Hey All

Oh my gosh, what is this I see?

My very first thread posted way back when ?

Well I can honestly say I've had some ups and downs, but made quite a few friends.

Two things people shouldn't talk about in public is religion and politics, each equally volatile and likely to cause some degree of offense. Of course that aside I don't think anyone should be afraid of discussing history and to some a large extent history is based on religion and changes in social structure the two are so closely linked. Also I think it is good sometimes to highlight the negative side to things.

Personally - as I inflame practically everyone on LIT once again, I think Christianity is the most obscene example of manipulation of people and nations of all time.

In these days where Islam is viewed as a militant religion, (I am not a Muslim either by the way), lets have a look at those glorious crusades of Richard the Lionheart. The crusades actually were just an excuse not to fight in Europe, and of course having run out of food, what did the galant shiny Christian Soldiers do? Why they cannabalized their enemy, hmmmmmmmm very righteous and Christian. Perhaps they misunderstood the meaning of the Last Supper, or then again perhaps they just twisted the meaning to suit their needs.

How many people died in the Holocaust during the 2nd world war? A lot. But how many times MORE have died because of the perscutions and inquistions of the Catholic Church over the past 2000 years? Perhaps we should call the Pope to stand before a tribunal in Nuremburg.

The US Cavalry killed a lot of Native indians, but not nearly as many as the small pox ridden blankets regimentally and knowingly passed out as 'Christian Gifts' by the Christian Missionaries to the tribes. My how generous.

So many people criticized Mao for the public burning of books, but how many classical works were destroyed or locked away from public view by the Catholic Church in the name of Christianity?

How much of the 'Bible' is the censored information permitted to be translated from original text by a few controlled scholars. When you swear an oath on the book, how can you be sure you are not swearing on a Papal best seller instead of a revered theological document.?

As a citzen you are entitled to see any information that is held on record about you, but you can't see these vaulted documents stored away in the vatican, slowly decaying until all their truth is lost. Is that right? Are you happy to have a religion based on the selective editing of a few powerful people who wanted to control the masses.

Lets look at the word Religion - what does it mean to you.

Some may see it as a benign thing something silly, recalling HAVING to go to church on Sunday and if you didn't you had better have a good excuse.

And there it is? Religion! At the exclusion of all other consideration you must do what the good book says is right. Pray at this time, fast at this time, rigid intractable, nothing more than a set of rules and dogma.

And how does that differ from Spirituality. Massively, spirituality is a sense of being, a quest for knowledge, for self improvement and helping our fellow man. Not some stuffy psalm or sermon, intractable, non consecutor.

The one that really make me smile is this Cults. Take Wicca for example, thats so misunderstood. Is it Celtic?, well sort of, loosely, really its Romano-Celt kind of a way at the time of passifying the pagans that didn't want to adopt Christianity. Brigitte or Brigida, well the good old Romans decided she really was a worker for the RC Faith, why not make her a Saint that'll please peasants. So many Pagan Saints in Christainty do I see a hypocrisy? No not really it is just how it is. Christian Religion wasn't about God and Worship, it was about controlling people and Power in the name of God BIG DIFFERENCE!

It wasn't until the Christian Church saw the break in the form of Protestant and Lutherian sects that any real 'spiritually and compassion' entered the faith.

There are always two sides to a coin, people are free to choose heads or tails but they need to be aware of both sides. Unfortunately not enought people question or demand answers and are happy to follow like sheep. 'I am the Shepard of Men', how very appropriate. Where's the wolf hiding?

Well that was fun, you don't have to agree with any of what I have said but perhaps it might get a few people thinking. Should we accept everything we are told without question? I think in these times of better education and access to information everyone has the obligation to question the things we are told are the 'truth'.

Stirring the pot a wee bit more ;)

" Two things people shouldn't talk about in public is religion and politics, each equally volatile and likely to cause some degree of offense. Of course that aside I don't think anyone should be afraid of discussing history and to some a large extent history is based on religion and changes in social structure the two are so closely linked. Also I think it is good sometimes to highlight the negative side to things. "

Actually it is more that two things many people are afraid to talk about in public are religion and politics. Largely due to lack of knowledge of what their own specific faiths and groups have done wrongly unto others due to propaganda. With conditioning of both the above creating fear among the masses for multiple upon multiple generations. I Fully agree upon what you say of history and religion, especially in the negatives as many faiths easily and quickly point the fingers at what they dont understand, breeding intolerance.

" Personally - as I inflame practically everyone on LIT once again, I think Christianity is the most obscene example of manipulation of people and nations of all time. "

Cant say I argue with you in that in the least, especially with rampant hypocricies through out all of christianity. Though there are some good points still left in it from its pagan beginnings where all earthly faiths started. Christianity has left its original beginnings going from what is truly matters of the spirit to a material world organization. But of course not to many christians know that, as this knowldege is suppressed grandly.

