🫧Chloe's Curiosities Captivated🫦

Well, there is something about the hand that usually wins this contest. But sometimes my nerves fail me and I can't get my hands to cooperate, so I have a few options. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to me.

I love the sound and stripes a leather belt produces.
I like a riding crop a lot - it gives the ability to be more precise with location, reddens the skin nicely, and makes a lovely snapping sound.
My favorite though, is a wooden paddle, especially with holes in it. The proper placement can make a lovely sound, the holes make an aesthetically pleasing visual result, and it allows me to transfer more force over a wider area.

i find this answer interesting, and i dont mean to call you out or accuse you of anything with this reply. your answer comments on your pleasure and the things you enjoy as the giver. i am the exact opposite and focus almost solely on my partners experience. of course i get pleasure out of the act, but the majority for me is out of my partners pleasure and ability to slide into subspace. i just found this distinction interesting.

i find this answer interesting, and i dont mean to call you out or accuse you of anything with this reply. your answer comments on your pleasure and the things you enjoy as the giver. i am the exact opposite and focus almost solely on my partners experience. of course i get pleasure out of the act, but the majority for me is out of my partners pleasure and ability to slide into subspace. i just found this distinction interesting.
It's a fair question, I just answered with what I enjoy using the most with the assumption the recipient liked all things equally. It was an answer as to what I like as the giver, my partner's preferences notwithstanding. Basically, assuming my partner said, "I literally do not care, pick whatever you want, no limits."

Now, as I continue to get to know MLT and her preferences, barehand wins (but Chloe restricted the answer), followed by the riding crop. I doubt we'll ever use a belt. A wooden paddle, if used, will likely not be used to its "full potential." And these are all completely fine by me. I won't feel I'm "missing" anything by sticking with what my partner enjoys.

I'm in the same camp as you, even as the Dominant, my pleasure is almost exclusively derived from the pleasure of MLT. And I'd obviously never use an impact tool without my partner's enthusiastic consent. Does that make sense?
It's a fair question, I just answered with what I enjoy using the most with the assumption the recipient liked all things equally. It was an answer as to what I like as the giver, my partner's preferences notwithstanding. Basically, assuming my partner said, "I literally do not care, pick whatever you want, no limits."

Now, as I continue to get to know MLT and her preferences, barehand wins (but Chloe restricted the answer), followed by the riding crop. I doubt we'll ever use a belt. A wooden paddle, if used, will likely not be used to its "full potential." And these are all completely fine by me. I won't feel I'm "missing" anything by sticking with what my partner enjoys.

I'm in the same camp as you, even as the Dominant, my pleasure is almost exclusively derived from the pleasure of MLT. And I'd obviously never use an impact tool without my partner's enthusiastic consent. Does that make sense?
absolutely, yeah, thats why i qualified my post the way that i did
The Day That I Want...

Let me greet you with the eagerness of a pet waiting for their human, showing each other the adoration we have for one another after whatever time it was that was apart.

Pick me up and push me against the wall as you greet me with all the fervor of two souls that have been parted for eternity, even if it's only been a few hours. Grab me with a grip so firm, I'll feel it even when your hands explore elsewhere.

Toss me over your shoulder, smacking my backside playfully on the way to the bedroom. Set me back down over your lap, giving me the proper spankings to color my skin and raise my arousal. Strip me down, slowly. Placing me back on the floor, pushing me down to my knees.

Let me show you how much you mean to me from my favorite place of worship. And then, when you lose all patience, pull me up by my hair and bend me over the bed. Sheathe yourself inside me, and don't be gentle. Lose yourself in me, and make my mind lost to yours.

Then, just hold me. Let us catch our breaths in tender touches and caring embraces. Make sure I know that I am safe in your arms, just as you are safe in mine.

Sounds perfect to me

Someone (*cough* @UnquietDreams *cough*) has put spankings on my mind today. So, I thought, instead of doing a full post myself about them (for now...) I would ask, a question about spankings.

What is everyone's favorite tool used for spankings? And, I'm going to ask that hands be taken out of your answer for now, as we all know those are the best anyway 😝

Alright, we actually had a few fun responses to this! I realize, I should probably answer too 🤭

Since I ruled out hands as an answer, I will skip the most obvious and best option. However, only had the hand. So, everything I'm about to say is in dreamy theory.

A kitchen utensil, like a wooden spoon or spatula, has a broad enough surface to give a good swat without being too harsh.

A riding crop seems to have quite a few advantages. Precision is one of those. I think if spankings are happening with a riding crop, the legs should be spread in a way that spankings could be delivered to the clit as well..

In the same vein as @morelikeasong's musing, I don't know if a flogger counts as a spank when used. However, there are definitely some I've seen in use that make my sensory side all curious and tingly. It seems the least painful of the three I've mentioned as well. So, a more gentle play where you just want a touch of your BDSM seems like where this would fit nicely.
Alright, we actually had a few fun responses to this! I realize, I should probably answer too 🤭

Since I ruled out hands as an answer, I will skip the most obvious and best option. However, only had the hand. So, everything I'm about to say is in dreamy theory.

A kitchen utensil, like a wooden spoon or spatula, has a broad enough surface to give a good swat without being too harsh.

A riding crop seems to have quite a few advantages. Precision is one of those. I think if spankings are happening with a riding crop, the legs should be spread in a way that spankings could be delivered to the clit as well..

In the same vein as @morelikeasong's musing, I don't know if a flogger counts as a spank when used. However, there are definitely some I've seen in use that make my sensory side all curious and tingly. It seems the least painful of the three I've mentioned as well. So, a more gentle play where you just want a touch of your BDSM seems like where this would fit nicely.
I want to say that a riding crop used to sound too intense for my taste … I was probably picturing the lady cop from “Police Academy” … you know the one.

