still has Arachnophobia even though he is partly like a Spider, more so now then ever. He knows, just like a spider would that when wet, he is useless, not even his webbing would be of use. "Fuck." Denial thought as another drop hit his head.

Denial had start to crawl towards an empty shad on the roof, and hoped it was water proof.

Years ago when he was 15 and in his homeland, Denial was being chased around by some High School ballies so he climbed a wall to exscape, but he didn't make it as the wall was wet, sliding down the wall the ballies had caught up... Denial was in the hospital for 3 weeks...

Dean listened carefully as Angel gave him and updated status scan a frown crossing his face.

"Damn two more of them lingering around... This place is like a fucking motel for mutants."

He raised his watch to his mouth and flipped the open comm button, which would broadcast one-way to all comm-locators.

"Dennis, get those two packed up and their gear stowed in the car. Then the three of you meet me roof-side. Georgina, try to get ahold of your friend first if possible, if not then stick with Dennis. Yoshi... you might want to think about talking. Or at least smiling. Your face is going to freeze in that perpetual frown otherwise."

Net turned and started walking towards the fire escape intent on taking the easy way up, when he spied a large white dog staring at him from nearby.

"Easy, pups. You just go your way and I'll go mine."
*Dennis looks at the comm locator and frowns*wonder if it can be used for a phonecall`m guessing we are moving...let`s get the stuff packed then huh?
Georgina held up her bag. "All packed and ready to go, I guess" She walked out of her apartment and knocked on one of the other doors. "Maxie? It's Georgie. Can I come in?"
*Dennis sighs a bit and stretches to shake some sleep from his body*I`ll wait out here then Georgina...
Not hearing a reply, Georgina opened the door and walked inside tentativly. "Maxie? You still awake?" She stepped inside, using her advanced sense of smell to try to find her friend. Some days, she wished she didn't have such a developed sense of smell. She often became uncomfortably aware of people's odours on hot summer days...

Hmmm. Seemed Maxie wasn't in the main living room, so Georgina moved out into the hall, quickly finding an open window that led out onto the fire escape. She could tell Maxie had come this way, and in her wolf form too, most likley

Climbing out, she noticed it had started to rain, so only peered over the edge where she could see Net and a large, white dog. "Maxie"

Feeling her fur starting to get a little soaked, not to mention her clothes, Georgina climbed back in and walked back to the landing. "Maxie's not home. Let's go"
*Dennis smiles a bit at Georgina* that dude in your quarter a statue or something by the way?he hasn`t flinched a muscle since Dean and me showed....

Maxine heard Gorgina call out to her as she turned aorudn and ran away from Net and clambered expertly back up the fire escape to her appartment, not even a circus dog woudl know how to climb so expertly.

She dissapered inside. Seeign as everyone including george seemed to be leaving she grabed an emergency bag that she kept behind her door, it had another Lap top with her work on it and a change of clothes. She stood on her hind legs and pushed her purse into the bag as she picke dit up in her jaws and ran out her door to catch up with Gerogina. She Hung in her wolf form for the moment so she could sence a better handle on things.

She didint really pick up anything too bad when Net spoke to her
Georgina sighed. "I know". Ushering Toshiro out, she closed and locked her door. As she turned to followDannis out of the building, Maxie came bounding out of her own room in her wolf form, a bag in her jaws.

Smiling to herself, and thinking that Maxie was wanting to keep up the cherade of just being a big dog, Georgina tok the bag from her mouth and petted her as they walked. "Oh, Dennis, since she's here, i'd like to introduce you to M. She sort of adopted me"
*Dennis looks at Maxine and gently offers his hand for her to sniff*my, she`s a big canine isn`t she?
Georgina chuckled. "Yeah. My bet is she's at least half wolf breed. That would explain why she's so big" Georgina knelt down. "M, this is Dennis. Were going for a walk, ok?"

After it was apparent that the massive dog wasn't go to attack, Net nodded to himself and made his way to the ladder leading up the fire escape. It wasn't a long climb, but the thought of it still made him grumble to himself.

As he pulled his last leg over the cracking plaster of the rooftop, Net saw a huddled mass streaking towards an a service shed. Putting two fingers to his lips, he whistled shrilly to get the things attention.

"Hold on there son."

Net finally noticed the rain as a large drop splattered on one of his sunglass lenses.

"Rain. Bloody perfect..."

He continued to walk forward his hands held out away from his sidearms to minimize on the fear factor he supposedly put off, if his cousin Betsy was to be believed.

"I'd like to have a word with you kid."

He looked up at the dark grey clouds and then back to the stranger.