" In these days where Islam is viewed as a militant religion, (I am not a Muslim either by the way), lets have a look at those glorious crusades of Richard the Lionheart. The crusades actually were just an excuse not to fight in Europe, and of course having run out of food, what did the galant shiny Christian Soldiers do? Why they cannabalized their enemy, hmmmmmmmm very righteous and Christian. Perhaps they misunderstood the meaning of the Last Supper, or then again perhaps they just twisted the meaning to suit their needs. "

Islam isnt a militant religion as you say to and actually it chooses peace first then to fight in original teachings. Mohammed its inceptor learned from many faiths and liked christianity greatly. Thus taking most of what he taught from it in to his teachings and enlightenments. What became their holy book of Qaran wasnt actually began till after his death with excerpts from his teachings with much added and changed later. Same as with the bible where man continually rewrote it over and over again. During the crusades to point out a positive light were two different knights templar of therein whose memoirs to are worth reading. Amalric and Baldwin were their names. They were initially zealots all pumped up for christianity to destroy the infidel. Then came to learn later that the indfidel was just as they were.. people caught up in a chaos that didnt need to be.

" How many people died in the Holocaust during the 2nd world war? A lot. But how many times MORE have died because of the perscutions and inquistions of the Catholic Church over the past 2000 years? Perhaps we should call the Pope to stand before a tribunal in Nuremburg. "

My feelings exactly.. but most are to brainwashed with extensive propoganda of dogma that has been written to an earthly churches validations of itself to the masses. Yet even within these texts that remain of holy books so altered, still are tales of those whom stood up for good and right. Yet when many of their own does evil unto a small innocent child it is attempted to be played down and minimal actions offered from the church as it truly is.. merely an institution. Even in north america where is vaunted of peoples rights and freedoms.

" The US Cavalry killed a lot of Native indians, but not nearly as many as the small pox ridden blankets regimentally and knowingly passed out as 'Christian Gifts' by the Christian Missionaries to the tribes. My how generous. "

Also to native children had this happen all over the world where were ripped from there homes and family to be christianized. Where mental, physical and sexual abuses were rampant causing trauma amongs indigenous peoples all over the world even to present day. Not only amongst these considered primitive by our western societal standards, but to amongst our very own 'civilized' nations.

" So many people criticized Mao for the public burning of books, but how many classical works were destroyed or locked away from public view by the Catholic Church in the name of Christianity? "

No one has a count of that due to the fears instilled by political and religious marriages of rules in those dark days. Where money could buy nearly every thing, even divine status.. so it was then thought.

" How much of the 'Bible' is the censored information permitted to be translated from original text by a few controlled scholars. When you swear an oath on the book, how can you be sure you are not swearing on a Papal best seller instead of a revered theological document.? "

King James version of bible which many modern christian faiths read is on its 13th version of printing of so far known history. Victors rewrite history as is seen all over the world wherein much has been altered to what clergy and royalty wished to be. Wherein to womens rights amongst so many once tolerant practices of christianity and its pagan beginnings have been sought to be stomped out. For myself when doing legal matters whether personal or for my business I refuse to swear upon the bible. I swear upon my love for the worlds children.

" As a citzen you are entitled to see any information that is held on record about you, but you can't see these vaulted documents stored away in the vatican, slowly decaying until all their truth is lost. Is that right? Are you happy to have a religion based on the selective editing of a few powerful people who wanted to control the masses. "

The bottom line on that is material matters and the control you mentioned. And as far as any whom would debate material matters of religion then check on how well the catholic church does on stock market investments. As well look at the old testament despises symbolism and in the new testament Jesus is said to have really got riled up at priests in that one temple. Yet today he is hung on a cross as a symbol in places similiar that brought him greatest rage.. churches. When he taught what was his message as a man and prophet it is to shown was done out doors in natures own.

" Lets look at the word Religion - what does it mean to you. "

" Some may see it as a benign thing something silly, recalling HAVING to go to church on Sunday and if you didn't you had better have a good excuse. "

Religion is what man took to earthly matters from beginning true spirituality. Where once was learned from spirit of self and others what was right, wrong in the world and needed to be done. Now a days these religions compete with each other wildly yet those whom still retain original spiritual values still exist and will bring about the truth known to very few. Which ironically is stated in the bible and is one of the few truths left therein.. where tis said 'the meek shalt inherit the earth'.

" And there it is? Religion! At the exclusion of all other consideration you must do what the good book says is right. Pray at this time, fast at this time, rigid intractable, nothing more than a set of rules and dogma. "

There are some good points in what remains of the original bible but regretably it is has been used as a tool for control of masses. Remaining as one of the puzzle pieces to what really is truth where christianity has been largely steered away from since its gentle beginnings. There is also five missing chapters of the bible missing which are locked in vatican vaults. Therein are matters which truly show of spirituality and that woman are equal and not meant to be suppressed by men.