But I’ve learned that it is great for teasing … tracing her body … it is beautiful to watch it go along her curves.

My favorite because it is versatile. And yes … it should be used on her pussy. 😈

I’ve never used a flogger but I like its potential

Edit: because “in her pussy” and “on her pussy” are two different things.
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Its been my experience that a wooden kitchen spoon stings and leaves more significant welts than a belt or a paddle unless the wielder is just trying to be brutal.

Riding crops and floggers are good if they just want that little "sting"...
These are good points. I'm sure the force with which one brings down the wooden kitchen spoon makes a difference too. Doesn't need to be harsh, can be if that's the play you're looking for.
I want to say that a riding crop used to sound too intense for my taste … I was probably picturing the lady cop from “Police Academy” … you know the one.

But I’ve learned that it is great for teasing … tracing her body … it is beautiful to watch it go along her curves.

My favorite because it is versatile. And yes … it should be used in her pussy. 😈
Yes! The tracing of the body and curves! Even swatting it or tapping it on other sensitive areas. It just has so much potential for sensory and punishing and pleasure-filled fun!
I’ve never used a flogger but I like its potential
I have two floggers one suede gifted to me at Burning Man it’s more for just a tease
But my heavy red leather one is more for impact
I agree with the crop
More control
Oh, I could see how suede versus heavy leather would have those differences in play. Do you ever swap their uses? Suede for impact and heavy leather for tease? I'm just curious if the difference in material for them creates a subtle or more drastic difference in experience
The Day That I Want...

Let me greet you with the eagerness of a pet waiting for their human, showing each other the adoration we have for one another after whatever time it was that was apart.

Pick me up and push me against the wall as you greet me with all the fervor of two souls that have been parted for eternity, even if it's only been a few hours. Grab me with a grip so firm, I'll feel it even when your hands explore elsewhere.

Toss me over your shoulder, smacking my backside playfully on the way to the bedroom. Set me back down over your lap, giving me the proper spankings to color my skin and raise my arousal. Strip me down, slowly. Placing me back on the floor, pushing me down to my knees.

Let me show you how much you mean to me from my favorite place of worship. And then, when you lose all patience, pull me up by my hair and bend me over the bed. Sheathe yourself inside me, and don't be gentle. Lose yourself in me, and make my mind lost to yours.

Then, just hold me. Let us catch our breaths in tender touches and caring embraces. Make sure I know that I am safe in your arms, just as you are safe in mine.

Yay, links work
I haven't had time to be on Lit much lately, but I always check in on this thread to read the very interesting conversations and perspectives shared here. I often have wished I had enough time to engage, so I may comment on older topics if Chloé doesn't mind as I can and the spirit moves me.

But for now... spankings. Can I just first say, yes please. Big fan. Love the intimacy, the control, the way it reinforces my submissive sexual nature and the way the pain washes my brain clean of all kinds of anxiety and unhealthy thinking/ distractions. I love the way the pain makes me extra aroused and how the heat of my reddened ass enhances sex. I love how the pain and heat stays with me afterwards - sometimes for days - reminding me who I belong to and it cycles my arousal again and again.

This image really grabbed me today. While the topic here has been implements (other than hand), I find positioning and physical context to be a huge part of the spanking experience. This kind of position with the skin on stretch causes the pain of spanking to be quite different (usually more intense) than an otk position. I have a lot of other thoughts about this image, but I'll leave it there for now.

In terms of implements other than hands...
I enjoy crops and spoons a lot. Someday I really want a soft flogger used on me. A girl can dream.
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I haven't had time to be on Lit much lately, but I also check in on this thread to read the very interesting conversations and perspectives shared here. I often have wished I had enough time to engage, so I may comment on older topics if Chloé doesn't mind as I can and the spirit moves me.

But for now... spankings. Can I just first say, yes please. Big fan. Love the intimacy, the control, the way it reinforces my submissive sexual nature and the way the pain washes my brain clean of all kinds of anxiety and unhealthy thinking/ distractions. I love the way the pain makes me extra aroused and how the heat of my reddened ass enhances sex. I love how the pain and heat stays with me afterwards - sometimes for days - reminding me who I belong to and it cycles my arousal again and again.

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This image really grabbed me today. While the topic here has been implements (other than hand), I find positioning and physical context to be a huge part of the spanking experience. This kind of position with the skin on stretch causes the pain of spanking to be quite different (usually more intense) than an otk position. I have a lot of other thoughts about this image, but I'll leave it there for now.

In terms of implements other than hands...
I enjoy crops and spoons a lot. Someday I really want a soft flogger used on me. A girl can dream.
Try a suede one
I often have wished I had enough time to engage, so I may comment on older topics if Chloé doesn't mind as I can and the spirit moves me.
I've missed you 🥰 I love that when you check in on the threads, you stop by this one 🙃 I love your input, and of course may do so on any topic we've discussed as it calls to you ❤️
Can I just first say, yes please. Big fan. Love the intimacy, the control, the way it reinforces my submissive sexual nature and the way the pain washes my brain clean of all kinds of anxiety and unhealthy thinking/ distractions.
Yes!!! All of this!!! Sometimes, when I'm spiraling or in my head, the quickest way I've been brought out is through this act, or even just the suggestion of it. It's pavlovian the way my subby side immediately begins to respond.
I find positioning and physical context to be a huge part of the spanking experience
I will do a part two of spankings at some point covering this very topic because it's SO TRUE! Positioning is such a huge part!!! And I love how you described the feeling of that image 😍