
A device is a seduction into some or other (usually recurring) corrupt practice.

What is a wink?
A stud is an innocent member of the public who has been lured into a studio to audition for hard core porn.

What is an audition?
What are studs?

Studs are small, typically metallic fasteners pounded into softer material. They may also not uncommonly be used as decoration.

They can also hold the roof down, pull the panties down, or other tasks.

Auditions, on the other hand, are customized soundtracks, often for porn. Is she saying ‘daddy’ or ‘naughty’?

So, what are tasks?
A task is a bondage barrel. The person confined within, usually with vibrating accessories, is unable to move in the confined space; advanced models have a tap for removing urine.

What is a tap?
So, what are tasks?

Tasks is a port-manteau for euphemistic titillating requests (t-asks), such as suggesting that a partner "tickle my fancy" (the fancy, of course, is located twixt navel and knee), or requesting a demonstration of "mouth music." This request may, however, be misinterpreted by an Irish or Scottish person, who may proceed into a protracted session of lilting.

A tap is a device for increasing the flow of lubricating fluids during intercourse. I may involve manual or oral manipulation.

What is twixt?
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What is twixt?

Twixt is another portmanteau, in this case spinning off "twisted expedient tortures". These are the jury rigged BDSM toys for those without access to professional gear for whatever reason(s)

The resultant has formed its own fetish within society where paperclips can trigger whimpering, WD-40 causing sexual arrousal, and the sound of duct tape pealing off the roll can lead to unexpected orgasm.

So, what *are* portmanteau ?
So, what *are* portmanteau ?

Portmanteau comes from the French for "carrying the man to water." It refers to the point in a gentleman's session with a Dominatrix when her treatment has brought him to tears and orgasm simultaneously. If she succeeds more than once, she gains status as une Maitresse des Portmanteaux."

What is French?
French is exploratory sex between friends, i.e., out of curiosity rather than passion. "Me an' El were Frenching for a year before we both fell for the same girl."

What's a girl?
GIRLs are Genitals I’d Readily Lick, someone the speaker/writer lusts to give oral sex to.

So, what’s oral?

Oral refers to a woman's option in sex partners, as in the sentence "I don't care who I fuck, either you orAl." "Al" is a catch-all name simply meaning "any other guy."

What is option?
Depression is what follows penetration, i.e., a withdrawal, usually in anticipation of repetition.

What is penetration?
Ink is an octopus kink involving tentacles and awkward positions.

What is an octopus?
What is an octopus?

a] Any eight-tailed striking implement, especially if made of a stretchy material like rubber. b] Mffffffff group sex c] an extreme extension of hickeys covering significant portions of the skin surface

What's eight?
Eight, eight, the burning eight,
'twixt Sunday, Monday, lies a day
so dark it will devastate...

What is a misquote?
What is a misquote?

"Misquote" is a variant modern spelling of the older English “Miss Quoits.” It refers to a maiden (“Miss”) leaping upon a supine man in order to land her “ring” (quoit) on the man’s erect “peg.”

What is supine?
What's a spanking?

"Spanking" is a role in the 18th century game of "Crossing the Bridge," played by the nobility of England on their vast country estates. The players would assemble with the young ladies on one bank of a stream and their swains on the other, with a bridge between them. The men would draw straws, and the man with the longest straw would command the bridge. For a lady to cross to meet her swain, she would have to perform whatever sexual act the ruler of the bridge demanded. His position was called the "Span-King." It could also be played the other way 'round, with one of the ladies becoming the "Span-Queen."

What is a swain?
Spanking, short for Spanish King, is a chair shaped like a throne but with an integrated anal dildo, and the sitter's legs are bound open at a right angle.

lol. Swats are insects whose painful bites are said bizarrely to arouse.

What is an angle?
Spanking, short for Spanish King, is a chair shaped like a throne but with an integrated anal dildo, and the sitter's legs are bound open at a right angle.

lol. Swats are insects whose painful bites are said bizarrely to arouse.

We keep colliding! Amazing how often we're doing that...

What is an angle?

Angles are the bent and/or kinky form of angelic messengers. Usually distinguishable by the paraphernalia of their particular fetish or fetishes. Stealth angles are also suspected to exist that have fetishes which do not have evident tells.

What are messengers?
Messengers are software glitches that make smartphones go ping.

What's a ping?