" And how does that differ from Spirituality. Massively, spirituality is a sense of being, a quest for knowledge, for self improvement and helping our fellow man. Not some stuffy psalm or sermon, intractable, non consecutor. "

Precisely right, no church nor person of earth can guarantee ones ascension to any heaven. Karma of what we do upon this earth with love and good unto self with others ultimately decides the next level we are to attain.

" The one that really make me smile is this Cults. Take Wicca for example, thats so misunderstood. Is it Celtic?, well sort of, loosely, really its Romano-Celt kind of a way at the time of passifying the pagans that didn't want to adopt Christianity. Brigitte or Brigida, well the good old Romans decided she really was a worker for the RC Faith, why not make her a Saint that'll please peasants. So many Pagan Saints in Christainty do I see a hypocrisy? No not really it is just how it is. Christian Religion wasn't about God and Worship, it was about controlling people and Power in the name of God BIG DIFFERENCE! "

Christianity was once considered a cult to.. an underground one in every sense of the word as they once met in the catacombs underneath Rome. Where was attractive for women to join as status for the common lady could only be gained if married rich or became one of the six vestal virgins guarding the sacred flame. However that changed with advent of medieval period where women in society became regarded as property of men by laws writ of royalty and religion. So ironic for so many to think that womens lib is a civilized advancement when actually we are over a millenium behind in protecting womens rights. Women are equals to men and not from a rib bone as patriarchal mythology espouses in the bible.

" It wasn't until the Christian Church saw the break in the form of Protestant and Lutherian sects that any real 'spiritually and compassion' entered the faith. "

Very well said and wrote, yet regretably when this break occured still to much had been corrupted in the bible for these new faiths to truly know and purvey spirituality in the purest.

" There are always two sides to a coin, people are free to choose heads or tails but they need to be aware of both sides. Unfortunately not enought people question or demand answers and are happy to follow like sheep. 'I am the Shepard of Men', how very appropriate. Where's the wolf hiding? "

Agree fully on the two sides to a coin statement and would elaborate using our most spoken of topic. As there is still a lot of good in christianity amongst many earthly religions. Yet true spirituality has been for the most pushed aside for earthly riches, gains and control. Where to understand christianity it now is in a position where tolerance and learning what it lost must come from those whom once it sought to destroy.. true spiritualists.

" Well that was fun, you don't have to agree with any of what I have said but perhaps it might get a few people thinking. Should we accept everything we are told without question? I think in these times of better education and access to information everyone has the obligation to question the things we are told are the 'truth'. "

Actually it was quite fun and compliment you upon your courageous views. Not enough seek truth and even fewer truly speak their heart in matters that they fear to tread in. Its largely due to our societal specializations where when a problem occurs people call an expert. To the masses religious figures are considered the experts and are unquestioned largely. Thus the blind leading the blind comment is full truth in this and many areas. Its those in our worlds history whom chose to discover, learn and really stand for what matters that really earned fulfillment. Not just in the physical and mental, but also in what is a part of us each as an individual, the spiritual as we all have a spirit.

~ All faiths have pros and cons, but the truth still is the truth ~

May always your heart with spirit e'er be bright in the light :)

( wandering old posts and fixing typos, thus this dates editing )
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The Alpha - Omega

Snork Maiden said:
Just l found this cool site ! and this seemed like a good place to find new pen pals.

Laters S.M

Wolf Song, I don't pay enough attention to this forum, I admit the past few months have been filled with tremendous Highs and devastating Lows. Our paths have crossed but only a few times, each has been pleasant and filled with enjoyment. Debating is a joy when people understand the merit of debate as well as you.

I always try to stay impartial to the point of trying not to offend, I hope that has been apparent, but it is not possible to debate from the fence you have to ultimately have your own views some which people may agree with and some which people don't. Real truths are often hidden to protect the niave and ignorant, it is the responsibilty of the informed to impart such information in a away that does not distort the truth but presents it in a palatable form.

So thankyou once again.

To anyone else that stumbles across this thread and post, or is perhaps intriqued by the sad and pathetic creature that posts under the nom de plume Snork Maiden, this was my very first thread on Lit, posted way back in January of this year. I can't even remember how I came to find this place but I remember why I posted. I had a dream, or a desire is probably better, to do something creative, to do some thing I would enjoy and be proud of. I posted here and there, gaining confidence, meeting people and had a good time. I fell into the trap of forgetting this isn't the real world but like the real world I became attached to it, too much so.

They say a friend is one who can stand by you whatever, the mark of a true friend. I caution people who think that cyber clubs are 'Real' they aren't and the majority of friendships you think are real are nothing more than the 'fair weather variety' you can find anywhere in the real world.