"Preferablly somewhere out of this pestistual sprinkle..."
*Dennis smiles a bit and gently kneels in front of maxine*lucky I`m not affraid of dogs then... not that I`d provoke her of course...I so hate to hurt any animal.
Arko - Denial O'Neal

"I do not want trouble, so I surggest you leave, sir." Denil answered the man as he looked for a dark cornor.

Denial had seen enough strangers for one day and wanted to relax and get some sleep before he had to move again.

Andrew moved swiftly up the hall with the kid following closely behind. They had only encountered one other person, and he was put town with a touch from his stunner.

Naturally, it didn't last.

The halls reverberated with a sudden alarm claxon. Almost immeadiatly after, shouts and the sounds of many booted feet were thundering down the hall.

"Well, shit."

Andrew threw his shoulder against the nearest door, forcing it open. Both men ran inside and Andrew closed it behind them. The room was empty and seemed to be a break room. He imeadiatly tipped a vending machine over, blocking the door and sending small, packaged goodies scattering over the floor. Joe caught on, shoving a table against the door as well. Then a TV was added to the pile, a few chairs, and then it hit...

There was only one door, and now there were not so friendly people pounding on the other side of it.

Andrew finished shoving a Pepsi machine against the pile and sighed, finally picking up a package of M&M's from the floor and tossing them to the kid.

"So, what's your name anyway?"
"Joe," He said, sitting down, nearly exhausted. He tried to catch his breath, but all of this exercise, extrutiating cramps clawed their way up his legs. He didn't think he could walk at all, if it were for a funny tingling feeling from the wires? Were they relaxing his muscles, making him able to cope with the pain?

This suit kept surprising him every few minutes.

"My name's Joe. I just went for a doctor's appointment. Next thing I know... I'm here. No explanation... Where is here anyway?"

He hadn't seen much from the back of the truck, rather a few security checks which made him imagine this was a highly guarded military base.

"Who are you? You certainly don't act like you're one of them. Did they kidnap you too?"

Maxine glared at Georgina for her "haldf breed" Hment as she put ther bag down out of her jaws and played one of her "human doggy pet" tricks and offered Dennis "paw"

"Well we agree on one thing at least kid. I don't want to cause any trouble. Now, as for that leaving thing...?" Net shook his head, sending small droplet falling from his hair, "I'm afraid I can't do that. Not until you hear what I have to say."

Net sized the kid up as he was looking around for someplace to slink off to. He let him walk a few steps before speaking again.

"Just how long do you plan to keep hiding? How many places have you tried, only to be chased off? It doesn't have to be that way. It damn sure can get worse though. You can trust me on that, I've seen it."

He had too. Too many times. Los Angeles. New York. St. Louis. Hammer Bay. He winced when the images of the ravaged capital of Genosha flashed through his memory.

"One day you are going to back so deep into a corner, your not going to ba able to do anything else but fight back. Alot of people want to either hurt you, kill you or use you because of what you are. Stop running, kid. Let me help you. Help me stand and fight back. There's others downstairs that know exactly what it is to be a mutant. Together, we can do what's right and protect each other. Out here on your own, the odds aren't good."

He stood watching the shadowed back of the kid.

"What do you say?"
Georgina hugged Maxie, quietly whispering into her ear to follow her lead. Standing up, she gathered the bags and exhaled loudly. "Alright, now since we're all here, let's get moving, huh?"

She started to lead the other two down the stairs to th ground floor, keeping up with Maxie who always seemed to go faster down stairs than was safe.

As soon as they all were assembled, and certain that no-one could see them gathered together, Georgina opened the door and stepped outside into the drizzle
Arko - Denial O'Neal

"And I guess you want me to go with you so you can have me do what you want." Denial turned partly and looked at the man over his solder. "Fat chance."

"I know all to well how so called groups of 'mutant-friends" actually use us, heh. I wont fall for you tricks, mate." Denial looked back to a corner. "Perfect place to sleep.

"I prefer my way of life, I don't think you have any idea of how to look after me, and besides, I like having no one know I excist."

"Who are you? You certainly don't act like you're one of them. Did they kidnap you too?"

Andrew settled on the floor across from Joe.

"Long story. I saw what was happening to you and decided to do something about it. Trust me, you don't want to go down the road they were going to make you go down."

His eyes were scanning the room, inch by inch as he tried to think of a way out.

"I'm really not sure where we are. It's more like a warehouse complex than a military base. These guys are more like private guards than military."

Both men fell to the floor as gunfire chattered outside the door. The TV screen and Pepsi machine shattered as bullets zipped through them and over the heads of the two within.

"And they're notably touchy." Andrew finished.

His eyes crossed over the celing, coming to rest on a vent hood about 12 feet above the floor.

"Do you think you can reach that?" he said, motioning towards the vent.