As I mentioned the reason for coming to LIT was to do something creative, but in the past few months I have realised there is nothing here for me personally to inspire such creativity. Where I expected positive feeling I found negative, when I thought I was doing ok I was just digging myself deeper into depression.

It seems only relevant that my last post should be here, in the relative obscurity of the place I began. In many ways this short thread represents a synopsis of my time here from the very first words of welcome to the things I enjoyed most, debating, to my final words of leaving.

Literotica can be many things to many people, but I think the real world has so much more to offer and in the end it is the place where true friendships and happiness are to be found.

Love to you ALL

Snork Maiden

I couldn't let this thread die without a reply.

Each of us comes to Lit for our own reasons, and each of us leaves Lit for our own reasons.
Real or not, you have blessed many here with your presence.
We've enjoyed your company and we bid you adieu on your life's journey. If you decide to come back, we will be here for you.

Thank you for the time you've spent among us.

Re: The Alpha - Omega

Snork Maiden said:

Wolf Song, I don't pay enough attention to this forum, I admit the past few months have been filled with tremendous Highs and devastating Lows. Our paths have crossed but only a few times, each has been pleasant and filled with enjoyment. Debating is a joy when people understand the merit of debate as well as you.

I always try to stay impartial to the point of trying not to offend, I hope that has been apparent, but it is not possible to debate from the fence you have to ultimately have your own views some which people may agree with and some which people don't. Real truths are often hidden to protect the niave and ignorant, it is the responsibilty of the informed to impart such information in a away that does not distort the truth but presents it in a palatable form.

So thankyou once again.

To anyone else that stumbles across this thread and post, or is perhaps intriqued by the sad and pathetic creature that posts under the nom de plume Snork Maiden, this was my very first thread on Lit, posted way back in January of this year. I can't even remember how I came to find this place but I remember why I posted. I had a dream, or a desire is probably better, to do something creative, to do some thing I would enjoy and be proud of. I posted here and there, gaining confidence, meeting people and had a good time. I fell into the trap of forgetting this isn't the real world but like the real world I became attached to it, too much so.

They say a friend is one who can stand by you whatever, the mark of a true friend. I caution people who think that cyber clubs are 'Real' they aren't and the majority of friendships you think are real are nothing more than the 'fair weather variety' you can find anywhere in the real world.

As I mentioned the reason for coming to LIT was to do something creative, but in the past few months I have realised there is nothing here for me personally to inspire such creativity. Where I expected positive feeling I found negative, when I thought I was doing ok I was just digging myself deeper into depression.

It seems only relevant that my last post should be here, in the relative obscurity of the place I began. In many ways this short thread represents a synopsis of my time here from the very first words of welcome to the things I enjoyed most, debating, to my final words of leaving.

Literotica can be many things to many people, but I think the real world has so much more to offer and in the end it is the place where true friendships and happiness are to be found.

Love to you ALL


Your most welcome Snork, you have some one here whom respects and regards you as a friend, even if our paths in this life dont cross again. Which of course could lead to a friendship debate all its own, which I will leave alone. Not out of condescension nor in gentlemanly fashion.. but in sincerity of wishing you and all those dear in your golden heart the best in love and life.

PS thank you for your exempliary courtesy, always appreciated

Hearts blessings with ( warm smile, hug n wave ) :)
Wandering about reading past posts..

.. and noticed some ones av had changed when read the ones herein. It is good to see that you have returned and welcome back Snork.

Friendship is many things, from a stranger whom is instantly or considered potential, to the concept of best friend. Whether temporary or long term the friendships we make in life. In times with those regarded specially such, so much can be wonderfully shared.

Though every one is an individual and thusly has their own views of friendship. As individuals we need breaks or make decisions that lead to us changing our minds for various reasons. Am glad to see that you chose to return to so many whom delight and challenge you as a person.

Hearts blessings.. and again, welcome back Snork :)
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Bump for a friend. Hope alls doing well for you and family Snork.
Hey Henry <BIG HUGS> that's so sweet of you :)

I miss seeing you on the boards and sharing cups of cyber coffee, I hope things are going well for you 'downunder'.

Things are wonderful here at home. Cathy is doing fantastic, she has gained 4lb in almost 8 weeks.

Stop by and see CG if you get a chance :) I know he misses chatting with you too! as I am sure Jaen, Faith and everyone else that used to hang out do too.

Good to hear alls going well for you Snork.

Alls going well for me ty.

I will be around if you want to chat.
:), I am so pleased to hear that you are ok. You seemed a bit down and distant but I know how that feels too, so I understand.

I would love to chat - My ICQ app died and screwed up big time but I do have MSN Messenger which seems to be pretty stable.

I have to go for now as it is nearly 1.00am but I will look out for you and I'll PM you my MSN email.

Snork:rose: :kiss:
Sleep well and take care of yourself and family Snork.

:kiss: :rose: